January, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4ths, 6th and 7th, 1868.
An Ode - Words and Music by J. Rose - written specially for the occasion, will be Sung.
A Collection of Art Objects has been promised by the Government Science and Art Department, Kensington Museum.
The following persons have kindly promised to become Exhibitors of Works of Art and Curiosity:-
Baron Mayer de Rothschild.
Colonel Hanmer, K.H.
J. D. Bassett, Esq.
F. Bassett, Esq.
T. Harris, Esq.
Rev. C. S. Grubb.
Mr. Whichello.
Rev. H. A. Gibson.
Mr. H. W. Ridgway.
Mr. C. Claridge.
Aveline and Son.
Mr. G. Franklin.
Mr. Flemons.
Rev. J. O. Stallard.
Mr. W. S. Cooper.
Mr. T. Price.
Rev. W. D. Elliston.
Mr. Dawson.
Mr. C. Ridgway.
Mr. Richmond.
Mr. J. Pettit.
Mr. E. Ashwell.
Mr. J. Q. Rumball.
Mr. A. Cook.
Mr. J. Worsley.
Mr. W. Abraham, Heath
Mr. G. Purser.
C. Lord J. F. Russell.
Mr. Kipling.
Mr. A. Buckmaster.
Mr. G. Barnard.
Mrs. Claridge, Egginton.
Mr. E. L. Adey.
Mr. F. Morgan.
The Misses Hensman.
Mr. Warwick.
Mr. Deverell.
Mr. Swinstead (Heath).
Mrs. Read.
Mr. Simmons.
Mr. Brandom.
Mr. Emery.
Mr F. Harris.
Mr. Marriott.
Mr. P. Procter.
Mr. A. P. Muddiman.
Mr. S. Hopkins.
Mrs. Channer.
Mr. Sharpe.
Mr. Linsday.
Mr. Smith.
Mr. Brown.
Rev. E. Adey.
Mrs. W. H. Samuel.
Mrs. Pettit.
Miss Garner.
Mr. W. W. Webb.
Mr. E. Hitchens.
Mr. Purrett.
Dr Lawford.
Rev. E. Bradshaw.
The Misses Adkins, Toddington.
Mr. R. Walker.
Mr. Greening.
Mr. Farnham.
Mr. Morrice, Heath.
Mrs. and Miss Sloan.
Mr. G. Grace.
Mr. Owen.
Mr. Hadley.
Mr. Sherman.
Mr. M. Mead.
Miss Lawford.
Mr. Curwood.
Mr. Fyffe.
Mr. Waters.
Mr. Parsons.
Mr. Page.
Mr. Gotto.
Mr. Sell.
Mr. Watts.
Mr. Abraham.
Mr. W. Harris.
Mr. Birdsey.
Mrs. Simmons.
Mr. Bowler.
Mr. Sharman.
Mr. Lean.
Mr. Preston.
Rev. J. Hurnall.
Mrs. Kipling.
Mr. Meager.
Mrs. Fountaine.
Mr. Holliday.
Mr. Green, Toddington.
Mr. R. Page.
Mr. J. Palmer, Aspley.
Miss Willis.
Mr. J. Loke.
Mr. Mead.
Mr. Lewis.
Mr. C. Tavener.
Mr. Bateman.
Mr. Young.
Mr. J. Lamb.
Miss Darley.
Mr. Cope.
Mr. Lord.
Mr. Middleton.
Mr. Street.
Miss Terry.
Mr. Webber.
Mr. Kingwell.
Mr. T. H. Bishop.
Mr. Holtom.
Mr. Walcot.
Mr. H. Samuel, sen.
Mr. Partridge.
Mr. A. Deeley.
Mr. T. Hart.
Mr. H. Pettit.
Mr. J. Clarke.
Mr. J. Hopkins.
Mr. W. Doggett.
Mr. G. Watkins.
Mr. T. Hopkins
Miss Read.
Mr. Eames.
Mr. Heard.
Mr. T. C. Johnson, Luton.
Mr. W. Saberton.
Mr. Scutt.
Messrs. J. and F. Howard, Brittania Iron Works, Bedford, will send a selection of Models; and J. Gillett and Sons, of Birmingham, will illustrate the Steel Pen Manufacture. Chance Brothers and Co., of Birmingham, will exhibit Glass made from the Heath Sand, and also Specimens showing the process of Glass-blowing in different stages.
Among the Working Men and others who will exhibit objects illustrative of the trade of the Town, are the following:-
Mr. Hight.
Mr. Gilbert.
Mr. Deeley.
Mr J. Shepherd.
Mr. Agutter.
Mr. C. WIlliamson.
Mr. W. H. Samuel.
Mr. G. Brown.
Mr. Frost, High Street.
Mr. Glaisyer.
Mr. Wands.
Mr. E. Hall.
Messrs. F. & E. Horn, Dunstable.
Mr. T. Brown.
Mr. E. Garner.
Mr. Greenway.
Mr. D. Cook.
Mr. J. Sloan.
Mr. J. Greenway.
Mr. J. Webster.
Mr. Groom.
Mr. J. J. Wood.
Mr. H. Samuel, jun.
Mr. Newport.
Mr. W. Watson.
Mr. H. Inns.
Mr. Yirrell.
Mr. Herington.
Mr. J. Purser.
Mr. Tutt.
Mr. Panting.
Mr. Marlton.
Mr. Fortnum.
Mr. W. Kempster.
Mr. Fardon.
Mr. W. Shepherd.
Mr. Horn.
Mr. J. Tavener.
Mr. Randall.
Mr. W. Andrew.
Mr. Frost.
Mr. W. Abraham.
Mr. Jaques.
Mr. Boxford.
Mr. Miller.
Mr. Panting.
Mr. C. Geeves.
Mr. G. Reeve.
Mr. H. Parsons.
Mr. S. Cooper.
Mr. Barnes.
Mr. Adams.
Mr. Porter.
The following is a list of some of the Works of Art and Curiosity which have been promised:-
Relating to the Town and Neighbourhood:- Views of Old Leighton, of the Cross, Old Town Hall, Leighton Tree, Antiquities found in Leighton and Neighbourhood, Stuffed Birds, Fishes, and other Animals. Also specimens of Tapestry, Old and New Needlework, a number of Oil Paintings, Watercolour Drawings, Chromolithographs, Photographs, Steel Engravings, Original Drawings and Sketches, Old and Rare Books, Sumptuous Books, Ancient and Foreign Coins, Foreign Curiosities from China, Figi, India and Africa; several very Ancient Bibles, Ancient Wearing Apparel, Wedgewood and Ancient China, Race-cup, Vases in Bronze, China, and Marble, Statues of Cobden and Fox, Musical Boxes, Waxflowers, Foreign Animals stuffed, Drawings of Leighton House, Sketches of Neighbouring Scenery Pen and Pencil Sketches, Model of Leighton Church, Views of the Old Black Lion - Billington Church - Furness Abbey - Bolton Abbey, by Landseer; Prize Cups, Needlework Casket, Ebony Inlaid Cabinet, War Relics, British Burial Urn, Fine Model of Opium Ship, Model of Lifeboat. Ancient Writings relating to Leighton, Indian Cabinet inlaid with gold, Indian French, and Nankin China, Minatures of Queen Elizabeth and her Courtiers, Russian Curiosities, Drawings by J. Leech.
There will be exhibited by Working Men, and illustrative of the trade of the town: A complete Exhibition of the Straw Trade, Blacksmiths', Wheelwrights', Carpenters' and Painters' work; Cooperage, Turnery, Cabinet Work, Carvings in Wood and Stone, Musical Instruments, Sculpture and Masonry, Printing, Boot and Shoe Work, Old and New Fashions in Dress, Improved Gas Stove, Works in Plaster, Straw Mills, Basket Work, Inlaid Work, Models of Steam Engines, Churches, Towers, Houses, Models and Diagrams of Machinery, Vessels, Conservatory, Garden, Working Model of Pump, Working Model of Kitchener, Confectionery, the Means and Appliances for producing Artificial Light, Harmonicon, Curiosities in Ironwork, Plumber's Work, Foreign Plait, Glass made from the Heath Sand, Illustrations of the Silk Hat Manufacture. Harness Work.
Exhibitors in this last Class may label their Articles for Sale, under Conditions which may be known by applying to the Secretary.
The Committee are extremely desirous of enlarging this last list. The prime object of the movement is a WORKING MAN'S INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, and they earnestly appeal to every Working Man in Leighton to help them in this deparment [should be "department"] to the utmost of their ability. Any promises will be gladly received by one of the undersigned -
The Exhibition will be open twice daily - viz., from 11 a.m. till 3 p.m. and from 6 p.m. till 9.30 p.m., except on TUESDAY, JANUARY 7th, when it will continue open from 10 a.m., till 8 p.m.
An Ode - Words and Music by J. Rose - written specially for the occasion, will be sung on the Opening Day.
ADMISSION:- Season Tickets to Admit every day, 5s. Tickets to admit on the morning of the Opening Day only, 2s. 6d.; Evening, 1s. For each opening on the Second Day, 1s. For the five days after the Opening Day, 3s. For each Opening after the Second Day, 6d. Children under 12, in charge of their friends, at half-price. TICKETS NOT TRANSFERABLE. Schools admitted at a Cheap Rate by applying to the Secretary.
Tickets may be obtained at Mr. Muddiman's "Leighton Buzzard Observer" Office, or at Mr. Herington's near the Corn Exchange; or at the Doors.
P.S. - The Committee have great pleasure in recording a promise from Hastinge Russell, Esq., M.P., of £10 in aid of the Exhibition.