John Oakley
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 4th December
Probate Date: 30th January 1638/9
Mentioned in the probate: John Turney and William Prentise, executors
and Christopher Sclater, vicar
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/179
The original document is in the custody of the National
In the name of God I John Oakley of Layton Bussard
within the County of Bedford Carpenter being sicke in body but
praysed be Almighty God of perfect memory doe make this my last
will & Testam[en]t in maner following First I Comend my Soule
unto Almighty God the Father sonn & holy ghost Three glorious
persons but one Imortall essence And my body to be decently buryed
at the discrec[i]on of Mr. Sharrocke Mr. Danvers & Mr.
Turney aftermenc[i]oned And for the worly state which God in mercy
hath bestowed on mee My will is to dispose of in maner following
First whereas I am diversly indebted unto sundry persons in severall
somes My will is that all my land lyeing & being in Draighton
p[ar]slowe in the County of Buck[ingham], of what nature or terme
soever Togeither with the Comons & appurtenannces there unto
belonging with my Houses Yardes pitles Closes barnes & whatsoever
I have there shalbe all soulde to the best worth thereof; and all
my debtes to be payd And what shall remayne & be left of the
moneys (my debtes & funeralls
being discharged & my mother being agreed withall & satisfied
for her dower & right in the said land) shalbe devided amongst
my Wife
& Children as followeth. The said money remayning of the sale
of my landes shalbe devided into nyne partes or porc[i]ons equally.
Whereof I give unto my beloved wife Katerine twoe partes thereof
being soe devided Likewise I give unto my eldest sonne John Oakeley
twoe partes thereof The other five partes or divisions I bestowe
as followeth That is I give unto my fower Younger Children Edward
Oakley Roger Okeley Joane Oakley & Temperance
Oakley to either of them one parte or division thereof; And whereas
my wife is now greate with Child My will is that if it please God
that shee be safe delivered &
the Child doe live That that Child shall have that other parte
or porc[i]on as a Legacye from mee yf it dye then that porc[i]on
to be equally devided amongst my wife & the rest of my Children
And if it please God that any of my Children now in being shall
departe this life before their porc[i]ones be due That that p[ar]te
or porc[i]on of him or her soe dyeing shalbe equally devided betweene
the rest of my Children then lyveing Allsoe my will is that all
the rest of my goodes & debtes shalbe devided into nyne equall
p[ar]tes & distributed amongst my wife & Children as the
remaynder of the sale of my land is appointed And whereas the Children
are all young & must have p[re]sent mayntenance My will is
that those whome I interest in the sale of my landes & goodes
shall put out their porc[i]ons to the best advantage & allowe
the proffitt thereof towardes their maintenance And when any use
my Children bee fitt to be Apprentises my will & desire that
they doe bynd them out And if the proffittes of their porc[i]ons
will not doe it Then to take what shalbe sufficient according to
their discrec[i]ons out of their stockes Furthermore I doe hereby
intreate my good frendes Mr. Thomas Danvers of Reach within
the parish of Layton Bussard & Mr. John Turney of Hollenden
within the parish of Soulbury to take upon them the sale of my
land & goodes aforesaid Houses Yardes Closes & land at Draighton
p[ar]slow aforesaid & of all my goodes & Chattells there wheresoever
they shalbe found giveing them full & absolute power to sell &
alienate the premises & every parte & parcell thereof by Deede
Lease or any other way as they shalbe advised by Councell learned
in the lawes to assure the same to the aforesaid uses & for the
dischargeing of such necessary expences as they or any of them
shalbe put unto in the manageing & ordering the thinges in this
my last will expressed. In wittnes hereof I have hereunto sett
my hand & seale the fourth daie of December in the yeare of o[u]r
Lord God One Thousand six hundred thirtie & eight 1638. And in
the fourteenth yeare of the raigne of o[u]r Soveraigne Lord King
Charles &c The name or marke of John Okeley. Sealed signed & delivered
in the p[re]sence of The marke of William Prentice Edward Walker
The marke of William Smith of Brickhill mag[na] The m[ar]ke of
Katherine Oakley uxor.
And I the said John Oakeley doe hereby nominate ordayne & appoint
the above named John Turney & my Unkle William Prentice to be Executors
of this my last will & Testament In the p[re]sence of Robert Sharrocke
Edw[ard] Wilkes Thomas Hillersdon Ollever Thorneton ./.
And I the said John Oakeley doe hereby will that Mr. Robert
Sharrocke shall have my howses & landes \in/ Drayton & all my estate
therein According to the Articles betweene mee & him And that Mr.
Danvers & John Turney shall make sale of the p[re]misses to to
him according to the said Articles And desire this Clause & the
former Clause to be parte of my said will ./ John Oakeley