Thomas Girney
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 16th August
Probate Date: 10th January 1653/4
Proved by Charitie Girney, wife of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/241
The original document is in the custody of the National
In the name of God Amen and in the yeare one thousand
sixe hundred fifty three August the sixteene I Thomas Girney of
Linslade being weake of body but of perfect memorie (God be praised
for it) doe make this my last will and Testament First I bequeath
my soule into the hands of Almighty God, hopeing by the merittes
and passion of his sonne Jesus Christ my beloved Saviour to obtayne
remission of my sinnes and salvation Next I leave my body to be
decently buried accordinge to Christian forme and fashion Then
for my worldly Goods I dispose of them as followeth First I give
to my sonne John Twentie five pounds which I lent to his Grandmother,
Next to my sonne Henry Twentie pounds of good and lawfull money
of England to be paid at the day of his mariage If he undertake
that kinde of life Or else if he will not be ruled by his mother
as I hope he will to be paid unto him at such time as with her
consent he shall part from her to trade for himselfe Next I give
to my sonne William Twenty pounds of lawfull money to be paid unto
him a yeare after he hath served his apprenticeshipp Next I give
to my sonne Thomas and to my sonne Joseph Twentie pounds apeece
of good and lawfull money to be paid when they shall come to be
two and twentie yeares of age If they be not willinge to live
any longer servantes with theire mother Next I give to my daughter
Susanna Twentie poundes of lawfull money And to her three Children
William Thomas Susanna Twenty Nobles apeece All which my will is
should be truly paid by Charity my loveing wife whom I make my
sole Executrix; and unto whom after the payment of these my legacies
debtes and funerall expences I give all those goods the Lord hath
given me, to be at her command disposeinge soe longe as she doth
continue a widdowe But in case she marry, my will is she have nothinge
to doe with any of my Goods till she have made my Childrens portions
fifty pound a peece And for the better performance of this my will
I doe appoint my sonne in lawe William Vaughan and my sonne John
to be Overseers. Thomas Gurney Sealed and delivered in the presence
of William Vaughan John Girney his marke ./