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© copyright Kevin Quick

Francis Wells

Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 22nd November 1651 & 30th Spetember 1652
Probate Date: 27th June 1654
Proved by Nathaniell Wells, son of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/236

The original document is in the custody of the National Archives


In the name of God Amen I Francis Wells of Laighton busard in the County of Bedford draper beinge in perfect memory blessed bee god yet Consideringe the mortality that all men are Subiect unto and how uncertaine athinge this life is doe by these presents make and declare my last will and Testament in maner and forme Followeinge First I give my Soule into the hands of Jesus Christ my Redeemer by whose merritts alone I hope for Salvation And as for the portion of lands and goods which god hath lent mee in this world after my debts bee payde and my Funerall expences discharged My mind and will is That the Same Shalbee discharged of as Followeth Item I give unto Twenty of poorer Sort of people in Laighton Twelve pence a peece at the discretion of my Executor Item I give unto my brother Robert his wife five Shillings a peece Item I give unto my Sonne John my howse wherein William Sares nowe dwelleth with the orchard and all the Appurten[a]nc[e]s thereunto belonginge to him and to his heires Forever Item I give to his daughter five pounds And likewise to his Sonne John my Grandchilde five pounds Item I give to my Sonne Edward the howse wherein I nowe dwell with all the Chests Shelves boxes Shoe boards in the Shopp And alsoe all the Shelves dresser boards and benches in the kitchen and wellhouse with the Furnes to him and to his heires for ever Item I give unto my daughter Sarah one hundred pounds in money That is to Say the hundred pounds in my Sonne Johns hands which I Lent to him tell my decease to bee payde to her within three moneths after my decease Item I give unto my daughter Sarah all my household Stufe to her and to her heires forever Item I give unto Nathaniell my youngest Sonne my Twenty Acres of Land Lyeing in the Feilds of Laighton Fourteene and a halfe thereof beinge Freehold and five and a halfe Coppyhold to him and to his heires forever Item I give to Nathaniell my barne I built Standinge on my Cosen John Wells his ground Alsoe I give to Nathaniell the Lease I bought of Master Stanton in the occupation of Paull Pigott of Milton Item I give to Nathaniell the house I bought of Bartholomew Rouland now in the occupation of the Widdowe Cooke to him and to his heires Forever Item I give to Nathaniell in monie Fifty pounds to redeeme this howse beinge morgaged to Richard Walters Item my will is That if it Shall please god to take him away before hee attaine to the age of Twenty and one yeare That then my Sonne John Shall have one halfe of what I have bequeathed to him and my other Three Children Edward Elizabeth and Sarah the other halfe equally devided betwixt them Item I give unto my daughter Lake her five Children five pounds a peece Item I give unto Elizabeth Bushbee Twenty Shillings The Rest of my goods debts and Chattles I give and bequeath unto my Sonne Nathaniell Whom I doe make and Constitute my Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament In whom my trust is that hee will Faithfully performe the Same And I doe intreat my Cosen Joseph Sayre Thomas Aldrige my Sonne in lawe and Thomas Bryan the Overseers of this my last Will and Testam[en]t giveinge each of them five Shillings for their paines In Witnes whereof I have Sett to my hand and Seale The two and twentith day of November 1651

Memorandum That I Consideringe that happily there may not bee Sufficient to pay debts legacies Funerall expences and other Chardges my Will is that my Executor Shall have one yeares rent of the howse I now live in And one yeares rent of the Lease of Paul Pigott And Shall have the benifitt of Sarahs hundred pounds for one yeare after my decease This I have put in before the Sealeinge hereof November the Two and twentith 1651: Per mee Francis Wells: Sealed and subscribed in the presence of Edward Wells Nathaniell Wells,

Memorandum. that I put John and put in Nathaniell the 30th of September 1652 Per mee Francis Wells.

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