Elizabeth Man
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 9th April
Probate Date: 29th April 1665
Proved by John Man, grandchild of the late husband of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/316
The original document is in the custody of the National
In the Name of God Amen: I Elizabeth Man of Egginton
in the parish of Laighton Bassard and County of Bedford widdow
of sound mind and memory praysed be God doe this ninthe day of
Aprill in the seaventeenth yeare of the Reigne of our Soverein
Lord Charles the second of England Scotland France and Ireland
King Defender of the Faith &c. the seaventeenth Anno D[omi]ni
1665 make and ordaine and frame this my Last Will and Testament
in manner and forme following Revoking hereby all former and other
Wills in deed and in Law And first I bequeath my soule into the
hands of God that gave it and my body to decent buriall by the
discretion of the overseers of this my Last Will hereafter named
And for my Worldly Estate I dispose Thereof as followeth Imprimis
I give to the poore of Egginton aforesaid that assiste me att my
death and funerall the sume of Tenne shillings to be paid them
on the morrow after my decease Item I give to my brother John Sanders
Forty shillings if he be allive Item my Will is that Tenne poundes
be spent upon my funerall Item I give to Richard Andrew of Egginton
Thomas Atwell al[ia]s Wells and William Peirson of Egginton afors[ai]d
the sume of twenty shillings to each of them That is to say Three
poundes among them to the end they be overseers of this my Last
Will Item I give and bequeath to Lawrence Meredell and his wife
of Much Brickhill halfe all such Goods hee hath of mine in his
possession And the other halfe of the said Goods my Will and minde
is Joane Meredell the daughter of the said Lawrence Meredell shall
have the other halfe of the said Goods Item I give unto John Man
my Last husbands Grandchild one joyned bedstead in the best Chamber
one feather bed one bolster Two feather pillowes with the Rest
of my goods in my best Chamber over my hall with the long table
in the hall with the other goods there and I doe herein ordayne
the said John Man Executor of this my Last Will and Testament giveing
unto him all the Rest of my goods and money which I doe not spend
and Give in my sicknes to my tenders excepte only my Will is that
that Mary Yeatman the mother of the said John Man shall have five
poundes being parte of the Tenne poundes John Turner my Late husbands
Grandchild oweth mee by bond And lastly my Will is that the said
John Turner shall have the Remaining five poundes of the said Ten
poundes in his handes and my Will is that the said John Man whom
I doe make order and ordayne my Lawfull and sole Executor of this
my Last Will and Testament shall upon the payment of the said
five poundes to the said Mary Yeatman deliver or cause to be delivered
to the said John Turner his Executors or assignes the said obligation
aforesaid In wittnes whereof Witnesses William Peirson. Alce Man
her marke. Robert Pollard
The 28 day of Aprill 1665
Which day appeared personally the within named William Peirsson
and made oath that Elizabeth Man the Testatrix within named whilest
shee was of perfect mind and memory about Three Weekes before
she departed this Life did give directions to him the said William
Peirson for the makeing of her Will part of which even from these
words vizt. In the Name of God Amen I Elizabeth Man &c. to these
words I Give to my brother John Saunders forty shillings if he
be alive was putt in writeing in the said Testatrix her life
time The other parte following according to his shorte notes
shortly after her death he Wrote downe in the very words now
appearing all which perticular Legacyes shee declared to be her
Will and that John Man was and should be her Executor. Willimus
Peirson Juratus Sup[er] veritate humor allegaronis Will[ia]m
The same day appeared personally Alice Man within
mentioned a...a? wittnes and made oath that the deceased abovenamed
did likewise declare in her presence within two dyed and in the
presence of the said William Peirson that the directions and Instructions
that she had given him for the makeing of her will was her last
will and Testament and soe should stand att which time she the
s[ai]d deceased was likewise of p[er]fect mind and memory. Alicia
Man etiam Jurata. Will[ia]m Merrick.