Renold Jackman
Prerogative Court of Canterbury will made: 7th September
Probate Date: 20th December 1597
Proved by Robert Jackman brother of the testator
National Archive Catalogue reference: PROB 11/90
The original document is in the custody of the National
See also: Billington
The last will and testament of Renold Jackman M[aste]r
of Artes of Christchurch dated in the yeare of our sov[er]aigne
Lady Elizabeth the nine & thirteth Anno D[omi]ni 1597 and the seaventh
daie of September .
In the name of god Amen I Renolde Jackman of Billington
in the countie of Bedf[ord] and M[aste]r of Artes of Christchurch
in Oxford, revokeinge all other wills, make this my last will and
Testament in manner and forme followinge First I beinge in good
and perfect memorie I bequeath my bodie to be buried where it shall
please god I shall departe this mortalitie, and my soule which
is the principall of all unto the greate goodnes of that heavenlie
and everlivinge kinge Christe Jesus to raigne with him and his
angells in perpetuall wyes And although I doe acknowledge my selfe
to be a most grevous sinner and have often offended the maiestie
of the most highest; yet doe I verilie hope for to be of the number
of those whereof Christe speaketh came the blessed of my father
and receive a kingdome prepared for you before the begining of
the worlde, not that I can deserve anie thinge of my selfe for
whatsoever good thing I doe receive it is from above and doeinge
the best I can yet am I an unprofitable servant I \knowe/ therefore
through the mercie of Christ Jesus that whosoever beleveth in Christe
Jesus unfainedlie shall have everlastinge life for thorowe him
we are reconciled unto his father by whome nowe we have received
the atonement by whome we are freed from sinne and made servantes
unto god to have our fruite in holines and in the ende everlastinge
life. Secondlie I give unto the Studentes of Christchurch in Oxforde
for theire Gawdeys three poundes. Item I give unto my mother five
poundes. Item I give unto my sister Goughe Ursula and Raphe Jackman
six poundes to be equallie devided. Item I give unto John Greene
five poundes. Item unto Mr. Slaters sonnes three poundes.
Item unto the poore people where it shall please god that my body
shalbe buried three poundes. Item I give unto the Librarie of Christes
Church in Oxford three or fouer of my best bookes. Item I give
unto olde Joane a servant of my mothers five shillinges. Item I
will that my sister Dorothy Jackman shall receive of my Executor
at Billington Chappell the two & twenteth daie of October next
ensueinge to her marriage uppon sufficient assurance from Giles
Briofeilde? and one other sufficient man to be bounde with him
thirtie poundes, and the other seaven poundes to be paide her in
like sorte at Michaelmas next followinge by my Executor to make
up a hundreth poundes to her marriage. Item I will that my Executor
shall lende unto my mother uppon her owne bonde for a whole yere
twentie poundes. Item I will that my Executor shall set up againste
some wall in the channcell a peece of brasse under which I wolde
have my father my brother and my selfe mentioned for a remembrance
where we are buried with some verses in lattin under it and some
Englishe proes on the toppe. Item I will that my Executor shall
have a twelve moneth to gather up my pettie debtes to discharge
my Legacies, exceptinge my sisteres thirtie poundes. Item I will
that all suche writeinges as shall come unto my Executor toucheinge
either the freeholde of the manor of Billington or the coppieholde
to be delivered to my brother Gabriell Jackman with my Annuitie
in parchment unto him also. Item I give unto my sister Ursula to
her marriage eight poundes to be paide out of the monie due to
my sister Dorothy at Christmas next by my brother Gabriels promise
and the other eight poundes and a marke to himselfe If I happen
to die before the time. All my debtes beinge paide and my funerall
and Legacies discharged I make my brother Robert Jackman of Billington
in the countie of Bedford gentleman my whole & sole Executor to
aske demande and require whatsoever money goodes writeinges bills
or bondes that of righte belongeth unto me to the onelie proper
use and behoofe of my Executor And leaveinge and forsakeinge this
mortalitie I betake my selfe to the handes of the ever liveinge
Lorde when if shall please him to receive me and take me to his
mercie out of this misery. In witnes of this my last will and Testament
I the foresaide Reinold Jackman have subscribed my name In the
prescence of these witnesses as followeth. By me Renold Jackman.
Anthonie Sclater. Mark Griffith.