Richard Saunders
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 17th February
Probate Date: 18th May 1588
Mentioned in the probate: William Saunders, son of the testator,
Richard Saunders and Anne Saunders, widow of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/72
The original document is in the custody of the National
In the name of god amen. The seavententhe daye of
Februarie in the yeare of our Lord a thousand five hundrethe eightie
seaven And in the thirtithe yeare of the raigne of our most soveraigne
Ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god of England France and Ireland
quene defendor of the faiethe &c. I Richard Saunders of Lynchelade
grange within the parishe of Laighton Bussard, in the countie of
Bed[fordshire] gent[leman] beinge sicke in body butt of good and
perfecte remembrance thankes be given to god doe ordeyne and make
my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge that
is to saye First and before all earthely thinges I give and comend
my sowle unto god allmightie my saviour and redemer and my bodye
to be buried in some convenient place within the churche of Leighton
Bussard aforesayd Item I give and bequeathe unto Anne my welbeloved
wife uppon conditions hereafter in this my present testament expressed
and declared one hundred poundes of Lawfull money of England to
be paide unto her as followethe that is to saye fiftie poundes
within one monethe next after my decease, and the other fiftie
poundes within eighte monethes next after my decease Allso I doe
give unto the saide my welbeloved wife uppon conditions likewise
hereafter expressed all my howsehowlde stuffe and implementes of
howsehowlde whatsoever nott in this my present testament hereafter
given nor bequeathed my marser? six silver spoones my silver salte
withe the cover six of my best mylche kine tenne eawes and my white
mare And allso all that my estate right title and forme whiche
I have in Linchelade grange aforesayde and armyne close withe all
the Landes tenementes meadowes pastures feedinges appurtenances
profittes and comodities therunto apperteyneinge for and duringe
the terme of her naturall life, First uppon condition that she
paye yearly duringe her saide naturall life unto Richard Saunders
my sonne and to Elizabethe now his wife thirtie poundes of Lawfull
money of England at two usuall termes or feastes of the yeare that
is to saye att the feastes of S[ain]t Michaell tharchangell and
thannunciac[i]on of our Lady S[ain]t Marie the virgin by equall
portions in full contenfac[i]on? and satifaction of one deede of
annuitie or rent charge heretofore by me to them by dede grannted
beareinge date the daye
of in
the six and twentithe yeare of the Raigne of our sayde soveraigne
Lady the quenes maiestie that now is as therby more at Large if
doethe appeare, And all so upon condition that the release within
thre monethes next after my decease and att all times after uppon
reasonable request unto my thre sonns Richard Thomas William and
to Robert Grigg of Dunstable for certeyne Landes and tenementes
that I lately did bargayne and sell unto the said Robert Grigg
and did bynd my selfe by obligation to discharge him of my said
wives thirde and to every of them and to all and every other person
and persons their heirs and assignes all that her estate right
and title of diver? clayme and demande whiche may lawfully clayme
or chalenge by reason or by vertue of the intermariage heretofore
betwene her and me had and solemmized in all or any of their Landes
tenementes hereditamentes whatsoever so that no sute or troble
maye hereafter arise by force of the said title of dower to my
execut[ors] by force of any deede or promise by me heretofore made
or passed to any person or persons or to my said thre sonnes or
the saide Robert Grigg or any of them howsoever Item I give and
bequeathe unto William Saunders my sonne and to his heires for
ever all and every those my Landes tenementes and hereditamentes
whiche I have within the parishes of Hockley Tebworthe Chalgrave
and Tilsworth or in any of them when he shall accomplishe the age
of thre and twentie yeares and nott before And in the meane season
I give the said Landes tenementes and hereditamentes withe the
rentes issues and profittes therof unto my execut[ors] for and towardes
the performance of this my Last will and testament Item I give
and bequeathe unto Thomas my sonne and to his heires all those
my Landes tenementes and hereditamentes whiche I have within the
parishe of Laighton aforesaide whiche I lately purchased of James
Graves and of Alice Graves his mother when he shall accomplishe
the age of thre and twentie yeares and nott before And in the meane
season I give the saide Landes tenementes and hereditamentes withe
the rentes issues and profittes therof unto my execut[ors] for and
towardes the performance of this my Last will and testament And
if William my sonne decease before he accomplishe the sayd of thre
and twentie yeares then I will and bequeathe the Landes tenementes
and hereditamentes before expressed to him devised unto Thomas
my sonne and to his heiers forever And if Thomas my sonne decease
before he accomplishe the said age of thre and twentie yeares then
I will and bequeathe the saide Landes tenementes and hereditamentes
before expressed to him devised to William my sonne and to heiers
forever And if they bothe decease before they accomlishe the saide
age of thre and twentie yeares then I will all the Landes tenementes
and hereditamentes before to them devised unto Katherin Isabell
Suzan Ellin Margaret Dorothie Judethe and Alice my dawghters and
to their heiers for ever Item I give and bequeathe unto my two
sayd sonnes William and Thomas to every of them one hundred poundes
of Lawfull money of England to be payd unto them when they shall
accomplishe their severall ages of one and twentie yeares And in
the meane season to be imployed by my execut[ors] to the use of
the saide William and Thomas my said two children and for their
mainteynance and bringinge upp withe as good conveinent speede
as they cann of my goodes make and provide the same / Item I give
and bequeathe unto Suzan and Dorothie my dawghters to every of
them one hundred poundes of Lawfull money of England to be payde
unto every of them by my executors when they shall accomplishe
their severall ages of seaventeene yeares (if they doe marrie withe
the consent of Thomas Pottes my sonne in Lawe and Gyle Duncombe
my brother in lawe, And if otherwise they shall marrie them selves
without the said consent then the saide hundred poundes to her
or them before bequeathed who shall so marrie nott to be paide
untill she or they shall accomplishe the age of one and twentie
yeares And further I will that if the said Suzann my dawghter departe
her life before the payment of the said hundred poundes to her
before bequeathed then I will the same hundred poundes shall go
and remayne unto Dorithie Judithe and Alice my dawghters to be
indifferently devided amongest them And that if Dorothy my saide
dawghter do departe her life before the payment of the said hundred
poundes to her before bequeathed then I will the same hundred poundes
shall go and remaine unto the foresaid Suzan Judithe and Alice
my dawghters to be likewise indifferently devided amongest them
And wheras the aforenamed Richard my sonne standeth bound unto
Thomas Pottes and Ralphe Sheppard my sonnes in Lawe to paye unto
them unto the use of the saide Judithe and Alice my dawghters one
hundred poundes a peece my will is that the sayde Judethe and Alice
shall have the sayd two hundred poundes accordinge to the trew
meaneinge of the said assurance to them made and that the said
Richard my sonne shall kepe norishe and bringe upp my said two
dawghters accordinge to the trew meaneinge of the said assurances
And if it fortune that the said Judithe doe departe her life before
the daye of payment mentioned in the said assurances that then
her portion shall be equally devided betwene Suzan Dorothie and
Alice And if that if Alice doe departe her life before the daye
of payment mentioned in the said assurance that then her portion
shall be equally devided betwene the sayd Suzann Dorothie and Judithe
/ Item I give and bequeathe to the poore of Dunstable five shillinges
To the pore of Hockley five shillinges \To the pore Laughton vs
to the pore of Greate Brickell vs to the poore of North
Crawley vs/ and to the pore of Potesgrave five shillinges
to be distributed by the inhabitantes of every of the said Towneshipps
within one monethe next after my decease att the discreation of
suche as my execut[ors] shall putt in trust for the purpose Item
I give and bequeathe to every of my brother Thomas children And
to every of my sister Mathewes children whiche will come for it
to my execut[ors] withein six monethes next after my decease thre
shillinges fower pence And to every of my godchildren whiche will
come for it within six monethes next after my decease to my execut[ors]
twelve pence Item I give and bequeathe unto Margarett Mathew my
sister for a remembrance fortie shillinges Item I give to Katherin
Pottes my dawghter my standinge bowle of silver Item I give to
Isabell Sheppard my dawghter my silver cup and sixe poundes thirteene
shillinges fower pence in money uppon condition that Raphe Sheppard
her husband shall release all actions personall unto my execut[ors]
within tenne dayes next after my decease Item I give to Richard
Sheppard her sonne being my godson fower eawes and fower Lambes
price twentie six shillinges eight pence, and unto Thomas his brother
thre eawes and thre Lambes price twentie shillinges Item I give
to Richard White and Agnes White my dawghter Whites children to
eache of them two eawes and two Lambes And to Richard Saunders
my sonne Richardes sonne two eawes and two lambes And to John Wells
the sonne of Frannces Wells two eawes and two lambes, and to all
Richard Saunders children of North Marston to every of them one
eawe and one Lambe Item I will and bequeathe that for and towardes
the performinge and fulfillinge of this my last will and testament
that my execut[ors] shall sell allsuche Landes tenementes and hereditamentes
as I have within the parishe of Northcrowley within the countie
of Buck[inghamshire] as spedely as conveniently they cann after
my decease whiche if any of my children shall indevour to denye
or gaynsaye or to truble the busines therof att the sale of the
same contrarie to the trew meaneinge of this my last will and testament
Then I will all legacies and bequestes herein to him her or them
bequeathed to be utterly voide Item I give and bequeathe unto
all my Item I give and bequeathe unto all my dawghters whiche shall
be livinge at my decease for a remembrance of my goodwill and fatherly
love to them one gowld ringe of the value of twentie shillinges
The residue of all my goodes and chattells whatsoever nott before
in this my present testament given willed nor bequeathed I give
and bequeath unto Anne my welbeloved wife Richard Saunders my eldest
sonne and William my sonne whom I doe make and ordeyne to be my
joynt executors to paye my debtes and to receyve them and to see
this my present testament iustly and trewly performed as my trust
is in them Also I make Thomas Pottes Raphe Sheppard John White
and Franncis Wells overseers of this my present testament to see
the same faiethefully performed as my good hope and trust is that
they will And I doe give unto them for their paines fortie shillinges
a peece / By me Richard Saunders Theirs beinge wittnesses. E?.
Basworthe writer hereof