Ephraim Best
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 17th May
Probate Date: 25th May 1585
Proved by John Howe
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/68
The original document is in the custody of the National
In the name of god amen. I Ephraim Best in Laighton
Bussartt in the Countie of Bedford sicke in bodye but of good and
p[er]fect remembrannce (thankes be to allmighty God) doe make this
my last will and testament in manner and forme following. First
I give and bequeath my soule to allmightie god my maker and redeemer,
and my body to be buried in the churche or Churchyard of Laighton
aforesayd. Item I delyver unto the right worshipfull and my well
beloved M[aste]r (Mr. Christopher Haddesdonne) all
my money accounting to the some of twentie \one/ poundes and six
shillinges, Out of the w[hi]ch some I will that he satisfie hym
selfe fully for all charges of my sickenes and buriall with all
other expences whatsoever, my buriall I desier to have done decentlie
at his discression. Item I give and bequeathe to the fower preachers
usual for this Towne of Laighton aforesayde namely Mr. Doctor
Sparkes Mr. Gybson, Mr. Coxe and Mr. Harrys
Twentie shillinges equally to be divided betwixt them by my M[aste]r
aforesaid soe faire fourthe as one of them doe supplye the place
of preachinge at my buriall. Item I give and bequeathe to the poore
w[i]thin the p[ar]ishe of Laighton fortie shillinges to be disposed
by the discression of my M[aste]r aforesaide and Mr. Sclator
minister. Item I give and bequeath \un/to fower my M[aste]rs servantes
(namely Beniamon Poole Will[ia]m Tarry, Richard Pratt and Anne
Wayneman every of them Tenne shillinges. Item I gyve and bequeath
to M[ist]ris? Sclater Twentie shillinges. Item I give and bequeath
to Mistris Holland in consideracion of her paines and charges Twentie
shillinges. Item I give and bequeath to goodwife Tomes in consideracion
of dyvers courtesies Tenne shillinges. Item I give and bequeath
Mistris Girdler? Item I give and bequeathe to \goodwiff/ Olyver
my keep[er] tenne shillinges. Item I give and bequeathe to Marget
Homes fyve shillinges. All w[hi]ch charges and legacies willed
given and bequeathed I desier to have first satisfied, with the
Some of money abovewritte[n] delyvered to my M[aste]r : Provided
allwaies that th[i]s the \afor/saide Some of one and twentie poundes
six shillinges will not extende so farre that then my executor
shall lavye & paye the same with suche of my goodes as I shall
leave unbequeathed And if there shall remayne any of the saide
Some of twentie one poundes six shillinges (all the charges aforesaide
being fully satisfied and paied) to \be/ delyvered unto my executor
hereafter named by accompt. Item I give and bequeathe to my deere
and welbeloved mother Marye Filkes all the house w[hi]ch she nowe
dwelleth in during the terme of lies scituate and being in Margett
w[i]thin Thile of Thanett in the Countie of Kent w[i]th all the
comodities therunto belonging nowe in the tennure and occupac[i]on
of my foresayde Mother whatsoever yelding and payinge therefore
yearly fyve poundes. Item I gyve and bequeath to my yongest sister
Susann the saide yerely Rent of Fyve poundes to be employed from
tyme to tyme as it shall growe due by my saide Mother for her moste
advantage. Item I give and bequeath to my sister Susann aforesaide
after the decease of my Mother all the foresaide howse with all
thinges thereunto belonging nowe in the tennure and occupacion
of my forsaide Mother and after her deceasse to the heires of her
body lawfully begotten. Item I give and bequeath to my eldest syster
Marye all my Brewhouse scituate and being in Margett aforesaide
with furnaces coppers, leades, Tubbes and all other vesselles whatsoev[er]
with all and singuler theappurtennces thereunto belonging, And
after her decease to the heires of her body lawfully begotten.
Item I give and bequeath unto my two sisters equally to be divided
betwixt them all my three Tenementes nowe in the tenure and occupacion
of my foresaide Mother by Lease thone lieng at Northdowne nere
unto Margett aforesaid thother two scituate and being in Margett
foresayde with all the Landes and commodities whatsoev[er] with
thappurtenannces thereunto belonging pri[va]tly? after the expiracion
of the Lease aforesaide. Provided allwaies that if either of my
two sisters dye w[i]t[h]out lawfull yssue that all suche Landes
, Tenementes and Legacies, which by this my last will and testament
I have givenand bequeathed unto them shall remayne to the survivour
of them, and yf yt happen that they bothe dye w[i]thout lawfull
yssue that then all such Landes, Tenementes and legacies shall
remayne unto the heires of my uncle John Howe of London. Item I
give and bequeath unto my uncle Nicholas Rockenn the rent of the
three Tenementes \nowe/ in the tennure and occupacion of my Mother
by Lease whiche is twentie shillinges by yeres to be payde unto
my foresaide uncle Rockenn by my Mother during the terme of his
lyfe, and yf yt happenn that the saide Leasse be expired before
the deceasse of my foresaide, uncle, that then my twoe sisters
aforesaide unto whome I have given and bequeathed the saide three
Tenementes shall in respect thereof paye unto my foresaide uncle
Rockenn Twentie shillinges by yeare during the terme of his lyfe.
Item I give and bequeathe unto Margett Rockenn and Anne Rockenn
daughters to the saide Nicholas Rockenn to be paide them at their
marriage daye either of them twentie shillinges by my two sisters
aforesayde or by the Landes & Tenementes which by this my last
will and testament I have given unto them. Item I give and bequeathe
unto my father in lawe John Filkes a Lease of nyne acres of Lande
or there aboutes lieng in Margett which Lease I houlde of one Richard
Barton so farre forthe as he dothe discharge all dutties growinge
by the same. Item I give and bequeath unto my Father in lawe John
Filkes aforesaide Fyve poundes w[hi]ch he oweth me uppon a bill
under his hande and seale already due, so farre forthe as he dothe
paye my uncle John Howe of London Tenne poundes which he oweth
mee uppon another bill under his hande & seale already due. Item
I give and bequeath to my uncle John Wollett of Sandwiche to be
paide by my sister Marye or by the Landes and Tenementes which
by this my last will and testament I have given & bequethed unto
her Twentie shillinges. Item I give and bequeathe unto Elizabeth
Holly daughter to Thomas Holly to be paide by my Mother at the
daie of her mariaage twentie shillinges. Item I give and bequeath
unto Edward Castell sonne to William Castell my godsonne Fourtie
shillinges, to be paide by my two sisters or by the Landes and
Tenementes which by this my last will and testament I have given
and bequeathed unto them. Item I give and bequeath unto the poore
of the parishe of S[ain]t Jones within Thile of Thannett aforesayde
Fourtie shillinges to be equally payde by my twoe sisters or by
the Landes and Tenementes w[hi]ch by this my last will and testament
I have given and bequeathed unto them. Item I give and bequeathe
to my aunte Howe and unto twoe of her sonnes (namely) Roger and
Tymothie and to her twoe daughters Elizabeth and Ellyn for a remembrannce
every o them twentie shillinges to be paide by my executor. Item
I gyve and bequeathe to my Cossin Edward Howe sonne to John Howe
Fourty shillinges to be paide by my Executor, All my charges aforesaide
with all my legacies and debts \due/ willed given and bequeathed
w[hi]ch I make my Executor hereafter named Lyable unto, being fullye
satisfied and paide. The residue of my Landes, Tenem[en]tes goodes
and debtes unbequeathed whatsoever, I give and bequeath to my uncle
John Howe of London, whome I make my sole Executor hopinge that
this my last will and testament shalbe faithfully fullfilled as
my trust is in him Written in the [pre]sence of these underwritten
the seavententh of Maye one thowsand fyve hundred eightie Fyve.
Anthony Sclater, Renold Holland, Beniamin Poole, Thomas Clapom,
Signum Thome Dudley, Richard Pratt and William Tarry / By mee Ephraim