Leighton Buzzard Roll of Honour
Shortly after the end of World War One, the Leighton Buzzard
Observer published a list of men from Leighton Buzzard who had served
during the conflict in either the army or the navy. The lists were published
in consecutive editions of the paper from 18th March 1919 to 5th August
1919. The details have been transcribed below (question marks indicate
details which were unclear).
Click on the letters in the 'A' to 'Y' index below, to navigate
to the section for surnames starting with that letter.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
IMPEY Arthur, 35, Vandyke Road, house painter; 1915,
Oct., Driver, 2/2nd Field Company, East Anglian Royal Engineers.
IMPEY James, 35, Vandyke Road, basket maker;
1915, October, Driver, East Anglian Royal Engineers.
IMPEY Arthur, 64, St. Andrew's Street;
1914, December, Private, Beds Regt., Transferred to Labour Batt;
1915, Aug., To France; 1919,
Jan., Demobilized.
INNS Edward George, 1, Dudley Street; Private,
Royal Army Medical Corps.
INWARDS, sons of Mrs. Inwards, 49, Plantation
Road :-
William ; Private, Essex Regt.; To Egypt;
1917, May, Wounded.
B. ; Private, 5th Batt. Beds Regiment.
INWARDS Harold, 6, Union Street ; Private, Herts. Regiment. |