Thomas Turvey
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 12th February
Probate Date: 2nd September 1657
Proved by Robert Turvey
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/267
The original document is in the custody of the National
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Turvey of Surcot
in the parish of Linslade? in the Countie of Buck[ingham] yeoman
being aged? and weake in bodie but of sound and perfect memory
praise be to Almightie God therefore and knowing the Certanitie
of death and the uncertantie of the time thereof, And for the better
avoyding of the Temporall? Cares? of this world whom it shall please
Almightie God to Call. And for the better settling of the Talent
which God of mercie hath end[o]wed me withall Revokeing all former
wills whatsoever by me made doe make and ordaine this my present
Last will and Testament in manner and forme following. That is
to say. First and principallie I bequeath my soule into the Handes
of Almightie God my maker and of his sonne Jesus Christ my blessed
Redeemer Trusting through his onlie pretious death and merites
to receive Life eternall. And my bodie to the earth from whence
it was taken to be buried in a decent manner at the discrec[i]on
of my Executor hereafter named. And concerning my Temporall estate
I dispose as followeth. It[e]m I give unto my Loveing Sister Alice
Seaton Widow the summe of Twelve pence. Item I give unto my sister
Elizabeth Shilburne the wife of Jonathan Shilburne the summe of
Twelve pence. It[e]m I give unto the poore Inhabitantes of the
Towne of Surcot the summe of Tenne shillings To be distributed
by my Executor hereafter named at the day of my buriall. It[e]m
All the rest of my goods Chattles Howsehold stuffe monie and moveables
whatsoever my debtes and Legacies paid and p[er]formed and my funerall
expens[e]s discharged I give and bequeath unto my Loveing Kinsman
Robert Turvey the younger of Sircot aforesaid whom I make full
and whole Executor to this my present Last will and Testament to
see my said debtes and Legacies performed, And my Bodie decentlie
brought to the earth. I soe doe hereby declare it This Twelveth
Day of Februarie in the yeare of our Lord God One Thowsand Six
Hundred Fiftie and Six. The m[ar]ke of Thomas Turvey. Sealed signed
published and declared in the pr[esen]tes of John Jeffs. John Lapworth
William Lapworth.