Elizabeth Wigge alias Andrewes
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 23rd
August 1654
Probate Date: 22nd February 1654/5
Proved by John Andrewes
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/246
The original document is in the custody of the National
Memorandum That Elizabeth Wigge al[ia]s Andrewes
late of Layton Bussard in the Countye of Bedford widdowe deceased
upon or about the xxiijth day of August in the yeare
of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred fiftye fower beinge then
sicke of the sicknes whereof she dyed, made and declared her last
will and Testament n[u]ncupatine, and did thereby will and bequeath
as followeth or to the like effect vizt. Shee beinge asked whoe
should be her Executor, said that her younger sonne John Andrewes
should be her Executor, and gave him a debt of Twenty poundes due
to her upon bond from one Thomas Welles of Eggynton, and Tenne
poundes more due to her upon bond from John Lucey of Milton, and
beinge asked where these twoe bondes were said That Henry Hill
of Wooborne had them in his house And being asked howe the said
John Andrewes should receive them said the said Henry would Deliver
them Item she gave to her elder sonne Richard Andrewes her great
brasse pott Item she gave to Anne Dudley a great kettle and her
Truncke alsoe and what was in it In the presence and hearinge of
credible wittnesses wittnesses hereunto The marke of Anne Clarke
The marke of Elizabeth Markham