Elizabeth Viscountess Tracy
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 30th January
Probate Date: 14th January 1689
Proved by Charles Leigh, brother of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/394 Image Reference
The original document is in the custody of the National
Archives. Additionally the National
Archives hold a sentence relating to this will, which is
written in Latin dated 16th February 1689 and reference PROB 11/397
See also: Second Will
In the name of God Amen I Elizabeth Vicountesse Tracy
being under the apprehention of Approaching death which showes
my understanding perfect (praised be God for it) doe make and ordaine
this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following First
I thankefully surrender my Soule to my Creator Redeemer and Sanctifier
who together make up the blessed and Glorious Trinity after this
I leave my body to be decently buried by my deare Lord at Todington
in Glocestershire without Pompe and with as little Ceremonie as
may be Then I give and bequeath to my owne Surviving sister the
Lady Isham my little Gold Cup and Ten pounds to buy her morning
as likewise Ten pounds a peece to each of my sisters in law that
shalbe liveing at my decease I also give to my Foure Godchildren
and my Nephew Thomas Leigh gent[leman] Twenty pounds apeece To
my daughter Mrs. Every I give all my Trunkes Chests and Boxes with
all therein contained Except my Bookes which I give unto my Grandsonn
John Tracy Fifty broad peeces (there being one Hundred of them
together in a drawer) but the other Fifty I bequeath to my Grandaughter
Elizabeth Tracy Further I give unto my Daughter Every my Necklace
of Pearle to her and her daughter forever (if she has any) otherwise
after her decease my Grandaughter Elizabeth Tracy before mentioned
is by my Will to have it) Moreover I give unto my said daughter
the Third part of my plate or the worth of it in money the other
two parts I would have divided equally betweene my sonn the present
Lord Tracy and my Grandson John Tracy before named and now my desire
is that the Goods I have left in Hailes house should not be removed
from thence but kept there for the use and furniture of the said
house only there is a suite of Tapistry hangings (not yet hung
up) which I leave to my son Tracy to dispose of as he pleaseth
I give unto my kind friend Mris. Pemberton five Pounds in money
and my Two asses now at Leighton To my woman More I give Pounds
beside her wages
togeather with my Clothes and to her brother (my Page) I give Five
pounds also towards seting him apprentice Likewise I appoynt my
Executors hereafter named to bestowe on the Minister of Leighton
Todington and Hayles each a Mourning Gowne and when my debts and
Legacies and Funerall Expences are discharged the remainder of
my money I give and bequeath to such Charitable uses as my son
the Lord Tracy and my brother Charles Leigh Esq[uire] shall thinke
best whom I joyntly make Executors to this my last Will and Testament
and in token of my thankfulnes to my Brother I leave him Twenty
Guineas there being forty together in one Bagg) In witnes whereof
I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this Thirtieth day of January
in the Third yeare of our Soveraigne Lord King James the Second
Annoq[ue] Domini 1687/8. I likewise give unto my Neice Jane Leigh
my Lord my Fathers Picture in a Shagreene Case also I give to my
sonn in Law Henry Every Esq[uire] and to my Two daughters in law
Tenn pounds a peece for mourning moreover I give my daughter Every
all the Pictures of my Relations which are in Hayles Parlour E.
Tracy Published and declared as my act and deede in the presence
of us Joshua Pulford Robert Downes Unton Moore
Now whereas I have given to my Grandson John Tracy
as is within or above expressed (my Bookes the Third part of my
Plate and fifty broad peices of Gold) my Will is not that any of
them shalbe delivered to him till he arrives to the age of Eighteene
yeares compleate from his Nativity The Foure Godchildren within
named are the Lord Leigh's daughter Mary S[i]r W: Egerton's daughter
Elizabeth my Nephew John Bromley and my Neice Anne Maine