Thomas Cooke
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 14th July
Probate Date: 24th August
Proved by Jane Hilton, sister of the testator and wife of Richard
Hilton the younger
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/280
The original document is in the custody of the National
In the name of God Amen the fourteenth daie of July
in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred Fiftye &
eight I Thomas Cooke of Laighton Bussard in the Countye of Bed[for]d
hempdresher being sicke & weake of body yet of good & perfect memory
praysed be God therefore doe make & ordaine this my last will &
testament in manner & forme followeing (that is to say) First &
principally I commend my Soule into the handes of Almighty God
my Creator assuredly beleiveing that I shall receive full pardon
of all my sinnes & be saved by and through the precious death &
merritts of my blessed redeemer & Saviour Jesus Christ And my body
to the earth from whence yt was taken to be buried in such decente
& Christian buriall as to my executrix hereafter named shalbe thought
meetes convenient And as touching such temporall estate as the
lord in mercy hath lent mee far above my deserts my will & meaneing
is the same shalbe Employed & bestowed as hereafter by this my
will is expressed And first I doe revoke renounce frustrate & make
voyd All willes formerly by mee made or done either by word or
writeing and declare & appoint this my last will & Testament And
alsoe I doe give & bequeath unto my sister Elizabeth the wife of
George West the some of three poundes of lawfull English money
to bee paid unto her w[i]thin six moneths next after my decease
All & singuler other my goodes & Chattells landes tenements Bondes
billes ready money debtes wearing apparrell household stuffe utensilles
& Implementes of Household whatsoever not before here by mee willed
& bequeathed my debtes & legacyes paid & my funerall expences discharged
I doe give & bequeath unto my loveing sister Jane the wife of Richard
Hilton the younger whom I doe make & ordaine to be sole executrix
of this my last will & Testament In witnes whereof I have hereunto
subscribed my marke & fixed my seale the daie & yeare above written
./ 1658 ./ Thomas Cooke his marke. /// Sealed signed published
and declared in the presence of .///. John Chapman .///. Robeart
Scarbrow .///.