John Man
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 10th October
Probate Date: 14th April 1658
Proved by Elizabeth Man, widow of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/276
The original document is in the custody of the National
In the name of God Amen the Tenth day of October
in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand six hundred Fiftie &
Seaven I John Man the elder of Eginton in the parrish of Laighton
Bussard in the Countie of Bedford yeoman being in good & perfect
memorie (thanks be to God for this and all other his mercies bestowed
uppon mee) doe make this present writinge with myne owne hand thereby
to declare it to be my last will in manner & Forme forme Following
I give & bequeath my soule & bodie into the hands of God
my Creator with sure & full trust and Confidence only by the
death & passion
of Jesus Christ to Inherit everlastinge life in his kingdome prepared
for me and for all the elected and Chosen Children of God And of
my worldly goods which God of his mercy hath given to mee I give
& appoynt unto the poore Twentie doozens of bred to be given
to them by the discretion of Elizabeth my wife upon the day of
my buryall And I also give to the poore people of Eginton Six shillings
to bee payd to them by Elizabeth my wife within Tenn weekes next
after my decease to such persons as shee shall nominate or apoynt
to have the same Item I give & bequeath unto John Man my loving
grandchilde my Chest of Cofer which standeth in my lodging chamber
at my bed foote togither with all my deedes and writings therin
being Concerning my lands to him & to his heires and Assignes
for ever And whereas heretofore by my deede in writing under my
hand and seale bearing date the eleventh day of September in the
sixt yeare of the Raigne of o[u]r late King Charles over England.
I the said John Man did then make graunt & Confirme a certaine
estate of houses medowes & pastures in Eginton aforesaid to
be a Competent mayntenance and Joynture for Elizabeth my wife during
her naturall life if she should me overlive And whereas by the
said Indenture I did ther except one Barne called the barlie barne
and free passage by and through the gates yards & Closes of
them so then assigned as aforesaid only for the use of mine heires & Assignes
to and from the said barne Now therefore I the said John Man thelder
(for the p[re]servation of peace & prevention of strife which
otherwise may be hereafter about the said passages I the said John
Man by this my will doe graunt assigne & confirme the said
barlie barne with the Cart house & shuds therunto fastennd
or adjoyned to be aded or put to the before graunted or mencioned
Joynture named in the aforsaid deede or writing concerning the
same And by this my will I doe release & make all those passages
Cleerly voyd &
of none effect And doe warrant acquite & for ever defend All
the said Assigned barne & former Joynture unto the use of the
said Elizabeth my wife & her Assignes during the terme of her
naturall life free from all such passages as are before herin mencioned
Item I give to my Sister Anne Farre Twentie shillings to be payd
within twentie weekes next after my decease if shee shalbe then
living Item I do will & apoint that Elizabeth my wife shall
pay Twentie and eight shillings yearlie for the quitrents due out
of all my houses & lands (that is to say) to Standbridge Two
pence for freeholde To Laighton for Coppieholde Ten pence and for
Freeholde Twentie & Seaven shillings And I will shee shall
pay six shillings yearlie to my sister Anne Farre & Five pounds
which shall be due to my said sister Anne Farre if her husband
shall dye before her my said sister Item I give to my sonne John
Turner & to his sonne
my grandchilde Two shillings Item all the rest my goods & Chattles
herein yet unbequeathed (over & above my debts & legasies
& my funeralls performed and all my bonds & other debts
due to mee whatsoever I give & bequeath them unto Elizabeth
my wife &
to her Assignes to pay & performe this my will in all things
And to this purpose I make & Constitute the said Elizabeth
my wife my full & whole Executrix of this my last will & do
herby make all my former wills to be utterlie voyd publishing this
p[re]sent writing to be my last will In witnesse whereof I have
set my hand I doe apo[i]nt Elizabeth my wife to be gardener to
John Man my grandchilde and I doe give her all the Benefitt of
my Freehold land tell hee Cometh to the eage of Forteene yeares
and then the said Elizabeth to give An acont for it to the saide
John Man. John Man the Elder .///. William Andrew ./// Agnis Grover
hir marke ///.