Richard Andrewe
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 25th May
Probate Date: 13th April 1637
Proved by Anne Andrewe and William Andrewe
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/173
The original document is in the custody of the National
In the name of God
Amen the five, and Twentith day of May In the yeare of our Lord
God, one Thousand six hundred, thirty six. I Richard Andrewe of
Eginton in the parrish of Laighton Bussard in the County of Bedford
yeoman being not in health nor stength as heretofore, but yet in
sound and perfect memory thankes be to Almightie God for all things,
doe make this my p[resen]te wryting, declaring herein my Last will
in manner following. First I bequeath my Soule into the handes
of Almightie God my Creator trusting onely to the meritts of Jesus
Christ for my Salvac[i]on, And touching the worldly goodes which
God hath bestowed upon mee I do give, and dispose of them as followeth
Imprimis I give unto Anne my loving wife my Joyned Bedsteed in
my lower Chamber with all manner of Furniture to the same Compleate
in all things And soe much of my other goodes and Chattells as
shall make up the said Bedd and Beddinge to be worth Twenty Poundes
by reasonable valuac[i]on. Provided alwaies that my will is that
if the said Anne my wife shall att any tyme take any thirdes or
dower out of the messuage and landes by mee given and surrendred
unto my sonne Richard Andrewe that then the said Bedsteed beddinge
and other goodes before appointed for my said wife shalbe, and
remaine unto my said sonne Richard in leiwe of the Thirdes soe
taken by my said wife, and my said wife shall loose the whole benefitt
of the said guifte. Item I give unto my said sonne Richard Andrewe,
and to his heires and assignes forever All my twoe Acres of freehold
land which I holde of the Mannor of Eginton which is as followeth
Inprimis one halfe Acre, and halfe a baulke shooting up to Crannows
Willowes the other parte of the said baulke on the east part thereof,
It[e]m one Acre shooting into Stonwaie the land late of Rawlins,
and nowe John Andrewes the elder on the south, and east parte.
Item one halfe Acre uppon middle bauland furlong, the land of Thomas
Atwell on the south parte. Item I give more unto my said sonne
Richard all the money that is oweing unto mee by especialties,
Bondes or wrytings from all persons (excepting one debt by Obligac[i]on
from George Varney: and John Varney And one obligac[i]on from William
Burdsie) which said two obligac[i]ons my will is shall remaine
to myne Executors to pay Legacies, and the fyne for my Coppyhold
Landes. Item I give unto my daughters Elizabeth and Bethia the
somme of Twelve score poundes of lawfull money of England To be
equally devided betweene them, and to be paid to them at the tyme
of their severall accomplishm[en]tes of their ages of Twenty and
One yeares. And my will is that myne Executors hereafter named
shall provide to and for my said Two daughters duringe their minorities
sufficient meate drinke Lodging Reparrell and house harbour Respectively
according to their degree And I will that my Executors shall pay
to my said Two daughters Elizabeth and Bethia unto each of them
from the tyme of their being of the age of Eighteene yeares, untill
the tyme they shalbee of their ages of one and Twentie yeares the
yearely Annuitie or Some of Six Poundes a peece to each of them,
And my will is that if any of my said Three Children Richard Elizabeth
and Bethia shall happen to die before they shalbe of the age of
Twenty one yeares, That then the porc[i]on of goodes to them given
being soe deceased shalbe equally devided betweene my sonne William,
and the Survivors of them three Children: And the yearely profitt
which shall arise of their porc[i]ons soe deceased, shalbe equally
devided betweene my sonne William Andrewe, and the Survivors of
them three Children by equall porc[i]ons from the decease of the
first of them soe dyinge, untill the youngest Survivor of them
shalbee of the age of one and Twenty yeares. Item my will is that
my Executors hereafter named shall deliver All my Bondes Billes
and writings before menc[i]oned or intended to be given to my sonne
Richard Andrewe such as doe concerne the debts due to mee, unto
my Brother Peter Woodward, Thomas Knight and Edward Tay for my
sonnes; And my will, and request \to them/ is that they will cause
all the bondes to be renewed, and made into the name and proper
use of my said sonne Richard att his Charge within Twenty dayes
next after my decease, that soe the whole benefitt of his portion
may Redound wholly to the said Richard with all Expedition: Item
I give unto my Two daughters Margarett and Anne Twelve Pence a
peece. Item all the Rest of my goodes and Chattells now unbequeathed
I give, and bequeath the same unto Anne my wife, And unto my sonne
William Andrewe, to pay my debts legasies and my funerall expences,
According to this my will, And I make, and ordeyne the said Anne
my wife, and my said sonne William to bee Joynt Executors of this
my Last will and hereby I doe Revoke and make voyd all my former
wills, and doe hereby publishe, and declare this to be my Last
will: In witnesse whereof I the said Richard Andrewe have hereunto
sett my hand and seale the daie and yeare above written. Richard
Andrewe. Published and declared and sealed & delivered in the p[re]sence
of us John Man de Mannor, and William Mann.