Christopher Hoddesdon
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 26th April
Probate Date: 19th February 1610/1
Proved by Elizabeth Hoddesdon, widow of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/117 Image Reference
164 & 165
The original document is in the custody of the National
Archives. Additionally the National
Archives hold a sentence relating to this will, which is written
in Latin dated 4th November 1612 and reference PROB 11/120
See also: Biography,
Leighton or Grovebury Manor,
Prebendal Manor,
Second Will
In the name of God Amen. The Sixe and twentieth daie
of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord god one thowsand sixe hundred
and nyne And in the yeares of the Raigne of our most gratious Soveraigne
Lord James by the grace of god of England France and Ireland Kinge
defender of the faithe &c. the seaventhe and of Scotland the
two and fortiethe I S[i]r Christopher Hoddeson of Layton Bussard
in the Countie of Bedford knight beinge of good & perfect healthe
and sounde memorie (the Lord be praised) And knowinge that nothinge
is more certaine then deathe and nothinge more uncertaine then
the tyme thereof and therefore preparinge my selfe readie to sett
a godlie and quiett order of such temporall blessinges as it hath
pleased Almightie god to blesse me w[i]thall to thintent that I
may be the more readie to dep[ar]te out of this worlde whensoever
it shall please god to call me, doe make and ordaine this my present
Testament concerninge herein my last Will in manner and forme followinge
(that is to saie) First I bequeathe my Soule to Almightie god my
maker and to Ihesus Christe my onelie Saviour and Redeemer trustinge
by the mercy of the Almightie to be saved and not by anie other
meanes and my bodie to be buried in the Church of Laighton Bussard
afore saide in the place therefore by me prepared if it please
god it may soe be I give and bequeathe unto Ellyn Smith Alice Smith
and Joane Smith the daughters of Joane Smith my neece to either
of them twentie poundes a peece w[hi]ch said severall sommes of
money I will shalbe paide to them by my wife her executors adm[inistrato]rs
or assignes when and soe soone as they shall accomplishe or come
unto their severall ages of fifteene yeares a peece or at their
marriage w[hi]ch of them shall first severallie happen Item I give
and bequeathe unto Christopher Hoddesdon of Staple Inn gent[leman]
my nephue One hundred poundes to be paide to him w[i]thin one yeare
next after my decease And whereas I the saide Christopher Hoddesdon
did latelie receave of Richard Wilkes of Strettham in the Countie
of of Surrey gentl[eman] six score poundes of lawfull money of
England to the onelie use and behoofe of Bridgett Hoddesdon Elizabeth
Hoddesdon and Ann Hoddesdon the daughters of John Hoddesdon late
of Strettham aforesaid gent[leman] my nevewe deceased w[hi]ch saide
six score poundes as alsoe twelffe poundes more for the use benefitt
thereof for one whole yeare I did deliver unto Edward Hoddesdon
one other of my nephewes uppon the twentieth daie of November in
Anno D[omi]ni one thousand six hundred to the use of the saide
Bridgett, Elizabeth, and Anne Hoddesdon: if the said Edward Hoddesdon
doe fullie cleerelie and absolutilie acquite and discharge the
said Elizabeth my wiffe and the foresaid Christopher Hoddesdon
my nephew their heires exe[cuto]rs adm[inistrato]rs and Assignes
and everie of them from and against the said Bridgett Elizabeth
and Anne and everie of them for and concerninge the said six score
poundes and the use benefitt and profitt thereof then I will that
my saide wife her executors administrators or Assignes shall paie
or cause to be paide to the saide Edward Hoddesdon one hundreth
poundes within sixe monthes next after that my said wiffe and the
saide Christopher Hoddesdon my nephewe their heires excutors and
adm[inistrato]rs shalbe soe discharged of the saide six score poundes
and all the use benefitt and profitt thereof as is aforesaid It[e]m
I will that my messuage or Tenement wherein John Doggett doth dwell
in Leeke ende of Layton Bussard aforesaid w[i]th all the howses
edifices buildinges orchardes gardens closes landes meadowes and
pastures there unto belonginge w[i]th all & singuler thappurten[a]nces
shall ymediatelie after my death or decease goe and remaine to
the Bayleiffe and Churchwardens of the Towne of Laighton Bussard
aforesaide for the tyme beinge and to their Successors forever
uppon Condic[i]on hereafter followinge That is to saie) they or
some or one of them shall procure a godlie learned preacher or
preachers from tyme to tyme (vid.) a Master of Art after my decease
to make in the Church of Laighton aforesaid twoe godlie and lerned
Sermons (that is to say) every halfe yeare one, To w[hi]ch saide
preacher the saide Bayleiffe and Churchwardens for the tyme beinge
& after every Sermon ended shall paie to the said Preacher
Tenne shillinges parcell of the profitt of the rent of the saide
messuage or tenement and other the premisses for and towardes his
paines and the overplus of the rent of the saide messuage or tenement
and other the premisses shalbe by the said Bayleiffe and Churchwardens
for the tyme beinge distributed in the said Churche amongest the
poorest and impotent widdowes Inhabitantes of the saide towne of
Layton aforesaid at the discretion of the saide Bayleiffe and Churchwardens
for the tyme beinge. Item I give and bequeathe to my nephewe Henry
Hoddesdon preacher all the money that Sir William Leighe knight
doth owe me w[i]th the rent increase and benefitt thereof and alsoe
all such wrightinges as were made betweene him and me testifyinge
the saide debtes that he doth owe me Item I doe forgive and discharge
the executors of my late brother Nicholas Hoddesdon deceased all
the debts w[hi]ch he did owe at the tyme of his decease or at anie
tyme after Item I forgive my sister in lawe M[ist]ris Carlyhill
the hundreth and fortie poundes w[hi]ch her late husband Mr.
Carlihill did owe me at the tyme of his decease w[i]th all the
profittes arisinge thereby whatsoever Item I give unto Edmund Boulsworth
my servannt tenne poundes Item I give unto John Edwardes and Tymothie
Mathewe my servantes to either of them five poundes a peece Item
I forgive my neece late the wief of John Hoddesdon all the debte
w[hi]ch her saide husband did owe me at the tyme of his decease
Item I doe forgive Henry Webbe all the debtes w[hi]ch he doth owe
me And further my will is that Thomas Benett my servant and his
wiffe shall have their dwelling in the house wherein they doe dwell
in Layton aforesaid duringe their naturall lives and the longer
liver of them w[i]thout any rent payinge for the same, Item I give
and bequeathe all my land tenementes and hereditamentes whatsoever
that I nowe stand seysed of in fee simple and not assured uppon
the marriadge of my late daughter Ursula lying and beinge w[i]thin
the townes feildes and parishes of Leyton Bussard aforesaid except
the foresaide messuage wherein the foresaide John Dogget doth dwell
in Layton Bussard aforesaid and disposed as aforesaid unto the
foresaid Elizabeth my wief for the terme of her naturall life,
and after the decease of my saide wief then to the heires of the
bodie of me the saide Sir Christopher Hoddesdon and of the said
Elizabeth lawfullie begotten or to be begotten betweene us And
for defaulte of such yssue then to such use and uses intentes and
purposes as in and by certaine severall Conveyannces thereof heretofore
made of the premisses by me the saide Sir Christopher Hodddesdon
in the waye of feofement of some part thereof to Sir Thomas Pope
Blunt Knight and of some other part thereof to John Edwardes and
William Turney as in and by the saide recyted severall Conveyannces
doe more plainelie appeare Alsoe I \doe/ give unto my saide wife
the Rectorie of Whitenashe and all my landes and tenementes w[i]thin
the Countie of Warwicke w[i]th all and singuler thappurten[a]nces
unto the said Eliz[abeth] my wiffe for the terme of her naturall
lieff, and after her decease then to Thomas Leighe Esquier my Granndchilde
late sonne of Sir John Leighe knight deceased and after his decease
to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten or to be begotten
And for default of such yssue then to the aforesaid Christopher
Hoddesdon my nephewe and his heires forever Provided alwaies and
my will and true meaninge is and I doe further ordaine by this
my pr[esen]te testament that if Sir Thomas Leighe knight grandfather
of the said Tho[mas] Leighe Esquire my granndchilde or the saide
Tho[mas] Leighe Esquier my granndchilde or aine of them or the
heires or Assignes of them or any of them doe not from tyme to
tyme and at all tymes hereafter permitt and suffer my foresaide
wieff and her Assignes peaceablie and quietlie to have holde use
occupie and enioye all such landes tenementes and heriditam[en]tes
whatsoever w[hi]ch I the saide Sir Christopher Hoddesdon by anie
deede Conveyannce Surrender or any other writinge whatsoever or
by this my pr[esen]te testament have before this tyme given conveyed
surrendered or bequeathed unto my saide wife or to any other to
her use accordinge to the true entent and meaninge of these pr[esen]tes
or of the saide deedes conveyannces Surrenders or writinges whatsoever
then I doe give will & bequeathe the saide Rectorie of Whitenashe
and all my saide landes and tenementes within the saide Countie
of Warwick w[i]th all and singuler thappurten[a]nces unto the said
Elizabeth my wiffe her heires and Assignes for ever And moreover
I will that my said wiffe shall have and enioye for the terme of
her said naturall life all those p[ar]cells of meadowe or swerd
grounde lyinge at Billington w[i]thin the parishe of Layton Bussard
aforesaid comonlye called Beane meade And after the deceasse of
my said wiffe my will is that the saide p[ar]cells of meadowe and
swerd ground w[i]th the appurten[a]nces shall goe and remaine unto
the afore said Christopher Hoddesdon of Staple Inn gentl[eman]
and to his heires for ever accordinge to the former assurannces
thereof from me the said Sir Christopher made unto my said wiffe
for the terme of her liffe and after her decease to the said Christopher
Hoddesdon and to his heires All the residue of my landes tenementes
and hereditamentes whatsoever w[hi]ch I nowe stand seized of or
shall have at the tyme of my decease w[i]thin the Counties of Bed[for]d
and Warwick or any of them not before given or bequeathed w[i]th
all and singuler thappurten[a]nces I give and bequeathe to the
heires of the bodie of me the said Sir Christopher Hoddesdonn and
of the said Eliz[abeth] my wiffe lawfullie begotten or to be begotten
betweene us And for defaulte of such yssue then to remaine to the
foresaid Tho[mas] Leigh my granndchilde and after his decease to
the heires of his bodie lawfullie to be begotten And for defaulte
of such yssue then to remaine to the foresaid Christopher Hoddesdon
my nephewe and to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten, and
for defaulte of such yssue then to Edward Hoddesdon one of the
brethren of the saide Christopher Hoddesdonn and to the heires
of his bodie lawfullie begotten And
for defalte of such yssue then to Henry Hoddesdon one of the brethren
of the said Edward and to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten
And for defalte of such yssue then to the next heires of me the
said Sir Christopher Hoddesdon for ever Item I give and bequeathe
unto the foresaid Bridgett, Eliz[abeth] and Anne Hoddesdonn the
children of John Hoddesdon my nephewe deceased to either of them
Twentie poundes \a peece/ to be paid to my nephue Christopher Hoddesdon
of Staple Inn gentl[eman] to the use of the foresaid Bridgett
Eliz[abeth] and Ann Hoddesdon w[i]thin three yeares next after
my decease Item I give and bequeathe unto Anne Sanders and Eliz[abeth]
Sanders my daughters in lawe to either of them five hundreth poundes
a peece to be paid to them when they shall accomplishe their severall
ages of sixteene yeares or at their severall daies of marriadge
w[hi]ch of them shall first happen to come provided alwaies that
if the said Ann or Eliz[abeth] or any of them doe marrie w[i]thout
the consent and good likinge of my foresaid wief their mother if
she be then livinge, if she be then deceased then w[i]thout the
consent of Sir Thomas Pope Blunt knight their unckle that then
anie of them soe marryinge w[i]thout the consent and good likinge
of their said mother as is aforesaid shall loose the benefitt of
the said five hundreth poundes to them before in theise pr[esen]tes
given or bequeathed as is aforesaid Item I give &
bequeathe unto the aforesaid Christopher Hoddesdon my nephue one
hundreth poundes uppon Condic[i]on whereof my will is that the
said Christopher Hoddesdon his heires executors adm[inistrato]rs
or Assignes shall well and truelie paie or cause to be paid to
the said Ioane Smith his sister Tenn poundes everie yeare duringe
her naturall life And further I will that if it fortune that George
Smith her husband doe dep[ar]te this life at anie tyme she then
livinge That then he the saide Christopher Hoddesdon shall paie
the said hundred poundes unto the said Ioane Smith w[i]thin sixe
monthes next after the decease of the said George Smith provided
alwaies and my will and true meaninge is and I doe further ordaine
by this my present testament that if the aforesaid Sir Thomas Leighe
knight or the said Tho[mas] Leighe Esquire my granndchilde or any
of them or the heires or assignes of them or any of them doe not
from tyme to tyme and at all tymes hereafter p[er]mitt & suffer
my foresaide wife and her assignes peaceablie and quietlie to have
holde occupie and enioye all such landes tenementes and hereditamentes
whatsoever w[hi]ch I the saide Sir Christopher Hoddesdon by anie
deede conveyannce surrender or wrightinge whatsoever or by theise
presentes have before this tyme given conveyed surrendered or bequeathed
unto my said wife and others accordinge to the true entent and
meaninge of theise pr[esen]tes or of the saide Deedes Conveyances
Surrenders and wrightinges whatsoever That then and from thence
forth all the saide landes tenementes and hereditamentes before
given as is aforesaid and everie p[ar]te and p[ar]cell thereof
w[i]th all and singuler thappurten[a]nces except the aforesaid
Rectorie of Whitenashe and all my landes and tenementes aforesaide
w[i]thin the Countie of Warwick before given as is aforsaide shall
goe and remaine unto the saide Christopher Hoddesdon my nephue
ymediatelie after the Deathe or decease of my saide wife and to
the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten And for defaulte of
such yssue then to the said Edward Hoddesdon and to the heires
of his Bodie lawfullie begotten And for defaulte of such yssue
then to the foresaid Henry Hoddesdon and to the heires of his bodie
lawfullie begotten And for defaulte of such issue then to the next
heires of me the saide Sir Christopher Hoddesdon for ever any thinge
in the saide deedes or wrightinges or in these pr[esen]tes or in
any of them whatsoever before menc[i]oned to the contrarie hereof
in anie wise not w[i]thstandinge The ressidue of all my goodes
chattells debtes bondes writinges whatsoever aswell moveable as
unmoveable I give will & bequeath unto the foresaid Elizabeth
Hoddesdon my welbeloved wife whome I doe make & ordaine my
sole Executrix of this my pr[esen]te testament to paie my debtes
and to receave them and to bringe me honestlie upon the earthe.
In wittnesse whereof to this my pr[esen]te Testament I the saide
Sir Christopher Hoddesdon have subscribed my name and putt my Seale
dated the daie and yeare first above written theise beinge wittnesses
An Leighe. Richard Eliot. John Tapping. John Holliman and Edmund
Bolsworth. Memorandum that theise wordes (Tymothie Mathewe) was
raysed by the consent and direction of the abovenamed Sir Christopher
Hoddesdon in the presence of Richard Elliott. John Edwardes [Christ]ofer
Hoddesdon. Memorandum that I Christopher Hoddessdon knight doe
ordaine and appoint by these pr[esen]tes that my last will and
testament hereunto annexed shall stande remaine and be in full
strength force and effect in all thinges accordinge to the true
meaninge thereof savinge that whereas in the same my last will
and Testament I have given and bequeathed unto Ann Saunders one
of the daughters of Eliz[abeth] Hoddesdon my \nowe/ wiffe five
hundreth poundes to be paide to her at such dayes and tymes as
in the saide my last is expressed nowe by reason that the said
Ann Saunders is married unto Sir Robert Lovet knight to whome I
the same Sir Christopher have given in marriage w[i]th the said
Sir Robert Lovet above one thowsand poundes And therefore nowe
my will is and I doe ordaine by theise pr[esen]tes that the said
Ann nor her Assignes shall not have the said five hundreth poundes
given unto her as is aforesaid nor any part thereof And whereas
in the same my last will and testament I did give unto Ioane Smith
my neece one hundred poundes to remaine in the handes
of Christopher Hoddedon of Staple Inn gentl[eman] her brother to
her use untill that George Smith her then husband were departed
outof this worlde w[hi]ch said George Smith is nowe deceased and
therefore I doe give the said hundred poundes unto her the same
Ioane Smith and that she shall have the receyte thereof to her
owne and onely use In wittnes whereof to this my pr[esen]te Codicill
I the said Sir Christopher Hoddesdon have subscribed my name and
putto my Seale in the yeares of the raigne of our most gracious
Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god of England France and
Ireland Kinge defendor of the faithe &c the eight and of Scotland
the foure and fortiethe Theise beinge wittnesses Tymothie Mathewe,
Tho[mas] Mytton and Edmond Boulsworth ./ [Christ]opher Hoddesdon