Edward Bonker
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 5th November
Probate Date: 20th April 1653
Proved by John Bonker, brother of the testator [note: possible
clerical error as John is described as deceased in the will, and
his son William is named as the sole executor]
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/229
The original document is in the custody of the National
In the name of God Amen I Edward Bonker of Circuite?
in the p[ar]ish of Linslade in the County of Buck[ingham] yeoman
beinge sick in body but of sound and p[er]fect memory thanks bee
given to Almighty god doe make this my last Will and Testament
in manner and forme followinge First I bequeath my soule into the
handes of Almighty god trustinge only to be saved through the merrittes
of Jesus Christ And my body I bequeath to the Earth from whence
it first had a beinge And as Concerninge my Temporall Estate wherewith
it hath pleased god to blesse me I bequeath and give the same in
manner and forme followinge First I give and bequeath to my Sister
Elizabeth Bonker the wife of my brother John Bonker late deceased
Ten poundes to her daughter Susan Bonker Fourty poundes besides
Eight poundes I owe her for sheepe and a Bullock Item I give to
ev[er]y one of the rest of my Sister Bonkers Children (her sonne
William only Excepted) Tenne poundes a peece Item I give to Anne
the wife of Robert Massingberd my kinswoman Fyve pounds Item I
give to Sarah the daughter of Thomas Jakeman \my kinswoman/ Fyve
poundes All the rest of my Goods and Chattells I give And bequeath
to William Bonker sonne of the said John Bonker my kinsman whom
I make the sole Executor of this my Will Given under my hand and
seale the Fifth day of November 1652. The Mark of Edward Bonker
Witnesse Robert Massingberd Thomas Turney Rob[er]t Turney.