Robart Baldwin
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 6th December
Probate Date: 26th January 1564/5
Proved by John Man and Raphe Plomer
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/48
The original document is in the custody of the National
In the name of god Amen The vj Daie of December in
the yere of oure lorde god a thowsande Five hundrethe sixte and
iiij I Robarte Baldwin of Egginton in the p[ar]ishe of Leyton Busorde
in the Countie of Bedf[ord] and within the diocis of Lincolne beinge
whole of minde and of good p[er]ficte Remembrunnce, Lawde and preise
be unto almightie god make and Ordeine this my presente Testamente
concerninge herein my laste will and testamente in manner and Forrme
Followinge that is to saie Firste I Commende my sowle unto allmightie
god my maker and Redemar and my bodie to be buried w[i]t[h]in the
Churche yarde of leighton afforesaid. Item I bequeathe to the mother
Churche of lincolne ijd It[e]m I bequeathe to the vicar
of Leighton iiijd It[e]m I geve and bequeathe towarde
the mendinge of the highe waie iijli vjs viijd which
I will shalbe bestowed betwene Stone waye bushe and Faxe crostleyse
wheras the Townesmen of Egginton thincke moste neade, and I will
yt shalbe bestowed w[i]t[h]in the space of Fyve yeares next Ensuinge
after my decease It[e]m I geve to everie Labourer dwellinge in
Egginton xijd a pece It[e]m I geve to the pore in Standbridge
iijs iiijd. It[e]m I geve to the pore in
Leyton xxvjs viijd It[e]m I geve and bequeathe
to Richard Androw and to the heires of his bodie Lawfullie begotten
my howse w[i]t[h] a Close and all appourtennnces therunto belonginge
whiche house w[i]t[h] the Close and all appourten[a]nces I boughte
latelie of Nicholas Weste Esquior Also I will that John Man and
Raphe Plomer whom I make my Attourney shall geve the said Richard
the state of the said house w[i]t[h] the appourten[a]nces w[i]t[h]in
one monethe next ensuinge after my decease uppon this Condic[i]on
Followinge that is to saye that the sayd Richarde Androwe shall
not have the ma...nce? occupienge lettinge and settinge of the
said house w[i]t[h] the appourten[a]nces untill that he come unto
the Full age of one and Twentie yeres Allso I will that the said
Richard shall have accompte of the yerelie Rente of yt Allso yf
god do his will by the said Richard Androws before that he come
to the Full age of one and twentie yeares, Then I will that yt
shall Remaine to all my other heires porcion and porcon lyke and
to there heires for ever And yf the said Richard do lyve untill
he be of the full age of one and twentie yeares then I will that
the said howse w[i]t[h] thappourten[a]nces to hym and to his heires
for ev[er] It[e]m I will and bequeathe all my free hould landes
medowes and Closes beinge unbequethed lyinge and beinge w[i]t[h]in
the lordship of leighton to be equallie devided in iiij p[ar]tes
that is to saye to John Androwe the sonne of John Androw of Leyton
Busarde Deceased, one p[ar]te, To Robarte Emarton sonne to Agnes
Emarton of Stuley in the Countie of Buck[ingham] Deceased the seconde
parte To Issabell Bandie Daughter to Alis Bandie of Pottesgrave
in the Countie of Bed[for]d deceased the third p[ar]te and to John
Man and Dorothee Man the wief of the said John Man of Eginton aforesaid
the Fourthe p[ar]te and to their heires of their bodies lawfullie
begotten and for lacke of yssue of their bodies lawfullie begotten
then I will the premisses to Remaine to the other three, two or
one heire or heires of the iiij heires abovesaid then lyvinge and
to the heires of their bodies lawfullie Begotten. And yf yt
Fourtune that all the said p[ar]tes do dep[ar]te their lyves w[i]t[h]oute
yssue of their bodies lawfullie begotten Then I will the said landes
medowes and Closes to Remaine wholie to the nexte of my heires
forever, Also I will that John Wigg and Edmunde Bolesworthe shalbe
myne attourneys to deliver Estate of the said landes medows and
Closes unto the said John Andrew Robarte Emarton Issabell Bandi
and John Man and Dorothe his wief w[i]t[h]in one monethe next Ensuing
after my decease It[e]m I geve to John Androw iiij horses, twoo
Oxen a plowghe a Plowghe Cheyne a Sheare and a Culter and so muche
grayne as will sowe his lande the which Richard Andrewe his uncle
hathe now in Occupienge of the said John Androws It[e]m I geve
to Alice Androw Twentie poundes a paire of Sheetes a brasse pott
ij Pewter dishes ij Candilstickes and a Brasse Pann It[e]m I geve
to Johan Andrew xxli a paire of sheetes a brasse pott
twoo Pewter Dishes ij Candilstickes and a brasse Panne It[e]m I
geve to Issabell Bandie a Cristininge sheete and iij other Sheetes
a brasse pott and a brasse pann ij Pewter Dishes and ij Candilstickes
It[e]m I geve to Alice Wie vjs viijd It[e]m
I geve to Issabell Waye a boshell of malte It[e]m I geve to John
Boodin my S[erv]unte a redd howed heffker one Ewe and a paire of
shetes It[e]m I geve to Jelian Hamonde my S[erv]unte one cowe calfe
of this yeares weninge that is paste one Ewe and a paire of sheetes
It[e]m I geve to Dickins my S[erv]unte one Ewe and my sleveles
jacket It[e]m I geve to John Gowg my S[erv]unte xijd It[e]m
I geve to Everie godchilde that I have xijd a pece It[e]m
I geve to Will[ia]m Dickins my beste Frise Coate It[e]m I geve
to Thomas Botley my ould Buxskin Dublet It[e]m I geve to Thomas
Tompkins my worsted Dublet It[e]m I geve to Will[ia]m Man, Thomas
Man, Jane Man and Ellin Man the Children of John Man everie one
of them vjs viijd a peece It[e]m I geve to
Richard Andrews ij steres price of xls. It[e]m I geve
to Robarte Emarton twoo steares of the price of xls Allso
I will that Richard Andrew Robarte Emarton Alice Andrew, John Andrew
and Issabell Bandie shall have their moveable goodes to them bequeathed
when they shall accomplishe their severall ages of xviij yeares
or elles before yf they soner marrye The residew of my goodes not
bequeathed my debtes and my Funerall Expences Discharged and this
my last will Fullfilled I geve and bequeathe to my Childes Children
as well they that are unborne as they that are beane? to be equallie
Devided amongeste their and thone? of them to be thothers heire
Also I make and Ordaine John Man and Raphe Plomer to be myne Executors
And I geve to either of them for their Paines xxs a
pece and also I will that Richard Andrewe of the Hill shalbe myne
Oversear of this my laste will and testamente and he to have for
his Paynes vjs viijd Their beinge witnesses
John Wigge Richard Andrew thelder Richarde Gro...e? and Edmund