Richard Doggett
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 5th January
Probate Date: 12th August 1682
Proved by Elizabeth Doggett, widow of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/370
The original document is in the custody of the National
In the name of God Amen I Richard Doggett of Laighton
Bussard in the County of Bedford Gentleman being in reasonable
good health of body and of perfect sence memory and understanding
praised bee Almighty God therefore yet Considering the certeinety
of this life and that I am in my declineing age / Doe make and
ordeine this my last Will and Testament in manner following (that
is to say) First above all other things I commend and resigne my
soule into the hands of Almighty God my maker Assuredly beleeveing
to bee saved by the meritts of Jesus Christ And Concerning my worldly
estate I dispose thereof as followeth I give and bequeath unto
Richard Pawlett my Grandchild youngest sonne of my daughter Debora
Pawlett and to the heires of his body lawfully to bee begotten
forever All and every my Lands Tenements meadow pastures and hereditaments
whatsoever scituate lyeing and being in the feilds parish precincts
and Territories of Steeple Cleydon in the County of Buck[ingham]
And for default of such issue I give and bequeath All the same
premisses with the appertenances unto William Pawlett my Grandchild
eldest sonne of my said daughter Pawlett and to the heires of his
body lawfully to bee begotten forever And for default of such Issue
I give and bequeath all the same premises with the appertenances
unto Sarah Ironside and Martha Ironside my Grandchildren the Two
Daughters of my late Daughter Judith Ironside / and to the Heires
of their respective bodies lawfully to bee begotten forever equally
to bee divided betweene them share and share a like And for default
of such Issue I \give and/ bequeath all the same premises with
the appertenances unto the said Debora Paulett my daughter and
to the heires of her body lawfully begotten and to bee begotten
forever And for default of such Issue I bequeath all the same premises
with the appertenances unto Ralph Doggett \of Laighton Bussard
aforesaid (sonne of my late Brother Ralph Doggett/ deceased) and
to the heires of his body lawfully begotten and to bee begotten
forever And for default of such Issue I give and bequeath All the
same premisses with the appertenances unto my Cosen Thomas Doggett
brother of my said Cosen Ralph Doggett and to the heires of his
body lawfully begotten and to bee begotten forever And for default
of such Issue I Give and Bequeath All the same premisses with the
appertenances unto Edward Doggett my couzen One of the sonnes of
my brother Lawrence Doggett and to the heires of his body lawfully
begotten and to bee begotten forever And for default of such Issue
my Will and true meaning is that all the same premisses with the
appertenances shall discend and come unto the Right heires of mee
the said Richard Doggett forever And to see all and every The Rents
Issues and profitts of all the same premises disposed of to the
use and benefitt of my said Grandchild Richard Pawlett untill hee
shall accomplish his full age of One and Twenty yeares (according
to my desire) My will true intent and meaning is That my loveing
freinds and Trustees Francis Winton of Laighton Bussard aforesaid
Gentleman Thomas Turney of the parish of Soulbery in the County
of Buck[ingham] Gentleman Robert Turney of the parish of Linslade
in the County of Buck[ingham] Gentleman and John Marshe of Laighton
Bussard aforesaid Gentleman shall have the full power disposeing
letting and setting of all the same premisses with Th'appertenances
in their owne Names and shall take and receive All the rents Issues
and profitts thereof to the sole use and benefitt of my said Grandchild
Richard Pawlett untill hee shall Accomplish his full Age of one
and Twenty yeares And my will and desire is That my said foure
Trustees (or so many of them who shall accept of and undertake
the trust by mee in them hereby reposed and the survivor and survivors
of them Doe then pay all the same rents Issues and profitts of
the same premisses with the appertenances unto my said Grandchild
Richard Pawlett within three monethes next after hee shall Accomplish
his Age of One and Twenty yeares And if it shall please God that
my said Grandchild Richard Pawlett shall dye and depart this life
without Issue of his body lawfully begotten before hee shall Accomplish
his said Age of One and Twenty yeares That then in such Case My
will desire and request is That my said foure Trustees Francis
Winton Thomas Turney Robert Turney and John Marshe and the Survivor
and survivors of of them shall have the full power disposeing letting
and setting of all the same premises with the appertenances in
their owne name and take and receive All the rents Issues and profitts
thereof for the use and benefitt of my said Grandchild William
Pawlett untill hee shall accomplish his full age of one and Twenty
yeares And my Will is that my said foure Trustees and the survivor
and survivors of them Doe render and pay all the said Rents and
profitts of the same premisses unto the said William Pawlett my
Grandchild within Three monethes next after hee shall Accomplish
his full age of one and Twenty yeares And if both my said Grandchildren
Richard Pawlett and William Pawlett shall dye and depart this Life
without Issue of their Respective bodies lawfully begotten and
to bee begotten before they shall accomplish their respective ages
of One and Twenty yeares That then in such case my will and meaning
is That my said foure Trustees and the survivors and survivor of
them shall have the full disposeing letting and setting of all
the same premisses with th'apperten[a]nces (in their owne names)
and shall and may take all the rents Issues and profitts thereof
for the sole respective uses and benefitt of my said Two Grandchildren
Sarah Ironside and Martha Ironside untill they shall accomplsh
their respective ages of One and Twenty yeares And my will is That
my said foure Trustees and the survivor and survivors of them in
such Case doe render and pay All the said rents Issues and profitts
of the same premisses unto them the said Sarah Ironside and Martha
Ironside my Grandchildren within Three monethes next after they
shall accomplish their respective Ages of One and Twenty yeares
I give and bequeath unto the said Sara Ironside the sume of One
Thousand and eight hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to
bee paid unto her with the increase and proceeed thereof which
my said foure Trustees or the survivor or survivors of them (bona
fide) shall make thereof) when shee shall accomplish her age of
One and Twenty yeares or within Three monethes then next following
the same And if it shall please God that my said Grandchild Sarah
Ironside shall dye and depart this life before shee shall accomplish
her said Age of One and Twenty yeares without Issue of her body
lawfully begotten or to bee begotten That then in such Case my
will is That the said Legacy of One Thousand and eight hundred
pounds shall bee paid unto my said Grandchild Martha Ironside together
with the Increase and proceed thereof when shee shall accomplish
her full Age of one and Twenty yeares (or within Three monethes
then next following And if it shall please God that my said Grandchildren
Sarah Ironside and Martha Ironside shall both dye and depart this
life before they respectively shall atteyne to their said respective
Ages of One and Twenty yeares without Issue of their respective
Bodies lawfully to bee begotten That then in such Case the said
Legacie of One Thousand and eight hundred pounds / together with
such proceed and benefitt thereof shall bee paid unto my said Grandchildren
William Paulett and Richard Pawlett when they shall accomplish
their respective Ages of One and Twenty years equally to bee divided
betweene them share and share alike And my will is That if either
of my said Grandchildren William Pawlett Richard Pawlett shall
dye and depart this life before they shall Accomplish their Respective
ages of One and Twenty yeares without Issue of the Body of such
of them soe dyeing lawfully to bee begotten That then in such case
my Will is That the said sume of One Thousand and eight hundred
pounds with such increase and profitt thereof which shall bee made
by my said foure Trustees shall bee paid unto the survivor of them
the said William Pawlett and Richard Pawlett within Three monethes
next after hee so surviving shall Accomplish his full Age of one
and Twenty yeares And if both my said Grandchildren William Pawlett
and Richard Pawlett shall dye and depart this life without Issue
of their respective bodies lawfully to bee begotten before they
and either of them shall Accomplish their said respective ages
of One and Twenty yeares That then in such Case The said Legacy
of One Thousand and eight hundred pounds with such increase and
proceed thereof which my said foure Trustees shall make thereof
shall bee paid to my said Daughter Debora Pawlett her executors
Administrators or Assignes And my will and true meaning is That
my Executrix hereafter named within eighteene monethes next after
my decease shall pay the said Legacy of One Thousand and eight
hundred pounds into the hands of my said foure Trustees or to the
survivors or survivor of them and the same money or part thereof
to bee by them my said foure Trustees or the survivors or survivor
of them placeed forth at Interest for the use and benefitt of my
said Grandchild Sarah Ironside and the same with the proceed thereof
rendered and paid unto her the said Sarah when shee shall accomplish
her full age of one and Twenty yeares or within three monethes
then next ensueing I give and bequeath unto the said Sarah Ironside
the summe of Two hundred pounds of lawfull money of England (over
and above the said Legacy of one Thousand and eight hundred pounds)
to bee paid unto her within Three monethes next after the death
and decease of Elizabeth my wife and Executrix hereafter named
And if it shall happen that the said Sarah shall dye and depart
this life without Issue of her body lawfully to bee begotten) before
the said Legacy of Two hundred pounds shall become payable as aforesaid
That then in such Case my Will is that the same shall bee paid
unto Martha Ironside my Grandchild within Three monethes next after
the death and decease of the said Elizabeth my wife And if it shall
happen That the said Martha shall dye and depart this life without
Issue of her body lawfully to bee begotten before the said Legacy
of Two hundred pounds shalbecome due and payable to her as aforesaid
That then in such Case my Will and true meaning is That the said
Two hundred pounds shall bee paid unto my Grandchildren William
Pawlett and Richard Pawlett (Children of my Daughter Debora Pawlett)
within Three monethes next after the death of my said wife) equally
to bee divided betweene them share and share alike I give and bequeath
unto the said Martha Ironside my Grandchild the sume of one Thousand
and Three hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to bee paid
unto her with the increase and proceed thereof which my said foure
Trustees or the survivors or survivor of them shall (bona fide)
make thereof) when the said Martha shall accomplish her full Age
of one and Twenty yeares or within Three monethes then next following
the same And if it shall please God that my said Grandchild Martha
Ironside shall dye and depart this life before shee shall accomplish
her said age of one and Twenty yeares without Issue of her body
lawfully to bee begotten That then in such Case my Will and true
meaning is That the said Legacy of One Thousand and Three hundred
pounds shall bee paid unto my said Grandchild Sarah Ironside together
with the increase and proceed thereof when the said Sarah shall
Accomplish her full Age of One and Twenty yeares or within Three
monethes then next following And if it shall please God That my
said Grandchildren Sarah Ironside and Martha Ironside shall both
dye and depart this life before they respectively shall accomplish
their said respective ages of one and Twenty yeares without Issue
of their respective bodies lawfully to bee begotten That then in
such case my will is That the said Legacy of One Thousand and Three
hundred pounds together with the proceed and benefitt thereof)
shall bee paid unto my Grandchildren William Pawlett and Richard
Pawlett when they shall accomplish their Respective Ages of one
and Twenty yeares equally to bee devided betweene them share and
share alike And if either of my said Grandchildren William Pawlett
and Richard Pawlett shall dye and depart this life before they
shall accomplish their Respective Ages of One and Twenty yeares
without Issue of the body of such of them soe dyeing lawfully to
bee begotten That then in such case my Will is That the said Legacy
of One Thousand and Three hundred pounds (together with such increase
and proceed thereof which shall bee made by my said foure Trustees)
shall bee paid unto the survivor of them my said Grandchildren
William Pawlett and Richard Pawlett within Three monethes next
after hee shall accomplish his full age of One and Twenty yeares
And my will is That if both my said Grandchildren William Pawlett
and Richard Pawlett shall dye and depart this life without Issue
of their respective bodies lawfully to bee begotten before they
and either of them shall accomplish their said respective ages
of One and Twenty yeares That then in such case the said Legacy
of One Thousand and Three hundred pounds together with such increase
and proceed which my said foure Trustees shall make thereof shall
bee paid \un/to my said Daughter Debora Pawlett her executors administrators
or assignes And my will and true meaning is That my Executrix hereafter
named within Eighteene monethes next after my decease shall pay
the said Legacy of One Thousand and Three hundred pounds into the
hands of my said Foure Trustees or the survivors or survivor of
them and the same money or any part thereof to bee by them my said
foure Trustees or the survivor or survivors of them placed placed
forth at Interest for the use and benefitt of my said Grandchild
Martha Ironside and the same with such proceed and increase thereof
shall bee rendred and paid unto her the said Martha Ironside when
shee shall accomplish her age of One and Twenty yeares or within
three monethes then next ensueing I give and bequeath unto the
said Martha Ironside the summe of Two hundred pounds of lawfull
money of England over and above the said Legacy of One Thousand
and Threee hundred pounds to bee paid unto her within Three monethes
next after the death and decease of the said Elizabeth my wife
And if it shall happen that the said Martha shall dye and depart
this Life without Issue of her body lawfully to bee begotten before
the said Legacie of Two hundred pounds shall become due and payable
as aforesaid That then in such case my Will is that the same shall
bee paid unto the said Sarah Ironside my Grandchild within Three
monethes next after the death and decease of the said Elizabeth
my wife And if the said Sarah shall dye and depart this life without
Issue of her body lawfully to bee begotten before the said Legacy
of Two hundred pounds shall become due and payable to her as aforesaid
That then in such Case my Will is That the said Legacy of Two hundred
pounds last mentioned shall bee paid \un/to my said Grandchildren
William Pawlett and Richard Pawlett (within Three monethes next
after the Death and decease of the said Elizabeth my wife) equally
to bee divided betweene them share and share alike provided always
my Will and true meaning is That \?/ if it shall happen that the
said Elizabeth my wife shall dye and depart this life before the
said Sara Ironside and Martha Ironside or either of them shall
accomplish their respective ages of One and Twenty yeares without
Issue of their Respective bodyes lawfully to bee begotten That
then in such Case my Will is That the said severall Legacies of
Two hundred pounds a peece soe unto them the said Sarah and Martha
respectively herein given as aforesaid shall bee (by the Executors
Administrators or assignes of Elizabeth my said wife paid into
the hands of my said foure Trustees or to the survivor of them
for the severall and respective uses and benefitts of them the
said Sarah and Martha and to bee paid by my said foure Trustees
unto them the said Sara and Martha equally to be Divided betweene
them when they shall accomplish their Respective Ages of one and
Twenty yeares and not sooner Any thing herein Conteyned to the
Contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Whereas I am Interested
in and entitled unto All that Capitall Messuage farme and demeasnes
of Birton with the rights members and apperten[an]ces thereof scituate
lyeing and being in the parish of Fordingbridge in the County of
South[amp]ton which were and still are Mortgaged unto mee by S[i]r
John Mynn late of Lincolnes Inne in the County of Midd[lesex] Knight
for a long terme of yeares yet to come and unexpired upon which
said Mortgage I did deposite and lend the summe of six hundred
pounds As by Indenture bearing date on or about the Nyneteenth
day of November In the Twentieth yeare of the Reigne of our now
Sovereigne Lord King Charles the second over England &c. had
and made betweene the said S[i]r John Mynn of the one part and
mee the said Richard Doggett of the other part more at large appeareth
Now I doe hereby give and bequeath the said summe of Six hundred
pounds And all my estate right title Interest terme of yeares Clayme
and Demand whatsoever together with the said Recited Indenture
which I now have or which my Executors or Administrators hereafter
may or can have of into or out of the said Capitall Messuage Farme
and demeasnes of Birton aforesaid with all and every of its rights
members and apperten[a]nces) unto the said William Pawlett my Grandchild
eldest sonne of my said Daughter Pawlett To have and to hold all
the same premises with th'aaperten[a]nces Unto him my said Grandchild
William Pawlett and to his Assignes for and dureing all the Terme
of yeares which I have therein yet to come and unexpired In as
large and ample manner as I may can or ought to hold the same And
in case my said Grandchild William Pawlett shall Dye and depart
this life before hee shall Accomplish his age of One and Twenty
yeares That then in such Case My Will is And thereby devise All
my said estate right and Interest which I now have may or can have
of and in the said capitall messuage farme and demeasnes and all
other the premises in the said parish of Fordingbridge in the said
County of South[amp]ton unto my said Grandchild Richard Pawlett
for him to enter upon the same when hee shall accomplish his age
of One and Twenty yeares And if my said Grandchildren William Pawlett
and Richard Pawlett shall both Dye and depart this life before
they and either of them shall atteyne unto the said Age of One
and Twenty yeares \That/ Then in such Case I give and bequeath
all my said estate right title Interest Terme of yeares Clayme
and demand whatsoever which I now have or can have of and in the
said premises in the said County of South[amp]ton unto my said
Daughter Debora Pawlett her executors administrators and assignes
I give and bequeath unto the said William Pawlett my Grandchild
the summe of Six hundred and Ninety pounds of lawfull money of
England to bee paid unto him with such increase and proceed thereof
which my said foure Trustees or soe many of them who shall undertake
the trust by mee in them hereby reposed) shall make thereof when
hee my said Grandchild William Pawlett shall accomplish his Age
of One and Twenty yeares or within three monethes then next following
And if my said Grandchild William Pawlett shall dye and depart
this life before hee shall atteyne his said Age of One and Twenty
yeares without Issue of his body lawfully to bee begotten That
then in such Case I give and bequeath All the said six hundred
and Ninety pounds withall such increase and proceed thereof which
my said foure Trustees bona fide shall make thereof unto my said
Grandchild Richard Paulett when hee shall accomplish his Age of
One and Twenty yeares I give and bequeath unto the said William
Pawlett my Grandchild the summe of Two hundred pounds of lawfull
money of England over and (above the said Legacy of six hundred
and Ninety pounds) to bee paid unto him within Three monethes next
after the death and decrease of the said Elizabeth my wife and
Ex[ecut]rix hereafter named And if it shall happen that the said
William Pawlett my Grandchild shall Dye and depart this life without
Issue of his body lawfully
to bee begotten before the said Legacie of Two hundred pounds soe
to him hereby bequeathed) shall become payable as aforesaid That
then in such case my Will is that the same shall bee paid unto
my Grandchild Richard Pawlett within Three monethes next after
the death and decease of the said Elizabeth my wife And my Will
is that my Executrix hereafter named within Eighteene monethes
next after my decease shall pay the said Legacie of six hundred
and Ninety pounds into the hands of my said foure Trustees or to
the survivor or survivors of them and the same or any part thereof
to bee by them my said Trustees or the survivor or survivors of
them placed forth att Interest for the use and benefitt of my said
Grandchild William Pawlett to bee paid unto him when hee shall
atteyne his Age of One and Twenty yeares or within Three monethes
then next following the same I give and bequeath unto my said Grandsonne
Richard Pawlett the summe of Three hundred and Fifty pounds of
lawfull money of England to bee paid unto him w[i]th the increase
or proceed thereof which my said foure Trustees and the survivor
and survivors of them (bona fide) shall make thereof when the said
Richard Pawlett shall accomplish his age of One and Twenty yeares
or within Three monethes then next following the same And if my
said Grandchild Richard Pawlett shall dye and depart this life
before hee shall Accomplish his said Age of One and Twenty yeares
without Issue of his body lawfully to bee begotten That then in
such Case my will is that the said Legacy of Three hundred and
fifty pounds shall bee paid unto my said Grandchild William Pawlett
together with the increase and proceed thereof when hee shall Accomplish
his full Age of One and Twenty yeares (or within three monethes
then next following And if it shall happen That both my said Grandchildren
Richard Pawlett and William Pawlett shall dye and depart this life
before they shall Accomplish their respective Ages of One and Twenty
yeares without Issue of their Respective Bodies lawfully to bee
begotten That then in such Case the said Legacy of Three hundred
and Fifty pounds together with such increase and proceed thereof
shall bee paid unto my said Daughter Debora Pawlett her Executors
or assignes I give and bequeath unto the said Richard Pawlett my
Grandchild the summe of Two hundred pounds of lawfull money of
England (over and above the said summe of Three hundred and Fifty
pounds to bee paid unto him within Threee monethes next after the
death and decease of the said Elizabeth my wife And if it shall
happen that the said Richard Pawlett shall dye and depart this
life without Issue of his body lawfully to bee begotten before
the said Legacy of Two hundred pounds shall become due and payable
to him as aforesaid That then in such Case My Will is that the
same bee paid unto my said Grandchild William Pawlett within Three
monethes next after the death and decease of the said Elizabeth
my wife And my Will is That my Executrix hereafter named within
Eighteene monethes next after my decease shall pay the said Legacy
of Three hundred and fifty pounds soe as aforesaid bequeathed unto
my said Grandchild Richard Pawlett) into the hands of my said foure
Trustees or to the survivor or survivors of them \And the same
or any parte thereof to bee by my said foure Trustees the survivor
of survivors of them/ placed forth at Interest for the use and
benefitt of my said Grandchild Richard Pawlett to bee paid unto
him when hee shall accomplish his age of one and Twenty yeares
or within Three monethes then next following provided always my
will and true meaning is That it shall and may bee lawfull to and
for the said Elizabeth my wife and Executrix hereafter named (in
Case shee shall undertake the burthen of Executrixship of this
my Will) to enter into lett sett demise? have hold and enjoy all
and every of my said Lands Tenements and hereditaments with
their Appertenances scituate lyeing and being in the said parish
of Steeple Cleydon in the County of Buck[ingham] and \to/ receive
take and dispose of the Rents Issues and profitts thereof to her
owne use for the space of Two whole yeares next and Immediately
after my death and decease Any thing herein Conteyned to the Contrary
thereof in any wise notwithstanding provided also my will and true
meaning is That if they the said Sarah Ironside and Martha Ironside
or either of them shall happen to marry before they or either of
them shall accomplish their severall and respective ages of One
and Twentie yeares without the Consent and good likeing of my said
wife and foure Trustees or the Major part of them first had and
obteyned in writing under their hands or the hands of the survivors
of them That then in such Case They the said Sarah and Martha or
either of them soe marrying without such Consent shall loose all
and every the said respective Legacy and Legacies porc[i]on and
porc[i]ons by mee hereby given and bequeathed to them respectively
And I hereby give and bequeath to each of them soe marrying without
such Consent only the summe of One hundred pounds to bee paid unto
her or them respectively when they shall accomplish their age of
one and Twenty yeares Any thing herein Conteyned to the Contrary
thereof in any wise notwithstanding And my will is that then in
such Case of marriage without such Consent all and every the said
Legacy and Legacies so as aforesaid by mee given and bequeathed
to the said Sarah and Martha (the said Legacies of one hundred
pounds a peece soe by mee herein given to them only excepted) shall
bee paid by my said foure Trustees unto them the said William Pawlett
and Richard Pawlett my Grandchildren equally to be divided betweene
them share and share alike And my Will true Intent and meaning
is That my said Grandchild William Pawlett and his heires doe and
shall at any time and times within one moneth next after reasonable
demand to him or them made by my said Grandchild Richard Pawlett
his heires or assignes att the Costs and Charges of my said Grandchild
Richard Pawlett his heires or assignes) Convey Release suffer leavy
and execute or cause to bee Released conveyed suffered leavied
and executed All the estate right title and interest which my said
Grandchild William Pawlett may or hereafter can have of and in
all that Messuage Tenement or farme Commonly called or knowne by
the name of little Testwood al[ia]s Silvers hold and of all Lands
Tenements and hereditaments to the same belonging incident or in
any wise apperteineing or with the same any part thereof now or
at any time or times heretofore used or enjoyed or Accepted taken
or reputed to bee part parcell or member of the same scituate and
being in the parish of Eling in the said County of South[amp]ton
and which now are or formerly were in the terme of occupac[i]on
of William Pawlett th'elder Esq[uire] (father of my said Grandchild
William Pawlett) and one Henry Manbridge or one of them their or
one of their undertennants or assignes And also of and in all tythes
and Tenth parts of all manner of Corne graine and hay yearly growing
encreaseing or arissing out of in and upon all and every the before
menc[i]oned farme and lands thereunto belonging or at any time
or times heretofore held used and enjoyed And shall alsoe doe all
and every such further Act and thing for the releaseing acquitting
dischargeing and extinguishing of all the estate right title interest
propertie Claime and demand whatsoever of him the said William
Pawlett my Grandchild his heires and assignes of into and out of
the same premisses or any part thereof scituate lyeing and being
in the said parish of Eling in the said County of South[amp]ton
provided also if my said Grandchild William Pawlett his heires
or assignes shall upon such reasonable Request refuse or neglect
to make release and execute all and every such Assurance and assurances
act and acts thing and things as aforesaid That then and from thenceforth
(in such Case of refusall or neglect All and every Legacy and Legacies
by mee to him my said Grandchild William Pawlett herein given and
bequeathed shall bee void and of none effect to all Intents and
purposes whatsoever Any thing herein Conteyned to the Contrary
in any wise notwithstanding And all and every such legacie and
legacies \soe/ as aforesaid by mee herein given and bequeathed
unto my said Grandchild William Pawlett upon such his refusall
and neglect as aforesaid I hereby give and bequeath unto my said
Grandchild Richard Pawlett his executors administrators and assignes
And my will and true meaneing is That my said Grandchild Richard
Pawlett his heires and assignes Doe and shall at any time and tymes
within One moneth next after Demand to him or them made by my said
Grandchild William Pawlett his heires or assignes) Convey release
leavy suffer and execute all the estate right title and Interest
which my said Grandchild Richard Pawlett may or hereafter have
of and in all the said Capitall Messuage farme and demeasnes of
Birton and of and in all and every the Lands Tenements and hereditaments
withall and every the appertenances scituate lyeing and being in
the parish of Fordingbridge aforesaid in the said County of South[amp]ton
And shall also doe and execute all and every such further and other
lawfull and reasonable act and thing for the Releaseing acquitting
dischargeing and extinguishing of all the estate right title Interest
property Clayme and demand whatsoever of him the said Richard Pawlett
my Grandchild his heires and assignes of in to and out of the same
premisses and every or any part thereof scituate lyeing and being
in the said parish of Fordingbridge in the said County of South[amp]ton
provided also if my said Grandchild Richard Pawlett his heires
or assignes shall upon such reasonable request refuse or neglect
to make release and execute all and every such assurance and assurances
act and acts things and things as aforesaid That then and from
thenceforth in such Case of refusall or neglect) All and every
Legacy and Legacies by mee to him my said Grandchild Richard Pawlett
herein given and bequeathed shall bee void and of none effect (Anything
herein conteyned to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding And
all and every such Legacy and Legacies soe as aforesaid by mee
herein given and bequeathed unto my said Grandchild Richard Pawlett
I hereby give and bequeath unto my said Grandchild William Pawlett
his heires and assignes forever provided also my will and true
meaning is that my said foure Trustees nor any of them shall bee
answerable to any of my said Legatees or any of them for any more
Interest or proceed of the said severall and respective Legacies
by mee herein given to them save only what my said Trustees shall
(bona fide) make and raise thereof I being well assured of their
fidelity and integritie grounded on long experience that they will
doe their utmost endeavour to Improve place and dispose of the
said respective Legacies soe here by mee given) for the most probable
and best advantage of them my said Grandchildren Provided also
my will and true meaning is That if my said foure Trustees or any
of them who shall take upon them the said Trust herein by mee in
them reposed and the survivor and survivors of them shall put forth
and dispose of all or any of the said Legacies soe as aforesaid
by mee herein given and bequeathed to my said Grandchildren and
any losse shall happen thereby soe that the securities and those
to whome the same shalbee lent and placed at Interest shall become
insolvant and not pay the same soe that any part of the said Legacies
shall bee thereby lost and cannot bee Recovered or if any of the
said legacies shall lye Dead in the hands of my said Trustees or
any of them and cannot with probable safety bee put forth and disposed
of upon
good securitie That then in such case my Will is that my said Trustees
nor any of them shall bee answerable or Accomptable to my said
foure Grandchildren or any of them for any interest which shall
fall short therein by reason that the said Legacies or any part
of them have not been placed forth or disposed of Provided also
my will is That if there shall happen to bee any losse in the putting
forth and placeing \of/ any the said Legacies soe by mee here given
to my said Grandchildren soe that my said Trustees cannot recover
the same That then in such Case my Grandchildren to whom the same
is hereby given shall beare and susteyne the said Losse among them
equally and proportionably share and share alike Provided also
my will and true meaning is That my said foure Trustees or so many
of them who shall take upon them the said Trust and the survivor
and survivors of them (by and with the consent of my Executrix
hereafter named shall and may disburse and lay out for and towards
the maintenance and educac[i]on of my said Grandchildren William
Pawlett Richard Pawlett Sarah Ironside and Martha Ironside respectively
such reasonable and fitt allowances some and summes of mony as
in the discretion of my said Trustees or the major part of them
by and with the Consent of my Executrix hereafter named) shall
bee thought reasonable and Convenient and the same sume and sumes
of money to bee defaulked and abated by my said Trustees out of
such the respective Legacies to them the said William Pawlett Richard
Pawlett Sara Ironside and Martha Ironside soe here in by mee given
and bequeathed Item my will and desire is that what money shall
bee put forth at Interest by my said Trustees (for the use of my
said Grandchildren (that the same bee expressed in the severall
bonds securities mortgages and other writings which shall bee thereupon
made that such money is part of the Legacies by mee herein given
to my said Grandchildren respectively and that the same is for
their respective use and benefitt And my will and true menaing
is That whatsoever Lands or Tenements which now \are/ or at the
tyme of my Death shall bee mortgaged to mee for the payment of
money that the principall or Interest thereupon due and payable
shalbee accompted to bee assetts in the hands of my Executrix and
that upon the receipt of the same moneyes due upon such Mortgages
I doe hereby authorize and impower my Executrix to cancell surrender
make void and release All and every such Mortgage or Mortgages
And I hereby Require and Charge my heire and heires at Law that
they doe not hinder my Executrix from the doeing thereof (And if
required that they (upon request release all their Interest therein)
but that they suffer all the moneys paid upon the said Mortagage
and Mortgages to goe and bee disposed of by my Executrix according
to this my Will I give and bequeath unto my said Foure Trustees
Francis Winton Thomas Turney Robert Turney and John Marshe if they
shall please to accept to undertake this freindly offire of trust
herein by mee reposed in them (or to so many of them who shall
please to accept of and undertake the same) the sume of Twenty
Markes a peece of lawfull money of England to bee paid unto them
Respectively by my Executrix hereafter named within Three monethes
next after my decease I also give and bequeath unto my said foure
Trustees or to so many of them who shall accept of and undertake
this Trust herein by mee in them reposed) the sume of Tenne pounds
p[er] annum (equally to bee divided amongst them share and share
alike) for and untill my said foure Grandchildren and every of
them shall Accomplish their Respective ages of One and Twenty yeares
And my will is that my said foure Trustees or so many of them who
shall so accept of and undertake the said Trust) shall and may
defaulke to themselves the said summe of Tenne pounds p[er] annum
out of the Legacies soe given to my said foure Grandchildren or
out of the Interest or proceed thereof Provided also my Will and
true meaning is that my said foure Trustees and survivors and survivor
of them who shall undertake the Trust herein by mee in them reposed
shall and may defaulke to themselves out of the said Legacies soe
as aforesaid given unto my said Grandchildren or out of the Interest
thereof all and every their Respective Reasonable and just Charges
and Costs of suite and suites in Law and equity and all other expences
and damages which they and every of them shall bee occasioned to
lay out disburse and susteyne in any manner whatsoever relateing
to the Trust by mee in them hereby reposed according to the true
intent and meaning of these presents I give and bequeath unto my
brother Lawrence Doggett for and dureing the terme of his naturall
life one Annuity of Five pounds by the yeare of lawfull money of
England without defaulkeing or abateing to him out of the same
any Taxes or payments whatsoever to bee paid unto him by my Executrix
hereafter named at the foure most usuall Feast dayes or termes
in the yeare that is to say The feast dayes of S[ain]t Michael
the Archangell S[ain]t Thomas the Apostle Th'annunciation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary and the Nativity of S[ain]t John Baptist by
even and equall porc[i]ons The first of the said payments to bee
made at such of the said Feasts which shall first happen to bee
next after my death and decease I give and bequeath unto my Couzen
Thomas Doggett brother of the said Ralph Doggett the sume of Five
pounds of lawfull money of England I give and bequeath unto every
of the Children of my said Couzen Thomas Doggett the sume of Five
pounds of lawfull money of England I give and bequeath unto every
of the Children of my Couzen Anne Edwards Foure pounds of lawfull
money of England I give and bequeath unto every of the Children
of my Couzen Elizabeth Shepheard of Shefford the summe of Twenty
shillings of lawfull money of England I give and bequeath unto
every of the Children of the sonne of my late Brother Francis Doggett
Five pounds of lawfull money of England I give and bequeath unto
my Couzen Thomas Horwood alias Smith Three pounds of lawfull mony
of England I give and bequeath unto my Couzen Sarah Stevens of
Aston Five pounds of lawfull money of England I give and bequeath
unto my Couzen Richard Jenkins Five pounds of lawfull money of
England I give and bequeath \un/to my Couzen Sarah Burr of Hertford
Five pounds of lawfull money of England I give and bequeath to
my Couzen Thomas Doggett of Stanbridge Fifty shillings of lawfull
money I give and bequeath unto Thomas Bonner of Dunstable Five
pounds of lawfull money of England I give and bequeath unto William
Pawlett Esq[uire] my sonne in lawe Five pounds of lawfull money
of England I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Pawlett Twenty
pounds of lawfull of England I give and bequeath unto Samuel Ironside
Esq[uire] my sonne in law Five pounds of lawfull money of England
I give and bequeath unto Edward Hargrave my Godsonne fifty shillings
of lawfull money of England I give and bequeath unto Mary Deards
my Goddaughter Fifty shillings of lawfull money of England I give
and bequeath unto my Godsonne the sonne of my Couzen Tobias Churchill
Fifty shillings of lawfull money of England I give and bequeath
unto Ralph Duncombe of Laighton Forty shillings of lawfull money
of England I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Bickerstaffe of Laighton
Forty shillings of lawfull money of England I give and bequeath
unto Pheby Turney Daughter of my Cousen Robert Turney Three pounds
of lawfull money of England I give and bequeath unto Anstis Turney
One other of the Daughters of my Couzen Robert Turney Fifty shillings
of lawfull money of England I give and bequeath unto the Children
of Francis Markeham of Surcott Five pounds a peece to bee paid
unto them at or before they shall accomplish their respective ages
of Eighteene yeares I give and bequeath to the wife of the said
Francis Markham Five pounds of lawfull money of England I give
and bequeath unto my Godsonne the sonne of my Couzen Robert Parrott
Fifty shillings of lawfull money of England I give and bequeath
unto the sonne of Isaac Hannell my Godsonne Twenty shillings of
lawfull money of England I give and bequeath unto Anne Wells the
daughter of Mr. John Wells of Laighton Tenn pounds of lawfull money
of England I give and bequeath unto Edward Doggett sonne of my
brother Lawrence Doggett Five pounds of lawfull money of England
I give and bequeath unto Richard Doggett one of the sonnes of the
said Edward Doggett Tenn pounds of lawfull money of England \I
give and bequeath unto every of the other Children of the s[ai]d
Edw[ar]d Doggett Forty shillings of lawfull money of England/ I
give and bequeath unto Bernard Turney the elder of Coblington Esq[uire]
Twenty shillings to buy him a Ring to weare in my Remembrance I
give and bequeath unto the said Ralph Doggett my Couzen Twenty
shillings to buy him a Ring to weare in my Remembrance I give and
bequeath unto Mr. Francis Marshe of Dunstable Twenty shillings
to buy him a ring to wear in my Remembrance I give and bequeath
unto my said Foure Trustees Twenty shillings a peece to buy each
of them a Ring to weare in my Remembrance I give and bequeath unto
John Truelove the elder of Laighton Twenty shillings I give and
bequeath unto John Buckmaster of Laighton Twenty shillings I give
and bequeath unto my Couzen Susan West Twenty shillings I give
and bequeath unto the said John Marsh one of my Trustees Eight
pounds of lawfull money of England I give and bequeath to the use
of the poore of the Towne of Laighton Bussard aforesaid Fifty Poundes
of lawfull money of England And my Will is that the same bee paid
by my Executrix within six moneths next after my decease into the
hands of my said Foure Trustees And my will is that they or the
survivors or survivor of them with all the Convenient speed which
they can) lay out the same in the purchase of Freehold lands of
Inheritance for the use and towards the maintenance of the poore
people of the Towne of Laighton Bussard forever And my Will is
that the Rent of such Lands which shalbee soe purchased shall bee
by the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore for the time being
of the Towne of Laighton Bussard aforesaid yearly forever bee distributed
on the Feast day of S[ain]t Thomas Th'apostle amongst such of the
said poore People of the Towne of Laighton Bussard aforesaid who
probable have most need and necessity in such manner as the said
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poore for the time being shall
thinke fitt I hereby direct and appoint One hundred pounds to bee
spent at my funerall I appoint Twenty pounds to buy a monument
to be sett up at my grave All the residue of my goods Chattells
and personall estate whatsoever herein not given or bequeathed
my debts being paid my Legacies satisfied and funerall expences
discharged I give and bequeath unto the said Elizabeth my deare
and loveing wife And my will is that the said Elizabeth my wife
Doe and shall (at any time or times within one moneth next after
reasonable request to her made by my said Grandchild Richard Pawlett
his heires or assignes Release unto him the said Richard Pawlett
his heires and assignes forever All her estate right title and
Interest of Thirds and Dower which my said wife shall or may have
of and in all and every of my said Lands Tenements and hereditaments
scituate and being in the said parish of Steeple Claydon aforesaid
in such manner as shall bee reasonably required Provided alwayes
my Will is That if my said wife upon such Request refuse or
neglect to make such Release within one moneth next after such
request as aforesaid That then in such Case I give and bequeath
unto my said Grandsonne Richard Pawlett the summe of Three hundred
pounds of lawfull money of England over and above the said other
legacies soe to mee to him hereby given as aforesaid And I doe
hereby make and ordeine the said Elizabeth my deare and loveing
wife my full and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament
to see the same performed according to the true intent and meaning
of theis presents And I hereby Revoke and make void all former
and other Wills by mee made and declare this Conteined in Six and
Twenty sheetes of paper to bee my last Will and Testament I also
give and bequeath unto Abigail Redbourne daughter of my Couzen
Thomas Carrington late of Chaulston the summe of Five pounds of
lawfull money of England to bee paid unto her within Three monethes
next after my decease I give and bequeath unto Abraham Carrington
brother of the said Abigail Redbourne the summe of Forty shillings
of lawfull money of England to bee paid unto him within Three monethes
next after my Decease I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth one of
the Daughters of Francis Doggett my late Brother deceased the sume
of Five pounds of lawfull money of England to bee paid unto her
within Three monethes next after my Decease In witnesse whereof
I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale this fifth day of January
In the One and Thirtieth yeare of the reigne of our sovereigne
Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland
France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c. Annoq[ue]
Domini One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy and Nine. Richard Doggett
signed sealed published and decalred to bee the last Will and Tsetament
of the within named Richard Doggett in the presence of Ralph Doggett
John Marshe Jun[ior] John Trulove Edward Trulove