John Andrewe
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 28th February
Probate Date: 5th June 1638
Proved by Lydia Andrewe, widow of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/177
The original document is in the custody of the National
In nomine dei Amen The Eight and twentith Daie of
Februarie: Anno D[om]ini one thousand sixe hundred thirtie Seaven
And in the thirteenth yeare of his Ma[jes]tes raigne that nowe
is. I John Andrewe of Egginton in the Parrish of Layton Bussard
in the county of Bed[for]d yeoman being diseased in bodie, but
in good and perfect memory I praise God Doe make and ordaine this
my last will and testament in manner and forme following. vizt.
First I Commend my Soule into the handes of Amightie God, and my
bodie to the earth where of it is made. Item I give and bequeath
unto Lydia Andrewe my daughter One hundred poundes of lawfull english
money to bee payd unto her the said Lydia att her age of Twenty
and one yeares. It[e]m I give and bequeath unto Rebecca Andrew
my daughter One hundred markes of lawfull english money to be paid
unto her, when shee shall accomplish the age of twentie one yeares.
Item I give and bequeath unto Mary Andrew my daughter one hundred
markes of lawfull english money to bee paid unto her at her age
of twenty one yeares. Item I give and bequeath unto Anne Andrewe
my daughter, one hundred markes of lawfull money of England, to
bee paid unto her at her age of one & twenty yeares. It[e]m
I give and bequeath unto Edward Andrewe my sonne one hundred markes
of lawfull English money to be paid unto him at his age of one & Twenty
yeares. Item I give and bequeath unto William Andrew my sonne One
hundred Markes of lawfull money of England to bee paid unto him
when hee shall accomplish the age of one & twenty yeares. And
if any of my said sixe children Lydia Rebecca, Mary, Anne Edward
or William shall happen to die and departe this life before the
said severall ages of twenty one yeares, then my will is that the
porc[i]on of him or her, or of aine of them soe dying shalbee equallie
distributed among the Survivors of them att the severall tymes
of their sayd severall ages. Provided alwaies that if my sonne
Nathaniell shall happen to die before he shall accomplish the his
age of xxtyj: yeares, Then my will is That the porc[i]on
aforesaid of the next heire \male/ shalbe equally distributed among
the residue of my said Children then surviving. It[e]m all the
residue of my goodes Cattle, and Chattells whatsoever my debts
and legacies paid and funerall expences discharged I give and bequeath
unto Lydia my wife; And I make and ordaine the said Lydia my wife
full sole and whole Executrix of this my last will and testament,
And I doe appoint and would intreate John Reynes Clerk my Father
in lawe, and Nathaniell Reynes Clerke my brother in lawe to bee
supervisors hereof Revokinge and adnullinge hereby all other willes
legacies and bequests by mee heretofore willed given or bequeathed.
In witnes whereof I the said John Andrew to this my present last
will and testam[en]t have setto my hand and seale the daie and
yeare first above written. John Andrewe. Read published subscribed
and sealed in the pr[esen]ce of (xxviijth) beinge first
above written (markes) in 5 severall places being first interlined),
Jonas Smalbone. The m[ar]ke of Edward Bucknam. John Reynes ./.