William Fowler
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 25th July
Probate Date: 6th December 1630
Proved by Dorothy Fowler, widow of the testator, Anne, Alice and
Elizabeth Bernabe
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/158
The original document is in the custody of the National
Anno Domini 1630 July 25th
In the name of God Amen: I William Fowler of Clipstone in the parish
of Laighton in the Countie of Bed[for]d yeoman beinge sicke in
bodye but of p[er]fect memorie thankes be to god doe make this
my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge Imp[rimis?]
I give and bequeath my sole into the handes of Allmightie God
my Creator and Redeemer trusting assuredly to be saved by the
merittes and mercies of Jesus Christ and my body to the earth
to be buried at the discretion of mine executrix hereafter named
Item I give and bequeath unto John Andrewe my welbeloved freind
twenty shillinges Item I give and bequeath to John Barnabe two
acres of Freehold land lyinge in the feildes of Eggintone and
Stombridge to him and his heires for ever It[em] I give and bequeath
unto all the Children of Rob[er]t Kowes and Anne his wife fortie
shillinges a peece to bee paid w[i]thin one yeare after my decease
It[em] I give and bequeath to Rob[er]t Barnabe tenn poundes to
be paid w[i]thin one half yeare next after my decease it[em]
I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Butterfeild twelve pence to
be paid w[i]th in one moneth next after my decease It[em] I give
to Cicely Laighton twenty shillinges to be paid w[i]th in one
halfe yeare next after my decease It[em] I give to Alce Downes
Seaven powndes w[hi]ch Bennett Downes hir husband hath in his
handes It[em] I give and bequeath to the poore of the parish
of Laighton tenn shillinges at the discretion of mine executors
It[em] I give and bequeath to all my servantes two shillinges
and sixe pence a peece It[em] I give and bequeath to Rob[er]t
Kowse and Anne his wife fortie shillinges a peece to be paid
w[i]th in one halfe next after my decease It[em] I give and bequeath
unto Willia[m] Baldricke and William Dudley tenn shillinges a
peece for their paines about my will all the rest of my goodes
and chattells unbequeathed I give and bequeath unto Dorothy my
wife Anne Barnabe Alce Barnabe and Elizabeth Barnabe \whome I
& ordayne/ to be myne Executors to performe this my will and
testament In witnes whereof I sett to my hand and seale the daye
and yeare abovewritten in the p[re]sent of. And I doe appoint Edmund
Bolsworth and John Andrewe to be Overseers of this my will and
doe give them for their paines forty shillinges a peece, William
Fowler his marke. William Baldricke his marke William Dudley Bennet
Downes and John Andrewe ./-