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© copyright Kevin Quick

Jane Deacon

Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 7th August 1646
Probate Date: 17th August 1646
Proved by Thomas Denne
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/197

Note: In addition to the probate there is an additional note added relating to the administration dated 8th March 1658/9 and written into the margin.

The original document is in the custody of the National Archives


In the name of God Amen I Jane Deacon of Layton Bussard in the County of Bed[for]d spinster the unprofitable servant of God being at the present sicke in body but in good and perfect mind and and memory thankes be therefore given unto Almighty God And calling to mind the incertainty of this life and hours of death doe therefore make and ordaine and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to say First and principally I commend my soule and spirit into the mercifull handes of Allmighty God my heavenly father assuredly beleiving to have full remission and pardon for all my sinnes and to inioy life everlasting in the kindome of heaven by and through the only merrites bitter death and passion of Christ Jesus my only Lord and Saviour In whose pretious bloud shedding I put the whole and only hope of my salvac[i]on. My mortall body I comitt to the earth in hope of a ioyfull resurrection, to be buried in a comly decent and christian manner according to my dezier? and calling in the parish where it shall please God I shall end this life And as concerning the disposing of all such estate and substance whatsoever as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I doe give and bequeath the same in manner and forme following that is to say Inprimis I doe give and bequeath the some of twenty shillinges of lawfull English money to be laid out in bread to be distributed to and amongst the poore people of Laighton Bussard in the County of Bed[for]d at and by my executrix and overseeres in this my last will and Testament hereafter named at their discretion upon the day of my buriall. Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Joane Archer the some of tenn poundes of lawfull english money. Item I give and bequeath unto my Cozen William Wilkes (the sonne of my sister Allice deceased) the some of Forty shillinges of lawfull english money. Item I give and bequeath unto my Cozen Jane Deane my Goddaughter the daughter of Thomas Deane my best ioyned bed and bedstead with a tester over it standing in my best chamber next unto Goodman Theedes: And I doe also give and bequeath unto her the said Jane Deane my Goddaughter one paire of Curtaine sheetes and one great brasse pott. Item I give and bequeath unto my Cozen Anne Deane the daughter of Thomas Deane one paire of flaxen sheetes one brasse pann and my biggest brasse fettles and two of my biggest pewter platters. Item I give and bequeath unto my Godsonne John Gilman five shillinges. Item I give and bequeath unto my Goddaughter Jane South five shillinges and to my Goddaughter Elizabeth Harwell five shillinges and to my Goddaughter Jane Deane five shillinges and to Elizabeth Ellis five shillinges and to my Cozen Richard Plackett ten shillinges. And whereas I am possessed of two severall Closes one called Folden close and the other called Nordens close scituate lying and being in the parish of Stewkly in the County of Buck[ingham] for the tearme of many yeares yet to come I doe hereby give bequeath devise will and appoint that all the rentes yssues revenues and profitts of the said two Closes with the appurten[a]nces shalbe received taken had divided and enioyed by and betweene my Cozen William Wilkes and my Cozen Anne Deane the wife of Thomas Deane equally during the tearme of their naturall lifes and the longer liver of them. And after the decease of the said William Wilkes and Anne Deane then I will bequeath give and appoint and devise the said Close called Folden close and all the rents yssues revenues and profittes thereof and all my estate tearme and interest therein unto my Goddaughter Jane Deane and to her heires and Assignes for ever: And after the decease of the said William Wilkes and Anne Deane then I will and bequeath give and appoint and devise that all the said Close called Nordens close and all the rentes issues revenues and profittes thereof and all my estate tearme and interest therein shall descend unto the Children of the said William Wilkes if he have any then living And unto the other children of the said Anne Deane equally and to their heires and assignes for ever Item I give and bequeath will and appoint \that/ the owners occupiers and possessors of my close called Nordenes close out of the rentes issues revenues and profittes thereof shall yearely during all the residue and tearme of yeares then after my decease to come in the premisses pay unto the poore people of the Towne of Laighton Bussard in the County of Bed[for]d tenn shillinges of lawfull english money: And unto the poore people of Stewkly in the County of Buck[ingham] the like some of tenn shillinges at or upon the feast day of the Purification of the blessed Lady the virgin Mary comonly called Candlemas day in every yeare during the residue and tearme of yeares which ...? then to come in the premisses. And the same to be distributed unto the poore people imediatly at the discrec[i]on of the Churchwardenes and overseres of the poore for the time being of the Townes of Laighton Bussard and Stewkly aforesaid where is most need: And further I declare that my mind and will is that if it happen that the said Anuities of somes of ten shillings a piece by the yeare to be behind and unpaid in part or in all after any of the ...? tearmes aforesaid in which it ought to be paid by the space of one moneth after That then it shall be lawfull for the Churchwardenes and Overseeres of the Towne of Laighton Bussard and Stewkly aforesaid for the time being or any of them by virtue of this my present Testament into the Close called Nordens close aforesaid with the appurten[a]nces and the goodes and chattelles of the owners occupiers and possessors thereof to enter and distreyne and the distresses so there taken to carry load chase and beare away and in their custody and custodies to reteyne till such time as all the aforesaid yearely Anuties and the Arresweages? thereof if any be bo? fully contented satisfied and paid without any fraud? or delay or contradiction. Item I give devise and bequeath unto my Cosen William Wilkes all those five Acres of arrable landes leyes and grasse ground with the appurten[a]nces lying and being within the fields and parish of Stewkly in the said County of Buck[ingham] which I late purchased of Richard Stap and Robert Stap of Stewkly aforesaid and also my three halfe Acres of freehold Land lying upon Leckbrooke furlong in the parish of Laighton Bussard aforesaid. All which said premisses with the appurten[a]nces I doe give and bequeath unto my Cozen William Wilkes and to his heires for ever, if he have any issue of his body lawfully begotten. And if it happen the said William Wilkes doe dye and decease without yssue of his body lawfully begotten That then I give devise and bequeath all the aforesaid landes and premisses with the appurten[a]nces aforesaid unto my Cozen Anne Deane the wife of Thomas Deane and unto her heires and Assignes for ever. Item I give devise and bequeath unto my Cozen Anne Deane the daughter of Thomas Deane all my messuage Tenement and house with all landes hereditamentes and appurten[a]nces whatsoever thereunto belonging scituate in Ailesbury in the said County of Buck[ingham] now in the tenure or occpac[i]on of Thomas Horwood or of his Assignes unto her the said Anne Deane and unto her heires and Assignes forever. Item I give and bequeath unto my brother in Law Steven Wilkes tenn shillinges All rest of my Goodes and Chattells unbequeathed my body being buried my funerall expences performed my debtes if I shall owe any being paid and these my legacies contained in this my present Testament discharged I doe wholy give and bequeath unto my Cozen Anne Deane the wife of Thomas Deane whome I doe make and ordaine my sole and whole Executrix of this my present Testament knowing that she will have a care of the true performance thereof And of the execuc[i]on of the same I doe make and ordaine Richard Leach and Robert Plummer of Laighton Bussard aforesaid my overseeres and I doe onto them for their paines in that behalf thirty shillinges a piece. And I doe hereby revoke repeale disanull and make void all former willes Testamentes Codicilles guiftes bequestes legacies devises executors and overseeres by me at any time heretofore made ordained given bequeathed devised and named: And I doe hereby will ordaine & appoint these presentes to be my only last will and Testament for ever In witnesse whereof I the said Jane Deacon have to these presentes conteyning my last will and Testament sett to my hand and seale. Given the seventh day of August in the two and twentith yeare of the raigne of our most gracious Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King defender of the faith &c Annoq[ue] dom[ini] 1646. The marke of Jane Deacon Signed sealed and acknowledged in the presence of Richard South John How Joseph Cokes? /

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