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© copyright Kevin Quick

Joseph Seare

Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 2nd & 4th February 1657
Probate Date: 8th February 1657/8
Proved by Lucy Seare, widow of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/275

The original document is in the custody of the National Archives


Whereas I have paid out of my purse Two hundred pounds for part of the Marriage porc[i]on of Reb[ekah] Horneby my neece and promised her husband allsoe Two hundred & fifty pounds to be paid him at the death of my Sister Rebekah his mother in law upon this condition that if he die before the said Rebekah Horneby leaving his said mother in law living that then the said two hundred & fifty pounds shall be paid to the said Rebekah Horneby or her heyres and where as my desire is that Sarah Kinge my neece the daughter of my said sister Rebekah should have two hundred pounds for her marriage portion to be paid her within two Monnths after her marriage in case she marrie with the consent of her mother first thereto had and obtayned and in case she doe marrie without the Consent of her mother soe had then to be paid within Seaven yeares after such her marriage And allsoe that the said Sarah should have two hundred and fifty pounds to be paid her after the decease of my said sister Rebekah now my will is and I doe hereby devise all my estate right title Intrest \use possession change/ & demand of in and together with all that shop and house backside tenements and appurt[enances] thereto belonging now in the occupac[i]on of Rebekah Kinge my said sister and cittuate in Leighton Buzard in the County of Bedford and allsoe of in and together with all that Messuage or Inn with all houses and ten[e]m[en]ts & hereditam[en]ts thereto belonging Commonly called the Bell now in the occupation of Margaret Payne or her Assignes cittuate and being in Hemmel Hempsted in the County of Hartford to my Executor hereafter named or to hir Executor to be sold within three yeares after my desease and to the intent the moneys arrising by the saile thereof may be disposed in maner following namely two hundred pounds part thereof I devise of the use of my will & two hundred pounds more part thereof I devise to my said Cousen Sarah Kinge to be paid her as marriage portion as is above specified and two hundred & fifty pounds part thereof to the husband of my Cousen Rebekah Horneby to be paid him in case he be liveing at the time of the death of my sister Reb[ekah] and if not then to my Cousen Rebekah Horneby her selfe of her heires and two hundred & fifty pounds part thereof to be paid to my said Cousen Sarah King or her heires after the decease of my said sister Rebekah Item all the rest & resedue of the said money arriseing by the saile of the said houses & hereditam[en]ts after the decease of my said sister Rebekah I devise to my said Cousen Rebekah Horneby & Sarah Kinge to be equally divided betweene them And further my intent is that the profit & Intrest of all the said legacies devised to my said Coosens as aforesaid shall dureing the life of my said sister Rebekah be paid unto her for her maintenance And further my will is that if my said Cousen Sarah shall dye before she marrie that then the two hundred pounds before devised to her shall speedyly after her death be paid the one halfe to my sister Rebekah & the other halfe to my Cousen Rebekah her daughter And further my will is that the profits of the said houses and ten[e]m[en]ts by me devised to be sold as abovesaid shall untill they besold be given to my said sister Rebekah Item all my houshold goods I devise to Lucy my loving wife to whom I allsoe devise the yearely some of Forty pounds to be paid her by twenty pounds at the feast of the Annun[ciation] of our Lady & twenty pounds at the feast of S[ain]t Mich[eal] yearely for and dureing the terme of her naturall life together allsoe with all my land te[e]m[en]ts and hereditam[en]ts free hold & coppy hold to have and to hold to her & her Assignes for & dureing the terme of her naturall life Provided allways & upon this condition that my said wife doe reconvey & assure all her estate \rights/ title & Interest of and in the messuage house shop & other the ten[e]m[en]ts wherein my said sister Rebekah dwelleth & before by me devised to be sold to my Executor hereafter named or to such person or persons the said house & premises shall be sold unto Item I devise to Mary Ting my cousen the yearelie Rent or annuall some of Twenty pounds to be paid her in such wise as is directed for the payment of my wifes annuety Item I devise to my loving Brother in law Edward Ting & Mary his wife the sume of Eight hundred pounds to be by them given & distributed amongst theire Children Item I devise to Elizebeth my loving mother the yearly sume of tenn pounds for and during her naturall life to be paid her at Lady day & Mich[ealmas?] by equall portions for and in full recompense and satisfaction of her dower out of any of my lands and ten[e]m[en]ts whatsoever Item I devise to my loving Aunt Rebekah Wells of Shelford the yearly sume of Forty shillings to be paid the twenty fifth of March & twenty ninth of Septemb[e]r by equall portions .///. Richard Meade .///. Marke Wilkes .///.

Memorandum That this writeing or will contaynes the true substance and effect of the last will and Testament of Joseph Seare late of Laighton Bussard in the County of Bedford gent[leman] deceased w[hi]ch was putt into writeing in his life tyme according to his the said de[ceas]eds owne direct[i]ons whilst he lived in p[er]fect mind and memory soe farr as wee could p[er]ceive or doe beleeve But before the sayd will could be finished or putt into perfect forme hee the said deceased became insensible And soe w[i]thin a few dayes after dyed .///. Richard Meade .///. Marke Wilkes. Wittnesses .///. [the following is struck through] Richard Meade Esq[uire] was sworne the second day of February 1657. before us .///. John Marshe .///. & Ro[bert] Boule Marke Wilkes gent[leman] was sworne the fourth day of February 1657, before us .///. Robert Boule .///. Tho[mas] Bryan [end of struck through text]

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