Edward Wilkes
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 17th March
Probate Date: 18th August 1647
Proved by Matthew Wilkes, son of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/201
The original document is in the custody of the National
In the name of God Amen The Seaventeenth day of March
one thousand sixe hundred fortie sixe being the Twenty and second
yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace
of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of
the faith &c I Edward Wilkes of Laighton Bussard in the County
of Bedford gentleman being at this tyme weake in bodie but of sounde
and perfect mynde and memory (thankes bee given to Allmighty God)
Now calling to mynde the imutable decree of Allmighty God that
every man shall dye but the tyme when and the place where lest
knowen unto men being therefore desyrous by the helpe of God
to bee in readines to goe the way of all flesh when soever it
shall please God of his mercy to call mee doe now manifestly declare
this my last will and testament in manner and forme following First
and principally I Comend my soule into the hand of Allmighty God
trusting to bee saved by the only mercie of his Sonne Christ Jesus
my Redeemer stedfastly beleiveing that through the meritts of his
bitter death and passion and the shedding of his most pretious
blood for the sinnes of Mankinde I shall bee made pertaker of his
glorious Kingdome amongst the number of the Electe, And my bodie
decently to bee buried in the Chancell of the Church of Laighton
near the bodie of my father and Mother at the discretion of my
Executor herafter mentioned And for such worldly goodes as it hath
pleased Allmighty God to blesse mee with in his bounteous goodnes
I doe thus bequeath order and dispose of as in manner and forme
following Inprymis I give and bequeth unto my Children Mathew
Marke Luke and Thomas Wilkes Martha Cary and John Dissny to each
of them a byble of Godes most holy words with the Lordes prayer
beeleife Tenn Comandements and the fiftie eight chapter of Isaya
nuly to bee printed and sett in the beginning of each booke and
the booke to bee clasped with silver Claspes and the valew of each
booke about thirty shillings Ittem I give and bequeath unto my
sonne Marke Wilkes five poundes of lawfull English money And to
his wife Anne my Sedar chest Ittem I give and bequeath unto my
sonne Luke Wilkes fifteene poundes of Currant English money to
bee p[ai]d him yerly for tenn yeares by my Executor if he the s[ai]d
Luke doe soe long live Ittem I give and bequeath unto my sonne
Thomas Wilkes and his heire forever all my house in Newport Pagnell
now in the occupation of John Norman Also I give unto my sonne
Tho[mas] and his heires forever all my house in the occupation
of George Foster being in Laighton and called by the name of the
Eagle and Child Also I give unto him four poundes of English money
to bee paid him yerly for tenn yeares by my Executor if he the
sayd Thomas doe so long live Ittem I give and bequeath unto my
lo[ving] sonne in lawe Mr. Walter Cary Fifty shillings to buy
him a ringe and to his wife my loving daughter Martha Cary my silver
Tankard Ittem I give unto my Lo[ving] daughter in lawe Mrs. Francis
Wilkes my silver graven boale Ittem I give and bequeath unto
my loving sonne in lawe Mr. Tho[mas] Dissny fiftie shillings to
buy him a ringe and to his wife my Lo[ving] daughter Joane Disny
one peece of gold of three pound starling Ittem I give unto
my grandchild Mary Dissny my house in Laighton w[hi]ch is now a
building and was lately in the use of Thomas Foster a butcher to
have the benefitt thereof after eight yeares from Lady day next
ensueing to her and her heires forever Ittem I give unto my
deare and loving wiffe Joane Wilkes all my houshold stuff Rings
and Jewells except what afore given to my daughters also half my
fyre wood in the yarde with lopp of wood out of my Closses for
her use during her life to bee allowed her by my Executor as also
that he deliver her yerly during her life eight bushell of good
sweete wheate and eight bushell of good sweete mault And that he
pay her in Currant English money within four months after my decease
one hundred poundes Also that he pay her yerly during her life
pounds of Currant English money and binde over to her to her content
some parcell of lands for his trew performance Ittem I give unto
my loving sister Mrs. Mary Bate five poundes Ittem I give unto
my loving bro[ther] Mr. Rob[er]t Wallis Fiftie shillings as also
to my Lo[ving] sister his wife Fifty shillings to buy them Rings
Ittem I give unto Rob[er]t Wallis and Hester ther Children to each
Fifty shillings Ittem I give unto my servant mayde Twenty shillings
Ittem I give to John Honner Jeffery Cooke and Robert Bolsworth
to each tenn shillings Ittem I give unto Ellen Mrs. Turnays mayd
Tenn shillings And to Judeth Turny Tenn shillings Ittem whereas
John Sedgwick of London Brewer deceased gave by his will to the
poore of Laighton Twenty poundes and his widow my daughter Martha
Sedgwick gave twentie pound more both which somes wear to bee l[ai]d
out by mee for the use of such poore as I should thinke meet to
dispose the benefitt of which two somes being fortie shillings
a yeare they have receaved at my handes to the twenty fifth of
March one thousand sixe hundred forty sixe My will and pleasure
is that the poore people which now are or hereafter shall bee in
Almeshouses built by mee shall Rec[ieve] to the uses hereafter
mentioned five pound thirteene shillings four pence forever out
of two Cloases lying in the beck end of Laighton now in the occupation
of Steven Marten and Henery Chandler whereof fortie shillings a
yeare is in liew of the forty poundes in my handes as exprest beefore
the guift of John Sedgwick and his wydow the other three poundes
thirteene shillings fower pence is my owne guift And whereas the
two Cloases are now let for sixe pound thirteene shillings four
pence a yeare my will is that Tenn
shillings thereof be given to a abl[e] Minister who is Master of
arts for the preaching a sermon on the day my bodye is laid in
the ground taking his Text out of the on hundred and twelf Phalme
And Tenn shillings more to bee spent on a dinner on my faith fees
the same day at what place in the Towne they shall choose thear
meetings to bee my will being that the five pounds thirteene shillings
four pence first menc[i]oned for the poore in my Almshouse bee
l[ai]d out in warme gownes and capps and they to accompany my bodie
in them to the ground My will being that if the number of poore
in my Almshouse doe herafter increase that they exceede not the
number of sixteene And those to bee of Aged people and not otherwise
Item my will is that what is before exprest to bee observed on
the day of my buriall bee observed that day successively each yeare
forever To which purpose I desyre the Minister of Layton the Sonday
foregoeing that day come twelf month my body was l[ai]d in the
ground to acquaint the people of the day the sermon is to bee preached
And I likewise desyre my faith fees that again is that tyme they
provide the Cloathing for the poore people they receiving the Rents
and makeing disbursements according to this my will Item my will
is that if hereafter the Rentes of the two cloases increase the
benefitt bee to the poore in ther Clothing Ittem my will is that
if the number of the poore be herafter more then now is soe that
the five poundes shixteene shillings four pence will not cloath
them all that then the on half of them that yeare Receave the benefitt
in Clothing and the other nomber of them the yeare following and
so forever Ittem my will is that whatt wood is upon the two cloases
given by mee as aforesayd my Executor may sell and take to his
owne use soe he doe it within a twelf month after the date hereof
Ittem my will is that thease following bee my faith fees in trust
to the uses aforesd Mathew Wilkes Mark Wilkes Thomas Wilkes (Ed[ward]
Leach) Mr. John Foster Richard Leach Ed[ward] Leach Tho[mas] Herbert
and Tho[mas] Merideth and as theas shall dy my will is so many
more bee putt in ther places being honest men Ittem my will is
that those poore people which now are in my Almshouse or hereafter
shall bee soe long as health and strength will suffer them doe
constantly repayre to church on Sondayes as also on other dayes
when sermons are preached wherin if fayle it shall bee lawfull
for my faith fees to take parte of my guift from him or her and
give it to those that better deserve Now if any man shall take
from the uses afores[ai]d and imploy to his owne use or otherwise
then by me given lett the justice of Allmighty God fall on him
till hee restore it againe unto it right use Ittem my will is that
all the guifts and legacies bequeathed by mee shall bee paid by
my Executor hereafter mentioned once within eighteene months after
my body is layd in the ground except the hundred poundes to bee
p[ai]d my wife as aforementioned Ittem my will is that all those
to whome I have given legacies shall give my Executor upon payment
a lawfull discharge Item my will is that within three months after
my body is l[ai]d in the ground my Executor herafter named shall
take downe my table in the Church and in the first leafe thereof
sett downe all legacies given by mee and my frinds to the Church
and Towne \Item my will is thatt my Coffin be made of Cedar wood/
Ittem all the rest of my goodes and estate Chattells Debts redy
money lesses and all whatsoever and wheresoever (my debts discharged
unto all men that in conscience I owe my funerall Expences likewise
paid for) I give and bequeath unto my Lo[ving] Sonne Mathew Wilkes
whome I hearby make appoint and ordayne sole Executor of this my
last will and Testament And I doe hereby revoke and make voide
all former wills grants wills legacies and bequests other than
what is thear expressed And that this my last will and testament
conteyneth three sheets of paper I testifie and doe declare under
my hand wrighting to each sheete of paper under my hand and seale
the day and yeare first above written Edw[ard] Wilkes