Anne Corbet
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 22nd September
Probate Date: 8th November 1551
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/34
The original document is in the custody of the National
See also: Robert
Corbett's will, Roger Corbet's will, Gladley
Manor and Linslade Manor
In the name of god the father the sone and the holye
goste thre p[er]sones and one god / I Anne Corbet of Lynchelade
in the Countie of Buckingham wydowe being diseased and sicke in
bodye but hole of mynde and of parfyct memory make my last will
and testament in maner and forme folowing First I bequeathe my
soule unto Almightie god having a sure trust and confydence in
his grate and infinitie mercie nothing presumyng upon myne owne
workes and dedes (whiche I knowe to be muche insufficient for my
salvacion) but upon the meretes of the deathe and passion of his
onlye and derely beloved sonne Jesus Christe and upon his victorious
Resurrection & most glorious Ascencion firmelye beleving that
thorough thus his merites and faithe in his bloud I shall lyve
amongest that holy companye and blessed felowshipe in heaven in
glorie and Joye whiche never shall have ende / and have w[i]thin
the fruition of his godhead &c. Secondarilye I bequeathe my
bodye to be buried and enterred at linchelade and there suche exeqines
to be done for me (after the discrecion of myne Executors) as shall
stande with the laudable use and custome of the churche of Englande
/ Thurdeley whereas my late husbande Roger Corbet dyd give by his
last will and testament (as apperith more at large by the same)
Three hundreth markes towardes the mariage of his doughter Elizabeth
to be levyed and paide of the money to be receyved and taken for
the mariage of his sonne and heyre together with the Revenues of
his landes growing in the tyme of his noue? age yf I his Executrix
together w[ith] the supervisours might bye and redeme hym but for
somuche as it came not so to passe nor to suche effecte as his
said will and my desyor? was to the same? I will and give unto
my saide doughter Elizabeth thaforesaid some of three hundreth
m[ar]kes to be levyed & paide of my goodes moveable and unmoveable
not bequeathed within the towne and Lordeship of lynchelade aforesaide
the whiche all my goods bothe moveable & unmoveable I will
to be preysed and valued immediatelye after my departure by honest &
indifferent men to be appointed and chosen by myne Executores /
And of the residue remayning over & above theaforesaid three
hundreth markes I will and give unto my sonne Hierom Corbet towardes
his fynding at lernynge Sixe poundes yerely by the space of vij?
yeres And other thre poundes of the same lykewise remayning I will
and give yerely to be payd by thandes of myne Executors toward
the fynding of my doughter Elizabeth untill suche tyme as she shalbe
maried / but yf it shall fortune my doughter Elizabeth to be bestowed
in mariage by my life tyme or channse her to dye before that tyme
of my dep[ar]ture oute of this present lyfe than I will that said
some of three hundreth m[ar]kes which she shulde have? had towardes
her mariage to be evenlye divided amonge my three sonnes Walter
Robert and Hierom / and in case one or two of thies three departe
oute of this present lyfe before the distribucion of the aforesaid
somes / that then his or their partes or porcions shalbe given
to thother surviving and yf they all threa departe as is aforesaide
(whiche god forbyd) Than I will one hundreth pounds of the said
iijC markes to be evenlye divided amonge my two doughters
Margaret and Elizabeth / And yf thone of them departe before the
distribution aforesaide thother survyvinge than I will the hole
to remayne to the survivor /And thother hundreth pounds remayning
I give and bequeathe unto my sonne Sir Andrew Corbet his three
yongest sonnes Richarde Raynolde and Franncis to be lyk wyse evenlye
devided amonge them / And yf any of them channse to dye before
the distribution therof than I will theother survyvinge to have
the parte or partis of hym or them so disceased / Item I will and
bequeathe unto the said Elizabeth Nyne poundes in Angelles after
p...? the pece to make her achayve w[i]t[h] all my tablet of golde
/ Also I will and bequeathe unto my welbeloved sonne Palmes?
alitle rounde rynge of golde and to my doughter his wif one Ringe
w[i]t[h] a diamond / Item I will unto my sonne Walter Corbet my
flagen chayne of golde to the value of xxli the whiche
ys in his owne handes and kepinge / Item I will unto Robert Corbet
and to Hierom his brother one other Chayne of golde to the valoe
of xxiijli
to be equally devyded amonge them by myne Executors / Also I will
unto Robert Corbet my crosse of golde / and unto Hierom Corbet
I bequeathe my brooche of golde / Item I will to Raynolde Corbet
my sonne Sir Andrew Corbet his sonne one hope of golde / Item I
will & bequeathe Dorothie my mayden all myne Apparrell and
her hole yeres wages whiche is xls for hir paynes takin
with me in the tyme of my sicknes / Item I will and bequeathe unto
evry one of my mayden s[erv]untes their hole yeres wagies / Item
I will and bequeathe unto John Rogers my s[erv]unte the bedd he
nowe lyeth in with all that belongeth unto yt and his hole yeres
wage / Item I will and bequeathe unto George Inet? xxs a
quarter of wheat and two quarters of barley / Item I will and bequeathe
to S[i]r Jefferye my prest xls / Item I will and bequeathe
unto John Williams xxs in money according unto the discrec[i]on
of my Executors Also I will that yf my sonne S[i]r Andrewe Corbet
knight wilbe bounde to my Executors and Overseers in the some of
Sixe hundreth poundes for the p[er]formenin of this p[resa]nte
will and testament in all thinges as is above wrytten / Than I
will hym to have all my goodes Cattalles to remayne or els the
same to be solde to the best valoe by myne Executors / And the
money therof comynge to be payde as is afore rehersed / And I ordeyne
and make my welbeloved brother Edmunde Wyndesore esquyre and John
Somer clerke p[ar]sone of Stoke Hamonde myne Executors of this
my present testament and last will / defiring them to paye my debtes
and to p[er]forme this my present will in all thinges as is above
wryten / And fortheur paynes takynge in the true fulfilling therof
I will and give to ev[r]y one of them fyve poundes / And further
I constitute and make my welbeloved nephewe Sir Thomas Wyndesore
knight overseer of this same my will and testament besechinge hym
to se the same in all poyntes p[er]fourmed unto whome I give for
his paynes to be taken aboute the same a stone cuppe with a cover
of sylver and gilte and a lytle trencher salte w[i]t[h] a cover
of silver and gylt In wytnes wherof I the saide Anne unto this
my present last wyll and testament have setto my hande the xxteij
daye of September in the fourthe yere of the Reigne of our soveraigne
Lord Edward the Sixt by the grace of god kinge of Englande Frannce
and Irelande defendor of the faythe and of the churche of England
and also of Irelande in earthe the supreme h...? / in the presence
of Jeffery David Dorothie Woodne..? John Hartwell Richard Markh[a]m
and other / Anne Corbet /