Michaell Coles
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 3rd April
Probate Date: 4th May 1649
Proved by Phillippa Coles, wife of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/208
The original document is in the custody of the National
In the name of God Amen The Third daie of Aprill
in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred Fortie and
nyne I Michaell Coles of Laighton bussard in the countie of Bedford
yeoman being sicke in bodie but in good and perfect remembrance
laud and praise be unto allmightie God, doe make, and ordeyne this
my present testam[en]t Concerning herein my last will in manner
and forme as followeth First and principally I doe commend my soule
into the mercifull handes of Allmightie God my maker and redeemer
stedfastlie trusting in him, and that through the meritts bitter
death, and passion of his deerelie beloveing sonne Jesus Christ
mine onelie Saviour I shall obtaine pardon and forgivenes of all
my sins and life everlasting in the Kingdome of heaven And my bodie
I doe committ to the earth in hope of a joyfull resurrecion And
as touchinge my worldlie and temporall estate, which God hath lent
mee in this world I dispose of it as followeth Inprimis I give
and bequeath unto my sonne Edmund five poundes of good and lawfull
money of England to be paid unto him by my executrix hereafter
named towardes the payment of his Fyne, when hee shall take up
his Coppiehould land Item I give & bequeath unto my Sonne John
twentie poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be paid
unto him by my executrix when hee shall accomplishe, and come to
the age of one and twentie yeares Item I give and bequeath unto
my daughter Anne One hundred and twentie poundes of good and lawfull
money of England to be paid unto her by my said executrix within
three whole yeares next after after my decease, Item my will is
that if my said daughter Anne doe die and decease before the time
that I have by this my will appointed for her to receive her aforesaid
portion without lawfull issue of her bodie That then my will is,
and I doe hereby give and bequeath all her said portion of one
hundred and twentie poundes unto my two sons Edmund and John to
be equallie devided betweene them Item I give and bequeath unto
my daughter Marie twentie shillinges Item I give and bequeath unto
my two kinswomen Thomasin and Winifrede Coles Fiftie shillinges
a peece Item my will is, that Phillipp my nowe wife shall surrender
and yeild up unto my sonne John and his heires for ever All her
estate, right, title, and interest which shee now hath in and to
one Cottage standinge in the midle Rowe in Laighton abovesaid called
the Hornes and wherein one William Wesson nowe dwelleth with the
appurtenances, when hee shall accomplishe and come to the age of
one and twentie yeares which if shee the said Phillipp my nowe
wife shall refuse soe to doe, and not release That then my will
is that shee the said Phillipp shall paie unto my said sonne John
eight score poundes at the age aforesaid All the rest and residue
of all my goods cattells, and chattells whatsoever I have unbequeathed
my bodie being buried, my Funerall expences performed, my debts
and legacies paid I doe whollie give and bequeath unto Phillipp
my loveinge wife for and towardes her mainten\a/nce, and to educate,
and bring upp my children carefully, and in the feare of God untill
they come to age and receive their portions And I doe make and
ordaine her the said Phillipp my loveinge wife to be my sole and
whole executrix of this my present Testament And further my will
is, That if my said executrix shall happen to marrie againe That
then my said executrix shall paie unto my three children vi[delice]t
Edmund John and Anne, to each of them Twenty poundes a peece of
lawfull Englishe money over and above the porc[i]on that I have
before in this my will bequeathed unto them to be paid into the
handes of Marke Wilkes gent[leman] Edward Elliott and Joseph Coles
my brother at or upon the daie that shee my said executrix shalbe
married to another man, And the said moneyes to be by them put
out to the best use and benefitt, of my said three children unto
they shall accomplishe, and come to the age of one and twentie
yeares And I doe nominate and appoint the said Marke Wilkes gent[leman]
Edward Elliott and Joseph Coles my Brother to bee my overseers
of this my last will and testam[en]t Wittnes my hand and seale
the daie and yeare first abovewritten. The marke of Michaell Coles
Sealed signed and acknowledged in the presence of Stephen Martin
his marke William Stapp his marke ./.