Roger Corbett
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 27th November
Probate Date: 1st February 1538/9
Proved by Anne Corbett, widow of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/27
The original document is in the custody of the National
See also: Robert
Corbett's will, Anne
Corbet's will, Gladley
Manor and Linslade Manor
In dei nomine Amen The xxvijth day of
Novembre In the yere of our lord god a Thousande fyve hundreth
xxxviij I Roger Corbett sike of body and hole in mynde make my
wille and testament in maner and forme folowing First I bequeth
my soule to almighty god and my body to be buried in the next parishe
Church where god shall doo his will by me except it be within
tenne Mylys of the parishe Church where my dwelling is. Then I
will my body there to be buried w[i]t[h]out any solem[?]nytie at
my buriall to be had otherwise then vj masses to be saide at the
tyme of my buriall and xxtiiiij masses to be saide for
my soule and all [Christ]en soules in diverse and sondrye places
by the distrecion of my executors whom I make sole Anne my wife
and my Sup[er]visour I require mekely to be my lady my mother
my Uncle John Vernon Esqiuer Thomas Newporte my brother in law
Esquier and as for any other cerymonye to be doon or celebrate
at my buriall I remytte that to the discrec[i]on of myn executrix
to do as god shall put in hir mynde Item I bequeth to my sister
Mary one hundreth markes towardes hir mariage Item I bequeth xiij
poure men xiij black gownes. Item to xiij poure women xiij smocks
to be assigned and appoynted by the discrecion of myn Sup[er]visours
and executrix Item I bequeth thirty Rynges of golde to the value
of fyve shillinges a Rynge whiche Rynge shalbe marked w[i]t[h]
a R and a C and they to be devided to speciall and trusty frendes
for a remembrannce by the discrecion of my Executrix and Sup[er]visours.
Item I will that the housholde stuffe and plate lefte unto me by
the will of my father do Remayn and contynue in the Castell of
Morton Corbett to the use and behofe of him or hir whom god will
shall inherite the possessions and landes of their forsaid fathers
Item I require and humbly besoke my Sup[er]visours and my executrix
tenderly lamenting the captyve bondage of wardeship to consulte
together ponderyng the redyest wayes howe to Redime my heire owt
of the thraldom and bondage of wardeship for whose mariage I was
offeryd one thousand markes. Item yf my Sup[er]visours and executrix
yf they Redeme the wardeship of my sonne and heire Then I will
that owt of the money that they may have for his mariage and owt
of the Revenues and profites of his londes be taken furthe thre
hundreth markes to the mariage of my doughter Margaret and thre
hundreth markes to the mariage of my doughter Elizabeth which I
will to remayn in the custodye of my Executrix so that she be widowe:
otherwise yf she be maried I will that the money for the mariages
Remayn in the custodye of the Supervisours Item I will my serv[a]ntes
every man and woman have his Twelmonthis wagis clerely orelles
my gelding and horsses to be distributed amonge theym after the
distrec[i]on of my Executrix also I will to Water Robert brethern
every one a pece when they come come to full age vjli xiijs iiijd
for terme of their lyfe to be taken owt of the Revenues and profites
of my londes and till they be of full age to have a compotent and
a sufficient fynding to their lernyng and lyving and when god so
provides for eny of them that he or they may spende by his provision
or other or other of his frendes to the yerely value of twenty
poundes orelles if god do his will by any of them I will that the
forsaid vjli xiijs iiijd be eqally
devided bitwene his twoo brethern and so from brother to brother
as god shall dispoase their lyves and after their decesses or having
the yerely value before named Than I will that the hole sume revert
ayen to the use and behove of my sonne & heire. Item I will
to my brethern my apparell and Rayment Item I will to Anne my
wife myn Executrix all my goodes moveable unbequethed that longith
to my house in Lynsleyd for terme of hir lyfe And so after hir
deceas to remayn and distende to my heire. Item I bequeth to the
vicar of Morton and to the parishe clerk and to the pour people
of the said parishe vjs viijd And likewise
to the parishe of Chabery and to the parishe of Stawnton to be
distributed and paid by my Lady my moder. Item I will that my evidences
whiche be at Lynisleyd and at my Chamb[e]r in Stroude shalbe brought
to the Castell of Morton Corbett. Item I will my Flagon Cheyne
after the deceas of my wife to be distributed and devided equally
bitwixte my thre yonger sonnes And if god doo his will upon any
of them I will the same to be distributed bitwixte the other twoo
Item I will that my owne Cheyne be eqally devided amonge my Sup[er]visours
for their paynes to be taken in the setting forth and furderannce
of this my last wille and testament. In witnesse wherof I have
put therto my Seall. The day & yere abovesaid.