Edward Blackburn
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 10th August
Probate Date: 22 November 1537
Proved by Richard Hawkins
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/27
The original document is in the custody of the National
In dei nomine Amen. The xth day of August
in the yere of o[u]r Lorde god ml vc & xxxvij.
I Edward Blackburn of Leighton Bossd in the Countie of Bedford
borcher being seke in bodye and hole and p[er]fect in mynde make
this my present testament and last will in man[ne]r and forme following
/ first I bequeth my Soule to allmighte god to o[u]r blessed lady
Saint Marye / and to all the hollye company of hevin / and my
bodye to be buried in the churcheyarde of alhallows in Leighton
aforesaide / It[em] I bequethe unto the high altare there / xiid
/ It[em] to the mother churche of Lincoln / iid /
Item I bequethe to John Blackborn / xxs / It[em] I bequethe to Julyan
Grey /xxs / It[em]
I bequeth to every god childe that I have a shepe / Item to Alice Hawkeshed
the best shepe that I have / It[em] I give to John Thomas my best
panne and my best pott / and a cote / It[em] to Lewes Thomas and John his
sonne to eche of them a stere whiche steres be in the keping of
John Doncom? / Item I give unto the brothers of Corpus [Christ]i
in Leighton aforesaid iijs iiijd Item I give to Robert
Baysley a gowne w[i]t[h]owte lyning It[em] I bequethe to the p[ar]son of Badlesden
an olde furre of a gown / It[em] I bequeth too Richarde Hawkins my horsse / bridell
/ and saddell / And if so be the man whiche I boughte hym off come
ageyn and pay to myn executors or assignes /xxijs? that
then I will that the saide man have his horsse agayne / Also I
will that Robert Baysley and Lewes Thomas be oversears of my berying
and bere me to the churche / and eche of them to have for their
labo[u]r / iijs iiijd It[em] I bequeth to
every pore man. woman. and childe w[i]t[h]in the towne of Leighton
aforesaid / jd It[em]
I give every poor man and woman in the allmes howses ijd a
pece / The residew of my goodes not given nor bequethed / my dettes
/ and this my last will and testament fullfilled / I will that
Richard Hawkins do dispoase them for the welthe of my soule / and
to the pleass[u]r[e] of allmighti god as he shall thinke most best
Which Richard Hawkins and Robert Watson clerke I ordeyn and make
my faithfull and true executors. Thes being wittnes to the premisses my
Curate / Sgr. Raffe Groundall p[ar]son off Badlysden / Robert Bowlysworth
and John Thomas w[i]t[h] other more.