Robert Corbett
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 23rd April
Probate Date: 16th November 1513
Proved by Elizabeth Corbett, widow of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/17
The original document is in the custody of the National
See also: Roger Corbett's will, Anne
Corbet's will,
Gladley Manor and Linslade Manor
In the name of god Amen Whereas I Sir Robert Corbett
knyght have made a feoffament by dede unto Sir Henry Vernon knyght
Thomas Englefede knyght Thomas Cornwaile knyght Thomas Laken Esquyer
Roger Corbet my sonne and heire apparannt Esquyer Richard Vernon
Esquyer Roger Thornes Esquyer and George Onneslowe of all and syngular
my lordshypes maners meses Londes and tenementes Rentes rev[er]siones?
and f...yces? and all other hereditamentes with thapp\ar/tinunces
in Hapton Fyttes Econ Costantyne Lawley Waterupton Dalyngton Lynchelade
Sothcote Howbrighill and Wyggyngton within the Countie of Salop
Northampton Bukyingham Essex and Hertford to have and to hold to
them their heires and assignes to the cost of me the forsaid
s[i]r Rob[er]t and of myn heires to fulfill my Last will made or
hereafter to be made / knowe [tha]t me the said S[i]r Rob[er]t
hole of remembrannce and p[er]fite mynd thanked be god make ordeyn
and declare my laste will and testament in maner and forme folowyng
Fyrst I bequerth my soule to god Almyghti and to his blissed mother
seynt Mary and to all the holy company of hevyn and my body to
be buried in the Churche of seynte Barthilmewe at Morton Corbet
yf it please god I decesse there / And yf it happen me by the pleasure
of god to decease in any other place then I comyt my body yo be
buried in suche a holy place as myn Executors think moste metelese
and convenient / Also I will that my said Executors prepare and
ordeyne for meate drynk light and all other thynges necessarie
and belongyng for me at the tyme of my buriyng as thynk convenient
and accordyng aftere there diserecion Item I will that my seid
Executors see my diriges and masses be songen and said with seculer
prestes Clerkes and Religious men at the same tyme as they shall
thynke moste expedient and profitable for my soule helth Item I
will that my seid Executors cause iij trentalles and xxx masses
any of them to be songen and said with seculer prestes Clerkes
and Religiouse men at the daye of my seid buriyng yf they so maye
have prestes to do it And yf they maye not then to se it be done
as shortly aftre as they Conveniently can have tyme Item I will
have that my seid Executors in as shorte tyme as they can conveniently
after my buriyng p[re]pare and ordeyn the greate Trentall of seynt
Gregory to be songe seid and done in due forme and ordre as it
ought to be for my soule and all [christ]en Item I will that ev\r/y
seculer prest Clerk and Religious man be rewarded for their divine
Service sayng and doyng at the tyme of my seid buriyng aftre the
Lawdable custome therto belongyng and the discrecion of my Executors
Item I will that my seid Executors provide and hire two honest
and conveniable prestes suche as shalbe of good name and fame to
syng and saye Dirige masses and praye for my soule and all [christ]en
soules in maner and forme folowyng that is to saye ev\r/y mondaye
duryng the seid ij yeris ev\r/y of them to sey masses of the Trinitie
Dirige and comendacions ev\r/y tuysdaye masse of the holy gost
and oure Lady Sawter ev\r/y wednesday masse of Requyem Dirige and
comendacions / ev\r/y thursdaye masse of the v woundes vij psalmes
and Latany evry Fridaye masse of Jh[es]u Dirige and comendacions
ev\r/y Saterdaye masse of oure Lady and ower Lady Sawter. And ev\r/y
of the seid prestes to have viij marcke for their hire or more
after as they be hired / Item I bequerth to Roger my sonne and
heire my best salt with the cov[er]yng my best pece of sylv[er]
with the cov[er]yng my best goblet and half my spones. and all
the Residue of my seid plate I bequerth to Elizabeth my wyff duryng
her lyff and aftre her decesse to remayne to Roger my seid sonne
Item I bequerth half half my stuff of householde and half my catall
to Roger my seid sonne / and the other half to Elizabeth my wyff
Item I will that my weryng gere and all other thynges not bequerthed
stond at my pleasure tyll my dep[ar]tyng to gyve do w[i]t[h] and
bequerth where I or my Executors shall thynk most best and convenient
Item I will that my seid Feoffes or the ov[er]lyvers? of them and
their heires shall stonde and be Seased of and in the seid lordshippes
maners meses londes ten[emen]tes and all other hereditamentes above
rehersed to thentent they shall suffre myn Executors to take receyve
and levye thissues and proffites of all the seid lordshipes maners
meases londes and tenementes and all other hereditamentes with
thapp\a/tin[a]nces and ev[r]y p[ar]cell of them to paye my dettes
and all other thynges p[er]teynyng to my enterement and soule helth
in man[er] and forme aboveseid / and aftere that done I will that
my seid Executors with the yerly proffites and Issues aforseid
content paye and bestowe to and for the mariage of ev\r/y of my
doughters that is to sey Anne Dorothe and Jane the some of C m[ar]kes
and their arayment whiche somes afore my dettes paide shalbe receyved
to the use and forme folowyng that is to sey that ev\r/y of my
seid doughters shalhave yerly porcion of the seid Issues and proffites
of the seid lordshipes man[er]s meses londes and tenementes with
their app[er]tin[a]nces till hir seid some and bequest be fully
content and paide / Also I will that my seid doughters and ev\r/y
of them have sufficient fyndyng of meate drynk and cloth covement
and meatly for them over and beside their porcion of C m[ar]kes
a pece and their arrayment aboveseid for their mariage till they
be maried and at suche tyme as any of them shalbe maried / she
that so shalbe maried shalhave her porcion yf it be levied or at
morche as is levyed and her arayment And no further fyndyng / And
that some of her porcion that is not paid at the tyme of her mariage
to be paide in man[er] and forme aboveseid / Item I will that my
Executors content and paye to and for the mariage of Margaret my
sister the some of xl markes and her arayment of the yerly Issues
and proffites aboveseid and hir fyndyng of meate drynk and arrayment
tyll she be maried uppon the same Issues and proffites beside hir
seid bequest Item I will that my seid feoffes or the ov[er]lyvers
of them aftre my detes paide and my will and testament in ev\r/y
thyng accompleshed and fulfilled make ay estate of all the seid
lordshipes maners meses londes and tenementes and all other hereditamentes
with thapp\a/tin[a]nces aboveseid unto Roger Corbet my sonne and
heire and to the heires of his body lawfully begotten and for lak
of suche Issue the remayndre to my Right heires / Item I make and
ordeyn Thomas Cornewaile knyght Thomas Esquyer Elizabeth my wyff
George Bromley and George Onneslowe myn Executors / and Henry Vernon
knyght and Richard Vernon his sonne and heire overseers / In witnesse
whereof to this my p[rese]nt will and testament I have putto my
Seale and signemannell? The xxiij daye of Aprill In the yere of
oure lord god m? vc ix and of the Reigne
of oure sov\r/aigne lord kyng Henry the vijth aftre
the conquest of England the xxiiijti