Leighton-Linslade Past Times: including Billington, Eggington, Heath & Reach and Stanbridge
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© copyright Kevin Quick

John Esgoer

Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 30th September 1519
Probate Date: 25 January 1519/20
Proved by Agneth Esgoer, widow of the testaor & Robert Hethe
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/19

The original document is in the custody of the National Archives

See also: All Saints Church


In the name of gode Amen The yere of oure lorde god ml CCCCC x\i/x the xxxth day of Septemb[e]r I John Esgoer of Leghton Bosarde mercer Seke in body nevertheles hoole of mynde and of goode remembrance make my testement in this maner / First I bequethe my soule unto almyghty god to oure Lady Saint Mary and to all the hooly company of heven / my body to be buried in the church yarde of all hallowes in Leghton aforesaid/ and my mortuary as the custome of the Towne requireth / I bequeth unto the moder church of Lincoln iiijd unto the highe aulter in Leghton aforesaid for tithes forgotten viijd / Item unto the mayten[a]nce of the Rode lyght and saint [Christ]ofer light to yche of them half aquarter of malte / Item to saint Erasomus light half aquarter of malte. Item to the light of saint appolome twoo Busshelles of malte / Item apounde of wax in small takkes? to be devided among all Saintes as to the smale lights / Item to oure Lady light in the Northe Ile half aquarter of malte / Item I wyll that twoo kyen shalbe delyvered unto our Ladye prest and to them that be Ruelers of suche goodes as are gyven to the maynten[a]nce of our Ladye masse in forme as followyth that is to saye that these twoo kyen thus delyvered to be a Stocke to our Lady / And the yerely hire of them w[i]t[h] the most avanntage otherwayes made to goo towarde the wage of o[u]r Lady prest aforesaid / Item it is my wille that these twoo kyen w[i]t[h] the yerely profittes of them comyng shalbe atte govern[a]nce of our Lady prest and the wardeins of the same savyng the Stocke over holle so long as there is a prest Synging before oure Ladye / And if so be that there be no prest synging there / Then the said twoo kyen w[i]t[h] the profytte of them comyng shall Remayne agayne unto me my wif or myne Executors. Item I bequethe three houses in the Northe Ende to the makyng of the waye in the North Ende that is to saye an house the whiche was some tyme Thomas Gawgeys? the yerely Rent therof vijs xd & all charges borne / Item twoo tenementes whiche were Late Thomas Hankoke the yerely Rent of them xs iijd / And the Lordes rent paid / And xiiijs of the said Rente to the makyng of the said waye duryng the Space of x yeres after the date herof And iiijs jd to the Repac[i]ons. of the said Tenementes where most nede shall require duryng the said terme of x yeres / Item it is my will that the said xiiijs shalbe ordered yerely after this maner duryng the said terme that is to saye vjs in malte to be brued against whytson weke iiijs in brede and iiijs in chese to the Sustentacion of Suche worke men as will be there in every whytson weke Thursday Fryday and Saturday duryng the said terme / And this to be published by the curate in the pulpitt to the parishones against whitsontyde yerely duryng the said terme / It[e]m I bequethe to Agnes my wif my Shoppe holl w[i]t[h] all the Stuff therin / Item I bequethe to the said Agnes my wif my housse which I dwell in duryng hir lyf / and the housse next unto ytt which I dyd purchace lately of Will[ia]m Tailor duryng hir lif / Item to the said Agnes my wif and Elienor my daughter all my houshold Stuff bitwene them And if so be that the said Agnes my wif be weddyd agayne then she to make an Inventorie of all my houshold stuff and to departe the half of yt withoute any mynisshing thereof unto Elienor my daughter when she comythe unto hir lawfull Age / Item I will that these be knowne for standers of my housse which shall not be Removed from my housse in no wise that is to say the presse in the halle the  peauter grate and formes in the halle twoo closse beddes and a tryndell bedde with twoo formes to them belongyng / Item I bequethe to every godchild that I have a shepe / Item I will that all my feoffees whiche doo stand feoffed in all such landes and tenementes w[i]t[h] there singler appurten[a]nces in the Shire of Buk. which I have purchased of div[er]se persones shall stand still infeoffed in the same Immediatly after my deceas to the behooffe and use of John Esgoer my Sonne and of his heres males of his body lawfully begoten / And for Lacke of suche issue males all suche landez and tenementes w[i]t[h] there appurten[a]nces aforesaid shall then Remayne unto Roger Esgoer my sonne and to the heres males of his body lawfully begoten / And for lacke of suche issues makes all the said landez and tenementes w[i]t[h] there appurten[a]nces aforesaid shall Remayne unto John Esgoer the Sonne of Bartilmewe Esgoer and to the heres males of his body Lawfully begoten / And for Lacke of suche yssue males then the said Landes and tenementes with Thappurten[a]nces afore reherssed shall Remayne unto the next heres of me the said John Esgoer forever And also I will that after my deceas unto the tyme that John Esgoer my sonne come into the Cuntrey / The said Roger Esgoer my sonne to have the profittes and Receyte of the Rente of all the Landes and tenementes aforesaid to his owne behoofe / Item I will that the tenementes in the which Robert Saunders and George Hopkyns Barbour dwell in after my deceas shall Remayne unto the use and behoffe of the Fraternite of Corpus [Christ]i in leghton abovesaid under the condicion and forme as Followyth that is to saye that if the Townsshipp of Leghton Boouesard doo pay to myne Executeres x mercs of Lawfull money of England for suche expennces \as/ I have paid for them in certeyn causes necessarie and also kepe Ay yerely Obitt for me and my frendes the value of vs / And if they will not paye the said x m[e]rcs nor kepe the said yerely Obitt Then I will the said tenementes shall Remayne unto Agnes my wif to the behoofe and use of John my sonne and to the heres males of his bodye Lawfully begoten / And for Lacke of suche yssue to Remayne inorder to the p[er]sones above named in the same maner as the said Landes shall Remayne in Bukyngh[a]m Shire above reherssed / Item I will that my tenement w[i]t[h] a Barne Sett in the northe and beyng coopie hold w[i]t[h] all the Charter Landes which shalbe leyde therto w[i]t[h] thapperten[a]nces that is to saye fiftie acres arrable Lande w[i]t[h] iij acres of copie hold lying in Billington meede? and the said l acres of lande as may be leyde Resenably therto from all my other ten[eme]ntes in Leghton shall Remayne unto Agnes my wif duryng hir lif upon that condicion that she shall Surrender the Copie hold accordy[n]g to my will that is to saye that the said Charter Landes an copie hold after the deceas of the said Agnes shall Remayne unto my Sonne Roger and his heres males of his body lawfully begoten and for lacke of suche yssue to Remayne to John my Sonne and to John the Sonne of Bartilmewe my broder in suche man[e]r and forme as is above said / And if the said Agnes do not Surrender the said tenement w[i]t[h] the close thereto lying accordyng to that my will at the next courte of the Lordis of Wyndisouer to be holden at Leghton beyng still in hir pure widoo hod that then the said Charter hold named to be layed to the said tenement shall Immediately after hir defaulte makyng Remayne to the said Roger and other as is abovesaid / Item I will that thee twoo tenementes above named which I have willed to my wif duryng hir lif / after hir deceas shall Remayne unto my said Sonnes Roger and John and to theres males of their bodies lawfully begoten in the man[e]r and forme followyng that is to say the said tenement that is newe bildyng to the said Roger my Sonne and the tenement which I dwell in to my Sonne John and if they bothe deceas w[i]t[h]oute suche issue thay bothe the said tenementes shall Remayne unto John Esgoer the Sonne of Bartilmewe Esgoer and to other in the man[e]r and forme as is above rehersed Item I will that the Cenement? which I purchased of Henry Kyng that my Sonne Roger dwellith in after my deceas shall Remayne unto the said Roger my Sonne and to the heres males of his body lawfully begoten / And for lack of Such issue to Remayne to my said Sonne John Esgoer and to the heres males and to other in maner and forme as is aforesaid and that the feoffes of the said Henry Kyng shall delyver a State accordyng to the same effecte Immediately after that the Executores of the said Henry Kyng shalbe fully paid and content of the some of vjli in accecages? by the handez of myne excutores yet beyng due for the said purchace / Item I will that my tenementes in Husband Crawly after my deceas shall Remayne to my broder Bartilmewe Esgoer for terme of his lif So that after his deceas the said tenementes shall Remayne unto the said Roger my Sonne and to his heres males and to other and there heres males in suche maner and forme as is above Reherssed / Item I will that my Copy hold meede in Billington feld which I hold of the Lordis of Wyndsoure paying therfor yerely xxxs after my deceas the cloze? value above the said Lordis Rent shall equally be devided bitwene Agnes my wif and the said Roger my Sonne towardes his helpyng / Item I will that when Thomas Sampson hathe paid iiij m[e]rc? sterling accecge? for a tenement w[i]t[h] thappurten[a]nces Charter hold which he purchased of me that my feoffes of the said tenement Robert Hethe and Thomas Jerman thelder shall shall delyver unto hym or to his assignes a Sufficient and Lawfull astate therof w[i]t[h]oute any further delay / Item I will that all thoo feoffes of myne standyng enfeoffed in all suche Landes and tenementes closes w[i]t[h] medowe and pastures sett and lyng in Stanbridge which I purchased of the executores of Mawde Horwod and of Will[ia]m Kymnalton shall delyv...? a State unto Henry Draper otherwise called Rawlyns to whome I have Sold them for the some of xxvjli sterlinge wherof I am truely contented and paid at suche tyme as they the said feoffes shalbe lawfully Required therunto herafter by the said Henry Draper or by his assignes if the said bargayne shall hold for the condicionyng of the Redemyng or Repledging of the parte of the said Landes which I have in morgage of the said Will[ia]m Kymnalton in his lif tyme accordyng as it shall apere in aparce of Indentures therof made bitwene the said Will[ia]m Kymnalton and me / Item I will that the tenement Sett in the Lovett Ende in which Isabell Rolf widoo In habiteth that after my deceas the said Isabell shall duryng hyr lif dwell therin Rent free w[i]t[h]oute any interuption or lett of my wif / And the said Isabell to kepe the reparacions / Item I bequethe to Roger my sonne my sheff of arrowes and all my bowes savyng oon? to kepe the housse / Item I wille to the torches xld / Item I will my cotage sett in the North Ende which I purchased of John Blakhed w[i]t[h] the landes therunto belongyng Copy hold shall Remayne after my deceas to Agnes my wif duryng hir lif And after hir deceas to Remayne unto Elinor my daughter hir heres and hir assignes / Item I will that percell of grounde called tenter Croft after my deceas shall Remayne to Agnes my wif duryng hir lif and after hir deceas to Remayne to all p[er]sones above named in such maner and forme to heres males as this housse which I dwell In shall doo as is above specified / Item I will to the use of xxti Churches by the discretion of myn executores xxti kyne to be delyvered after my deceas upon this condicion that it shalbe Registred in there masse bookes / and the Churche men of the said churches yerely cause tobe doone a Lowe durge and masse for my soule / The Residue of my goodes not bequethed for to be at the disposicion of Agnes my wif as she shall thynk most expedient for the helth of my Soule / Item I will and ordeyne the said Agnes my wif to \be/ myne Executrice / And in lyke wise Robert Hethe & Symon Rawlyns to be myne executores to se that this my present testament and Last will be p[er]formed and fulfilled as is above Specified / Item I wille unto to the said Robert Hethe and to Symon Rawlyns iche of them xs for there laboure tobe taken in fulfillyng and executyng of these premisses / In witnes wherof - John Cunidliff? curate of Leghton Sn. Thomas Richerdsonne brotherhed prest Sn. John Hewet prest Will[ia]m Tailor mercer and Richard German draper w[i]t[h] many other.

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