Robert Baldrick
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 26th February
Probate Date: 28th April 1642
Proved by Andrew Baldrick and William Baldrick
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/189
The original document is in the custody of the National
Anno D[omi]ni 1639 March the xxvj
In the name of God Amen; I Robert Baldrick of Egginton in the parish
of Laighton Busard in the County of Bedford yeoman being in good
health and perfect remembrance thankes be unto almighty god for
it doe make and ordaine this my last will and testam[en]t in manner
and forme followeing That is to saye First I give and bequeath
my soule into the handes of allmighty god my maker trusting in
and through the death and merrites of the lord Jesus Christ my
only Saviour and Redeemer to have eternall and everlasting life
and my body I commit unto the earth from whence it came And for
my temporall estate w[hi]ch it hath pleased god to blesse me w[i]th
all as shalbe hereafter expressed First I give unto my godson Robert
Baldrick my brother Andrewe Baldrick his second sonne, all that
Cottage or tenement wherein my Brother Andrew \now/ dwelleth with
the Close adioyning unto Jordanes land and abutting uppon the said
house and yard. And alsoe a little orchard adioyning to the said
land and the said orchard for to come from the Corner of the stable
and Cowhouse that John Garner doth now hould; And soe to come upp
to the well and soe to goe up straight to the hedge that goeth
upp betweene the two Closes Alsoe I give unto my said Godson Robert
Baldrick three half acres and all rood of arrable land lyeing and
being in the fields of Stanbridge as shalbe hereafter menc[i]oned
that is to saye one half acres of land be it more or lesse lyeing
in the Furlong called great Deinge the land of William Ellingham
lyeing on the West side and the land of Pearson on the East side
Alsoe I give unto my said Godson Robert Baldrick my land in Lange
furlong and my lande and woodes lyeing on meadway Furlong together
and abutting into meadway all w[hi]ch aforesaid Cottage yard Close
orchard w[i]th the aforesaid three half acres and one roode of
arrable land w[i]th all and singuler their apurtenances I give
and bequeath unto my foresaid Godsonne Robert Baldrick the sonne
of my brother Andrewe his heires and assignes forever And my will
is that my brother Andrewe Baldrick shall have hould and enioy
all the aforesaid Cottage close orchard and the three half acres
and one roode of arrable lande w[i]th all and singuler the appurtenances
for and dureing the terme of his n[atu]rall life paying \.../ to
his sonne Robert twenty shillinges a yeare and after his decease
unto the aforesaid Robert Baldrick his heires and assignes forever
as aforesaid. Item I give unto Richard Baldrick the sonne of my
brother Wiliam Baldricke and to his heires and assignes forever
all that cottage or tenement wherein John Gurnee now dwelleth w[i]th
all the groundes about the said Cottage and w[i]th all the landes
arrable and unarrable that I have w[i]thin the towne and feilds
of Stanbridge except that w[hi]ch above menc[i]oned and unbequeathed
and given unto my aforesaid godson Robert Baldrick And I give the
aforesaid Cottage and land unto the aforesaid Richard Baldrick
uppon theis Condic[i]ons that he shall pay such legacies as shalbe
hereafter expressed, First my will is that the aforesaid Richard
Baldrick shall pay unto my brother Andrewe Baldrick twenty poundes
w[i]thin one yeare after my decease Alsoe my will is he the said
Richard Baldrick shall pay unto Jane the nowe wife of my brother
Andrew Baldrick Fortie shillings w[i]thin one yeare after my decease.
And further my will is that the said Richard shall pay unto my
brother Wiilia[m] Baldrick and his wiffe Forty shillinges a peece
w[i]thin one yeare after my decease Item my will is that the aforesaid
Richard Baldrick shall pay unto my sister Jane Purtunn and
her Children twenty shillinges a peece w[i]thin one yeare after
my decease Item my will is that the said Richard Baldrick shall
pay unto Elizabeth daughter of my brother William Baldrick five
poundes unto her daughter Elizabeth forty shillinges w[i]thin one
yeare after my decease. Item my will is that the sayd Richard Baldrick
shall pay unto all \the/ other of my brother Will[ia]m Baldrick
his daughters five poundes amongst them to be equally devided w[i]thin
one yeare as aforesaid Item my will is that the aforesaid Richard
Baldrick shall pay unto my aforesaid Godsonne Robert Baldrick tenn
poundes w[i]thin one yeare after my decease Alsoe my will is that
the aforesaid Richard Baldrick shall pay unto my brother Andrewe
Baldrick his other five Children Twenty shillings a peece w[i]thin
one yeare after my decease Item my will is that the said Richard
Baldrick shall pay unto my sister Jane Purtonn twenty shillinges
a yeare dureing her life yf she be a widdowe or els not Item my
will is that my Godson Robert Baldrick shall paye five shillinges
unto the poore of Stanbridge and five shillinges to mende the Churchway
and five shillinges to the poore of Egginton and five shillinges
to the Ringers. Item I give unto my godson Robert Baldrick one
Trunk All the rest of my goodes unbequeathed my legacies discharged
my body decently buried and my debtes discharged I give unto my
brother William Baldrick and my brother Andrew Baldrick to be equally
devided betweene them And I doe make and ordaine my aforesaid brother
Willia[m] Baldrick and Andrew Baldrick my executors of this my
last will and Testament And I doe give unto my brother Andrew Baldrick
all my wearing apparrell And further my will is that yf either
of my aforesaid brothers shall refuse to be my executor iontly
w[i]th the other then my will is that the other w[hi]ch doth not
refuse the executorshipp shalbe my wholle executor of this my last
will and Testament In wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand
& seale in the p[re]sence of those whose named are hereunder written
Robert Baldrick his marke Edward Snoxell Gabriell Ellingham John
Gurnie his marke.