Francis Foskett
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 19th August
Probate Date: 21st November
Proved by John Foskett brother of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/270
The original document is in the custody of the National
August the 19th 1657.
In the name of God Amen I Francis Foskett of Laighton Buzard in the
Countie of Bedford being sick in body but p[er]fect in memory do
make my last will and Testament in the presence of these witneses
viz. Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my sister Elizabeth Foskett
fifty pounds one twenty pound I left in my sister Mary Walters
hand for the use of Will[iam] Beadles of Showford in the said County
of Bedford also other Twenty pounds in my Brother Raiph Dogatts
hand the bond is w[i]thin my deske in my trunk and ten pound w[i]thin
my deske to make up Fifty pounds for her ./ Item I give unto the
three daughters of John Stap which he had by my sister Martha Five
pound each one of them ten pound of it is in my Cozen John Brickhils
hand of great Harwood in the Countye of Buck[ingham] the other
Five pound is in John Meads hand of Stutelay in the said Countye
Item I give unto Quarter M[aste]r Johnson and his wife twentye
shillings to buy either of them a pair of gloves Iten I give unto
my Brother Thomas Foskett ten pound out of my trunk with what he
hath allreadie Iten I give unto my Brother John Foskett all the
remainder of the silver in my trunke or deske Iten I give unto
my sister Mary Walters one two and twenty shillings peece of gold
Iten I give unto my sister Ann Dogatt one two and twenty shillings
peece of gold Item I give unto my brother John Foskett his wife
one peece of gold Item I give unto my brother Thomas Foskett his
wife one peece of gold Iten I give unto my brother Raiph Dogatt
and John Walters one peece of gold betwixt them Iten I give unto
Will[iam] Beadles and his wife one peece of gold betwixt them Iten
I give unto my sister Elizabeth Foskett one great brasse pott Item
I give unto my Cousen John Walters one pair of gold weights Item
I give unto my sister Walters one mufe w[hi]ch is in my Trunke
Iten I give unto my sister Dogatt my litle deske w[i]thin trunke
Iten I give unto my Cousen Francis Foskett five pound and my Bible
out of that moneys that his Father is to receive and the moneys
to put forth for his use till he shall come at lawfull years of
discretion Iten I give unto my brother John Foskett all the moneys
that is dew to me in Thomas Bingham his hands of Ouborne in the
County of Bedford likewise Forty shillings in Daniell Parish his
hand in the parish of Winslay And I do make my Brother John Foskett
my sole Executor. Item I give unto Henry Fothergaill the choyce
of my tucks and one pockitt pistle Item I give unto Richard Batterby
five pound sterling three pound of it is in Henry Fothergails hand
and the other Forty shillings out of my arrears and I give him
all my livings and my portmantle w[i]th all things in it I do give
unto Thomas Bland all my woolling cloaths. Item I give for the
bringing of me forth Eight pounds. Item I give to my Brother John
Foskett two p[ar]tes and my Brother Thomas Foskett one p[ar]te
of my arrears and what is made of my horse and Arms And I leave
Quarter M[aste]r Johnson to see this my will discharged here in
Scotland and to have the disposeing of what I have here And then
to surrender it up to my Executor in England This is my sole will
and desire and that the same may effectually be p[er]formed witnes
my hand and seale .///. Francis Foskett ///. Sealed signed and
deliv[er]ed in the p[re]sence of these witneses .///. Ge[orge]
Johnson ///. Henry Fothergaill .///. vera copia p[er] me .///.
PR .///.