Leighton-Linslade Past Times: including Billington, Eggington, Heath & Reach and Stanbridge
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Leighton Buzzard Observer & Linslade Gazette - Supplement
Tuesday, 18th May 1875

Brief background

A paper published as a supplement to the normal weekly paper exclusively to cover the exhibition which had opened a few days previously. Included in the supplement is complete reporting of the opening ceremony and lunch for the dignataries, and also a lengthy list of the exhibits and exhibitors. Note: any text enclosed in square bracket are comments by the transcriber relating to possible typos or errors in the original text.

The Article

[The following appeared in our Second Special Edition of Friday last.]



If the members of the Leighton Buzzard Working Men’s Institute have not succeeded in immortalising themselves in the annals of their town, it will most assuredly be many years ere the Art and Industrial Exhibition of 1875, opened under their auspices, amid such imposing surroundings, and with such grand ceremonial on Wednesday morning last, will be effaced from the memory of any who had the privilege of witnessing the opening formality or of subsequently inspecting the vast mass of valuable, artistic, educational, ornamental, curious, and mechanical articles accumulated together in the Corn Exchange. The rapid progress this exhibition movement has made, and the proportions it has assumed since its contemplation not much more than a year ago, present a remarkable feature, and the general success which has attended a praiseworthy effort to establish a fund for providing a series of high-class lectures in connection with the society, by eminent men, and to augment the number of volumes in the library of the Institute, has quite surpassed the most sanguine expectations of the committee appointed at the annual meeting of 1873-74 to carry out the object. This, however, it will be remembered, is not the first effort of a similar nature which has been made – and successfully made – by the Working Men’s Society of Leighton, and their experiences in the year 1868 have not been lost upon them during the intervening seven and a half years. At that time, though their pretensions were comparatively small, they were greatly encouraged, and the triumph of that occasion no doubt served to weld together and firmly establish an institution which had but recently been formed, but which has prospered, and been the means of Promoting an infinite amount of good from that time to this. The Exhibition of 1866 [should be "1868"], held in the Assembly Room, was promoted for the purpose of raising a fund of some £23 wherewith to purchase the library of the defunct Literary and Scientific Institute, consisting of 1,100 volumes. The working men, at that time, with 102 working and thirty honorary members, had but about 100 books in their library. This large addition, including many standard works, therefore placed them in an eminently good literary position, and saved to the town a valuable intellectual store. The number of exhibitors who assisted them to cover the amount of purchase in that year was 200, and the number of separate articles shown estimated roughly at 3,000. On the present occasion the exhibitors are no less than 600, or thereabouts, while the productions contained in the commodious Large Hall, the Assembly Room, and the extensive annexe (found necessary to be erected at the rear of the Exchange, by kind permission of Mr. Geo. Franklin) are calculated to be about 10,000.  The library has, since 1868, been augmented from time to time until the volumes on its shelves now number 1,437. The usefulness of this department is illustrated by the fact that during the past year no less than 2,947 issues have been registered, the society now boasting of 92 honorary and 150 working men members. The cost of an annual ticket in the latter class, entitling the holder to use of the library and to admission to all lectures (about sixteen each season), discussions, &c., is but 2s., while an honorary member subscribes but 4s. (or more at option) per annum. The value of mutual help is therefore here exemplified in a pecuniary way. In connection with the society are also elementary, drawing, and science and art classes, held at the rooms of the Institute in Hockliffe Road. The president is Theodore Harris, Esq., the vice-presidents, Dr. Lawford and Mr. C. B. Sell; the treasurer, Mr. E. W. Lewis; and the secretary. Mr. W. Abraham.

The present Exhibition movement was originated in April, 1874, when, at the annual meeting of the society, and in view of establishing a special lecture fund, a resolution was passed to the effect that it was desirable, in the opinion of this meeting, to hold another Working Men’s Industrial Exhibition, and that a committee should be appointed to consider the matter and report thereon. This committee subsequently met on several occasions, and the result of their investigations was that a general meeting of the members was called at the Hockliffe Road Rooms on Thursday, the 6th of August, 1874, when a report was presented, as follows:- “Having regard to the general feeling of the members of this society, so far as it could be ascertained, also to the success which attended the Exhibition of 1868, and further, that more than six years have elapsed since it was held, the committee is unanimously of opinion that the time has arrived when arrangements may be advantageously made for the holding of another Working Men’s Industrial Exhibition. It is the opinion of the committee that the Exhibition should be of a more thoroughly industrial character than the last; and that thus, while it will be desirable to invite the exhibition of any objects of interest which persons may be willing to send, it is at the same time of the highest importance that a strong effort should be made to render the exhibition one largely consisting of the actual productions of working men and others in the town and neighbourhood. In furtherance of this aim it is recommended that public notice of the intention to hold such exhibition be given immediately, in order that ample time may be allowed for the manufacture of articles to be exhibited. It is suggested that the exhibition shall comprise the following classes of objects:- Articles made by men in the pursuit of their own trade or handicraft; articles made by amateurs; handiwork of females, including plain and ornamental needlework, straw plaiting, lace working, etc.; objects or collections representing the trade and agriculture of the district; objects or collections illustrating the natural history of the district; educational work from schools, including drawings, penmanship, needlework, etc.; objects or collections illustrating the history or antiquities of the neighbourhood; objects of art or curiosity which the inhabitants of the district or others may be disposed to lend, viz., paintings, sculpture, and other artistic productions. The committee further advise that medals or certificates of merit be awarded for the most successful works exhibited in classes one to six inclusive. On the question as to the disposition of any funds which may arise from the exhibition, your committee would draw attention to the fact that for some time past there has been a desire on the part of some members of this society to establish a short course of high class lectures. Your president very liberally placed at the disposal of the committee, on one occasion, a sum of money to partly defray the expense of one such course, but the committee were unable at that time to take advantage of the offer. It is now thought that if this society can by some effort of its own raise a fair amount, subscriptions would not be wanting which would raise the fund to a sum sufficiently large to enable the society to secure a course of such lectures for several seasons in succession. The committee is therefore unanimously of opinion that the proceeds should be devoted mainly to the establishment of a lecture fund; but they are also of opinion that part of the proceeds should be devoted to the increase of the library. These objects, the committee venture to think, are such as will commend themselves not only to the members of the society, but to the town and neighbourhood at large. It is recommended that arrangements be made for the sale of articles which exhibitors may desire to offer for that purpose. Such articles would belong to one of two classes. 1. Articles sold for the benefit of the exhibitors, upon the selling price of which the committee would claim a small percentage in accordance with the usage of similar exhibitions. 2. Articles presented to the committee, the entire proceeds of which would go to the lecture and library fund. Articles thus exhibited would, of course, find their place in one of the classes mentioned above, and be eligible for certificates of merit. The Exhibition of 1868 was opened on New Year’s Day. In the opinion of the majority of the committee it is deemed advisable to hold the Exhibition now proposed early in the summer. It is their opinion that this season of the year would prove more suitable for visitors from the neighbouring towns and villages, that certain expenses would probably be less, and that members of the committee of management would, as a rule, have more leisure to carry out the necessary arrangements. There are also other reasons which point to the summer as a more eligible period than the depth of the winter, and as a time when the undertaking is likely to prove a pecuniary success. It is, therefore, recommended that the Exhibition be opened about Whitsuntide, 1875. The committee advise that a limit be fixed to the district from which works are to be sent, competing for certificates or medals, the limit to be placed at a radius of twenty miles from Leighton Buzzard. In view of the fact that on the last occasion, when the Exhibition was held in the Assembly Room, considerable difficulty was experienced through want of space, it is suggested that an effort should be made to secure the Large Hall of the Corn Exchange, and, if requisite, the Assembly Room in addition. The committee is of opinion that a guarantee fund of not less than £50 should be raised by the society for the purpose of defraying the necessary current expenses connected with the undertaking. The committee have every reason to think that, if only an ordinary amount of energy and perseverance be displayed, the undertaking now proposed will be carried to a most successful issue. Lastly, your committee is of the opinion that a special exhibition committee should be appointed to carry out the details of the proposed scheme, consisting of not less than seven members, with a treasurer and one or two secretaries, with power to add to their number.”

On the strength of this report a committee was appointed to promote the object, consisting of Theodore Harris, Esq., president of the society, Dr. Lawford, Messrs. W. C. Frost, Piggott, Sell, Middleton, Barnes, and W. H. Samuel, with power to add to their number; a power which it was soon found necessary to put into force. F. Bassett, Esq., was elected as treasurer, and Messrs. E. W. Lewis and W. Abraham as secretaries. The project was now considered to have been fairly floated, the honorary and working men members responded liberally to an appeal on behalf of a guarantee fund, preliminary advertisements were published, circulars distributed, and, by October in last year, when a most successful conversazione was held in the Corn Exchange, which helped in no small degree to further the interests of the Exhibition, it was announced that near upon a hundred pounds has been subscribed towards this fund. Of course, even at this time, it was little thought that the idea would be developed as we now see it. By January a considerable number of promises to exhibit had been received, from a district comprised within a radius of twenty miles of Leighton. More extensive advertising was then resorted to, and among other means adopted a map of the district included in the area named, showing the position of the Corn Exchange and all the various towns from which exhibits were expected, with the different counties in distinct colours, and surmounted by a photograph of the Exchange, was placed at the principal railway stations of the locality. This map advertisement, on raised paper, in itself an object deserving a place in the Exhibition, was the work of Mr. E. W. Lewis. The canvassing which had been strenuously pushed forward had now resulted in the publication of a list of patrons such as it is seldom the lot of any local project to secure. At the head were the Duke of Bedford, the Duke of Buckingham, Earl Cowper, K.G., the Prime Minister, Earl Brownlow, the Marquis of Tavistock, Lord Charles Russell, the county members of Parliament, the members for adjoining counties, and a long array of nobility and cream of high society. The greatest interest was manifested in the undertaking by the Baroness de Rothschild, and, indeed by all members of that noble family. With the progress now made and the encouragement received, it was resolved to offer a certificate for competition, the design embracing subjects of local interest. The Cross, surmounted by the motto. “Deus Adest Laborantibus;” the Church, the Corn Exchange, the Mansions of Mentmore, Ashridge, and Woburn Abbey, allegorical figures of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire, straw plait, lace, and agricultural implements are worked into an effective border, the certificate itself being illuminated in gold and colours. This handsome certificate is a document well worthy of being competed for. With the art and industrial feature of the Exhibition now tolerably sure of success, and with an augmented committee, attention was further directed to obtaining an illustration of every kind of educational appliance, and anxiety was also further evinced in extending the compass of the undertaking to the representation of farm produce and agricultural implements. The spirit and enterprise of Luton and Dunstable were meanwhile operating in a way calculated to secure a complete illustration of the straw trade. By about the middle of March last, ultimate success appeared to have been thoroughly secured, contributions were liberally promised, and notices of exhibiting became so numerous that, in view of the demand made upon them for space, the committee made arrangements for a very considerable addition to the Corn Exchange building – the whole of which, excepting the front offices, they engaged for a month, at least – through the liberality of Mr. George Franklin, who placed so much of his premises in the rear of the Corn Exchange at the disposal of the committee for the purpose of the Exhibition as enabled them to erect an annexe covering an area of nearly 1,600 feet. The committee next issued a letter to the patrons and the gentry of the district generally, soliciting their aid in a variety of ways – a movement which met with an unlooked-for amount of encouragement; for, a draft copy of this letter having been forwarded to His Grace the Duke of Bedford, that nobleman most generously responded to the appeal therein contained by proposing to subscribe the sum of £100 towards the lecture fund which it is the main object of the Exhibition to raise. Further, Earl Cowper promised £50; the Baroness de Rothschild, of Mentmore, besides offering valuable loan objects, promised £40 worth of goods for sale for the benefit of the fund; Miss Hannah de Rothschild did likewise; Lady Anthony de Rothschild gave £25; Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild patronised the fund in an equally handsome way, by loan and by donation; Mr. Leopold de Rothschild gave £10; J. D. Bassett, Esq., gave £50 to the special lecture fund and £50 towards general expenses; the Baroness de Rothschild, of Gunnersbury Park, subscribed £25; Theodore Harris, Esq., £40 in articles for sale; Sir R. B. Harvey, Slough, £5 5s.; W. S. Burton, Esq., £20; &c. &c. Moreover, Miss Rothschild, of Aston Clinton, to stimulate and encourage the members of the society, offers prizes amounting to £10 for the best essay on the Exhibition.

In the end the contributions of more than 600 exhibitors were secured – for competition, for sale for the benefit of the fund, for exhibition and sale at a rate of profit to the society, and for exhibition only. These include over 150 exhibits of articles made by men in pursuit of their own trade, about fifty from amateurs, paintings and other works of art from professionals, upwards of fifty exhibits of art productions from amateurs, nearly 100 exhibits of the handiwork of females, including every variety of plain and ornamental needlework, lace and straw plait; a complete illustration of the straw trade from Luton and Dunstable, about thirty exhibits exemplifying the special agricultural produce of the district, several interesting collections representative of the natural history of the district, educational work from schools, antiquities of the district, nearly 200 exhibits containing several hundred objects of art and curiosity, including oil and water colour paintings, sculpture, engravings, photographs, autotypes, tapestry, china, arms, armour, books, valuable manuscripts, antique and foreign lace, Indian, Chinese, and other curiosities, jewellery, objects of natural history, &c., &c.; several exhibits of manufactures carried on beyond the district, upwards of twenty exhibits of educational appliances, including the most approved books, maps, diagrams and school furniture; scientific apparatus, &c., &c. The greatest number of exhibits among the towns included in the district are contributed, as may be supposed, from Leighton and Linslade. Here alone are near upon 300 productions in the different classes. Bedford contributes 19; Aylesbury, 17; Buckingham, 9; Luton, 23; Dunstable, 8; Tring, 6; Hemel Hempstead, 4; Berkhampstead, 14; Wolverton, 6; Newport Pagnell, 6; Ampthill, 3; Stony Stratford, 6; Fenny Stratford, 3; Woburn, 22; Biggleswade, 3; Bletchley, 4; the remainder come from the various villages lying among these towns. To these have to be added the loans or donations of London publishers, the valuable art collection secured through the co-operation of the Science and Art Department, the exhibitions of various scientific gentlemen, of mechanical and art appliances, the various mechanical and industrial processes carried on, &c. the whole forming one of the most extensive and beautiful displays of art, industry, science, and curiosity ever collected together in a small provincial town.

During the past fortnight the scene at the Corn Exchange has been one of incessant activity. During the whole of each day railway and other vans, local vehicles, and, in fact, conveyances of all kinds have been passing through the town with loads of all descriptions for the Exhibition. In the building workmen have been employed night and day; builders, painters, gas-fitters, glaziers, carpenters, decorators, packers, &c., &c., all found plenty of employment, while many members of the committee were as busily and continuously engaged in superintending the unloading and arrangement of the numerous handsome and valuable articles brought in. The committee have been at an enormous expense, and a vast deal of trouble and care has been bestowed upon the undertaking from beginning to end. The result of their labour is that the Exhibition contains an immense, varied, valuable, interesting, and attractive collections of art specimens, scientific paraphernalia, agricultural appliances, educational illustrations, and local mechanical and industrial productions. Visitors will find an immense variety of sources of attraction, [should be "."] The intellectual store may be replenished, curiosity gratified, and inclinations for amusement profitably indulged. The appeal of the committee made to the general public at the commencement of the year has been heartily and nobly responded to by all classes, and in all forms by which the cause could be advanced. The cup of expectation has been filled to overflowing, and even the whole extent of our commodious and handsome Corn Exchange, crowded from top to bottom, and from ceiling to floor in each of the large halls, has proved insufficient to contain exhibits. A spacious annexe was first erected at the rear, the ante-rooms of the building have since been utilised, a large tent has recently been added to the original enlargement, and even now we believe that many minor articles entered for exhibition will not be shown from sheer impossibility to find space. Some idea of the vast amount of labour and trouble expended in promoting the object may be gathered from the fact that during the three weeks prior to opening the whole time Mr. Lewis, one of the secretaries, had been devoted to conducting correspondence and superintending arrangements. Prior to that time no less than 777 hours, or 77 days, had been spent by Mr. Lewis in writing and attending to preliminary matters. The number of letters he has written from first to last, in connection with this Exhibition, has reached to as many as 2,000. This, too, is independent of the time given by his colleague, Mr. Abraham, and many other assistants at various times. The greatest credit is due to all concerned for the devotion and zeal they have displayed throughout. It is but just too, that the fact should be recorded that the president of the society, Theodore Harris, Esq., has not shrunk from taking a full share in the burden and heat of the past two or three weeks’ toil. It was only by dint of hard work, unity of purpose, and thorough interest evinced by the whole staff of persons employed that the arrangements were completed in time for opening. The struggle during the last two or three days, in particular, was almost desperate. The task, however, was successfully accomplished at last, and Tuesday evening saw the whole exhibits in, the greater part of them arranged, and the whole of the magnificent stock collected together in the Corn Exchanged insured in the Royal Fire Office for £30,000. As a further precaution, a fire engine and large tank of water have been kept in the building, and a member of the fire brigade with other watchers have guarded the premises during the whole night for some time past.

In the large hall a very beautiful American organ by Mason and Hamlin, supplied by Mr. R. Purrett, of Leighton, will be found in the balcony.  Upon this instrument recitals are to be given on different evenings by Mr. T. J. Price, M.C.O., and other musicians. The front rail of the balcony is showily decorated with heads of a walrus, moose-deer shot in South America by P. Duncombe, Esq., and numerous deer heads and antlers. Around the hall are arranged magnificent paintings, tapestries, foreign silks, &c., while the room generally contains also a vast array of beautiful, valuable, curious, artistic, mechanical, English and foreign, ancient and modern treasure. Among the chief paintings may be seen a very valuable and large representation of two Scotch deer-hounds, by Gainsborough (one of the many contributions of Baroness de Rothschild); “Elizabeth Fry reading to the Prisoners in Newgate,” by Jerre Barratt, valued at 1,000 guineas, and loaned by J. Robinson, Esq. of Berkhampstead; a group painting of Lord H. Stanhope and family, by Godfrey Kneller, and exhibited by Mr. Payne, of Aylesbury; an oil portrait of Lady Mary Montague, by Andsell, also exhibited by Mr. Robinson; the “Blackberry Gatherers,” an angel’s head, painted by Miss Juliet Tylor; the “Good-night Bayard,” a painting by the Princess Royal of England, “The Coming Peace” (pencil), and family portraits, by Miss Tylor, &c. and contributed by Mrs. Tylor, of Carshalton, Kent. These are but a few of the many paintings which adorn the walls, among which will be found local productions of no ordinary merit, including several by Mrs. Slark, of Heath Mount. Then there are the late Baron Rothschild’s splendid racing trophies, the magnificent dressing and toilet services, Italian silk embroideries, &c., of the Baroness M. de Rothschild, Miss Hannah de Rothschild’s portrait, by Watts, and her extensive collection of ornaments, figures, &c., in marble, pearl, enamel, and ivory; in-laid cabinets, Majolica ware, Wedgwood vases, and many other rare and valuable objects, contributed by Baron Ferdinand and Mr. Leopold de Rothschild; a splendid collection of models of various kinds, ancient armoury, gold and silver plate, statuary, ancient relics, foreign curiosities, and local productions, the chief among the latter being a magnificent and massive mediaeval Ampthill oak sideboard, elaborately finished with brass, set with glass studs, and valued at 200 guineas. This noble piece of furniture is manufactured and exhibited by Messrs. Wells & Co., of Bedford, with handsome chair and oval mirror to match. Three large photographic stands, occupied by Messrs. Piggott, of Leighton, and Mr. Barnard, and Mr. Downes, of Bedford, will command attention. On the former will be found a very interesting and artistic group frame containing portraits of all the members of the Exhibition committee. An hall clock, made by Mr. Lamb, of Leighton, to go for 400 days, under glass case, is an admirable piece of mechanism; and the horse-shoes of Messrs. Goodson, of Leighton, and Meager, of Linslade, deserve attention, as also the fancy basket work of Mr. Hayes, another Leightonian. In a glass case containing a warrant of appointment to her Majesty the Queen, Messrs. Sharman & Son, of Leighton, show various specimens of woollens, from the raw material tracing various processes, until white and coloured West of England cloths, tweeds and Bedford cords are produced in best quality. Ancient coins, geological specimens, foreign and other curiosities and artistic productions abound. A very handsome oak cabinet, in which some of Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild’s valuable contributions are exhibited, is the handiwork of a Leightonian carpenter, Mr G. Bowler. A handsome wool-work firescreen, illustrating a devotional subject, and valued at £50, is the work of Mrs. Fraser, of Linslade; Mr Fortnum shows a very handsome fire-screen of glass containing between forty and fifty different foreign birds and insects in gilt frame, and the same exhibitor has also a variety of specimens in the annexe, among which are a badger caught at Southcott, weighing 32lbs., foxes, squirrels, African cat, large globe of birds, and a variety of British and foreign birds and animals in glass frames, most excellently preserved. The most prominent feature in this part of the building is no doubt the collection of electrotypes contributed by the Education Department at South Kensington. Then there are the exquisite and costly specimens of the art of glass engraving, shown by Mr. Eisert, of South Audley Street, London. The stand contains a large assortment of most handsome productions. With regard to the merits of this well-known artist, the Art Journal, in November 1872, speaking of the presentation of a beautifully engraved magnum of glass to the Lord Mayor of London, by working men, says:- “The artist who has converted the magnum of plain glass into a veritable and valuable work of art, is a Bohemian, who has been long settled in England, and many of the most exquisite specimens of glass-engraving that have been seen of late years in the shops of leading dealers are his work. The magnum is a charming example of difficulties overcome; it is far easier to carve flowers, and even animals, than buildings; and lettering is an achievement that very few can master. There are, however, leaves and flowers in this case, exquisitely copied from nature. The work is a triumph of artistic skill of labour well applied, resulting from long experience and matured study. The Lord Mayor in this gift has an acquisition that may be placed beside the city’s richest treasures of gold and silver.” Mr. Porter, of Leighton, exhibits a handsome model pony and trap, with harness. Messrs. Brown & Son, of Leighton, have a varied assortment of modern agricultural implements, manufactured at their “Victoria” Iron Works. There are also paint mills, an engraving, carving, and drilling machine, and, besides the industrial and other operations carried on here, Mr. Vallentine, of Burcott, presides over a large and capitally-arranged stand, upon which are shown numerous kinds of grain, in and out of the straw, grown upon different soils, geological specimens used in the manufacture of artificial manures, samples of subsoil from various parts of the neighbourhood, and seeds and roots of many descriptions. The South American and Norwegian phosphates shown here are said to be the most beneficial for dressing land. Among the grains shown are two samples of wheat and one of barley grown on the chalk-loam soil at Childrey, Berkshire. One kind of wheat is the Hertfordshire white, and the other Chidham’s wheat. Both were grown by W. S. Burton, Esq., and are most fully formed corn. A number of long red and round mangolds are also to be seen here, the growth of Mr. Vallentine, Mr. E. Ashwell, Billington; Mr. Battams, Leighton Buzzard; and the proprietors of the Sewage Farm, Aylesbury. Mr. Vallentine’s are probably the finest among the collection, weighing on an average 22 1/2lbs. each, and grown on the same land three years in succession without any other dressing than artificial manures. The other samples are very fine. Mr. Vallentine also exhibits a quantity of feeding stuffs, coprolites,  &c., and has also upon his stand a number of agricultural encyclopaedias, old local directories, and other very interesting works. The exhibits are fastened to or placed in front of a red baize-covered wall, and arranged beneath a Parian marble figure of “Devotion,” between a pair of splendid long horns, and surmounted by a fine ram’s head. A close neighbour in this department is Mr. Fraser, of Linslade, who exhibits a monster specimen azalêa and a variety of beautiful floral products upon an effectively-arranged stand. There are, of course, numerous other objects of interest. In the side passage, Messrs. Bishop & Sons, of Leighton, illustrate the process of pipe making, and show, in a small gas stove made for bed-rooms, &c., the virtues of their albestos [asbestos] fuel, which, it is said, will keep red hot for ever with a small gas jet kept burning beneath, and throw out a wonderful heat for so small a stove. They also exhibit their composition foot-warmers and fuel economising composition. Mr. Gregory Harris shows specimens of raw and tanned leathers. Mr. T. Yirrell, of Leighton, exhibits some excellent stone carving, Mr. W. H. Samuel a pair of churns and some elegant turnery, in model and full size; and Mr. W. T. Cope shows a clean and a soiled picture upon the two legs of one pair of trousers as an example of the possibility of making old clothes new. Upon the head of the stairs Messrs. Purser produce some fine specimens of graining; Mr. Northwood here occupies all the remaining space with croquêt sets, carvings, in-laid tables, a very fine clock case, and other illustrations of his skill in wood carving and turnery; Mr. Robert Richmond, jun., occupies the ante-room here with a collection of electrical appliances, with apparatus for communicating with fire alarms placed in different parts of the building, and for lighting the gas in the ceiling of the large hall below. The Assembly Room itself contains a large amount of lace, needlework, wool-work, straw plait, photography, paintings, cases of birds, specimens of moths and butterflies, wax flowers, cases of boots, &c. Amongst these will be found some handsome needle-work and wax flowers made by Mr. Middleton, of Leighton; a case of heavy boots, shown by Mr. Riches, of Newport Pagnell; and another case of ladies', gentlemen's, and childrens' boots and shoes manufactured by Mr. Richard Harris, of Leighton. In this room, too, will be found handsomely carved Japanese bedstead exhibited by Mr. Cyril Flower, of Burcott. Numerous other articles, handsome and costly, are crowded into the room, but not the least among any is a splendid-toned trichord treble cottage pianoforte, in ebony and gold, manufactured expressly for the Exhibition, and placed here by Mr. R. Purrett, of Leighton, for the use of any musicians who may be disposed to entertain the company. A very nice little four guinea "People's harmonium" is also exhibited by Mr. Purrett for sale for the benefit of the Exhibition fund.

At the entrance to the Large Hall an elegantly-fitted up restaurant is presided over by Mr. J. J. Wood, where all kinds of refreshments are supplied.

The following is a list which includes the great majority of articles displayed throughout the building:-

Glass shades of wax flowers, specimens of sewing machine work, and embroidery, Mr. S. R. Middleton, Leighton.

Illustrations of the geology of Leighton and neighbourhood, electrical appliances, tank illustrating oceanic circulation, and lecture diagrams, by Mr. E. W. Lewis, Leighton.

Cases of corals, pottery, fossils, bones, ores, ancient pipes and implements, card-board models, collection of eggs, and various foreign and other curiosities, by Mr. Webb, Mentmore.

Oil painting and Roman and Indian curiosities, Mr. Gillions, Bedford.

In-laid cabinet, Mr. R. Gibbs, Aylesbury.

Point lace, Miss Sell, Leighton.

Diamond and emerald gold ring, formerly the property of Queen Caroline, ancient jewellery, etc., Mr. Deaker, Leighton.

Pen and ink sketches, by Mr. H. Sell, Leighton.

Paintings by Miss Ouvry, Wing.

Time-pieces and hall clock, made entirely by Mr. Lamb, Leighton. One of these time-pieces quite a novelty; invented by the exhibitor, and made to go for 400 days without re-winding.

Stand of dinner-table decorations, bouquets for sale, grown by exhibitor, and an aquarium, Mr. J. A. Fraser, Linslade.

Specimens of cloth-cleaning, Mr. W. T. Cope, Leighton.

Basket work, Mr. W. Hayes, Leighton.

Horse-shoe case, Mr. W. Goodson, Leighton.

Paintings, Parian marble statuette, Florentinean box, inlaid with various coloured stones and portraits of Crimean heroes, damask silk Crimean table-cover, etc., Mr. Sharman, Leighton.

Photographs, Messrs. Piggott, Leighton.

Cooper's work specimens, Mr. W. H. Samuel, Leighton.

Collection of British birds' eggs, W. E. Dalton, Esq., Stewkley.

Landscapes, photographs, antlers, fruit piece, &c., Mr. J. Sharman, junr. Leighton.

Model of lawn conservatory, Mr. W. Abraham, Leighton.

Geological collection, Mr. J. Sanders, Luton.

Ornamental pen and needle case, from Constantinople, Mr. F. Cooke, Leighton.

Ancient bronze weights and measures (some of them for many years the standard weights of the county of Buckingham [missing ")" here], Mr. French, Buckingham.

Basket work (fancy) Mr. Robinson, Leighton.

Water-colours and oil-paintings, Mr. Midgley, Wolverton.

Maps by pupil teachers and children of Cranfield School.

Fret-work specimens, Mr Negus, Olney.

Flower stand and fancy shoes, by Mr. R. Hawkins, Luton.

Embroidery work-table, Mrs. John Tindall, Leighton.

Ancient tea-pot, originally property of Hogarth, Mr. Stannard, Eversholt; also an oil painting, (own production).

Stuffed animals and birds, Mr. Fortnum, Leighton.

Case of lace and other work, by Miss Theodore Harris, (under ten years of age), Leighton.

Masonry, Mr. Yirrell, Leighton.

Carved oak book case (Norman) by Mr. George Bowler, Leighton.

Cabinet of birds eggs, collected, exchanged, and purchased by Mr. John Fletcher Harris, Leighton.

Cabinet of fossils, geological specimens, &c., Mr. Tindall Harris, Leighton.

Joiner's tool chest, Mr. C. Hart, Leighton.

Specimen of Swiss carving, exhibited by Miss Lovejoy, Leighton.

West African curiosities, Rev. W. Piggott, Leighton.

Portfolio of prints, by Hogarth, ancient needle-work, Indian kettles, collection of antique glass, Chinese drawings, and copy of Elliot's Indian Bible. With the latter exhibit the following memorandum is given:- "The White Mountains of New England still rear their graceful forms against the sky, but the Indians who once lived, around them, and for whom John Elliot, the apostle of the Indians, translated, two centuries ago, the Word of God, have perished out of the world, and now not a single tongue upon earth can interpret the mystic characters of this Bible." - A copy was recently sold at New York for 300 dollars. Mrs. Howe, Aspley Guise.

Point lace, cases of birds and insects, and oil painting, Prayer Book of 1706, ivory paintings, &c., Miss Flint, Mrs. Chapman and Mrs. Hamilton, Leighton.

Lace work, Maria Brettel, Great Missenden.

Model of Battlesden car, by Abel Seabrook, apprentice to Mr. King, Linslade.

Basket-work, Mr T. Brown, Leighton.

Models of engine and factory, mill, greenhouse, and garden, by Mr. P. Jaques, Leighton.

Photography, Mr. Greyson, Luton.

Model of railway saloon carriage, by John Rogers, Stantonbury.

Artificial manure specimens, by Messrs. Thorpe and Son, Buckingham.

Inlaid marble table-top, Mr. W. Cooper, Luton.

Water-colour drawings, by Mr. Chas. Worster, Leighton.

Abyssinian sword, Mr. C. Pointer, Leighton.

Framed needle-work, water-colour, flowers and specimens of penmanship, Mrs. Woodman, Leighton.

Electro fire-alarm, Mr. R. Richmond, junr., Leighton.

Valuable paintings and an air pump, the Rev. W. D. Elliston.

Case of boots, Mr. Riches, Newport Pagnell.

Bronzes, &c., Mr. W. Frost, Leighton.

Paintings by the great masters, Indian table cover, Chinese and Indian screen work, Greek lace, Indian embroidery, antiquities and savage implements illustrating pre-historic weapons, &c., South Sea Island hatchet and club; dagger and instrument for letting off the old matchlock, both found at Claydon, Sir Harry Verney.

Antimacassar and work-bag, Miss Green, Leighton.

Set of silver-plated harness, with improved reins, Mr. Boughton, Woburn.

Battle-axe, spears, Roman spears, Roman spoons, Anglo-Saxon weapons, &c., (a very valuable collection), specimens of fossils from the Kimmeridge clay and Purbeck beds at Hartwell, the Rev. C. Lowndes, Hartwell, Aylesbury.

Specimen of wood carving, old pictures, and wooden swing for children, Mr. G. Andrew, Leighton.

Specimens of furs and dying work, Mr. Everett, Leighton.

Saddlery and models, Mr. Porter, Leighton.

Wool specimens, Mr. Bradshaw, Leighton.

Pair slippers, book mark, and pin cushion, Mrs. Hedges, Leighton.

Specimen case of perfumery, Mr. Baumbrough, Leighton.

Wedding cake and ornamental centres of sweets, Mr. J. J. Wood, Leighton.

Pencil drawing, Miss M. J. Wood, Leighton.

Ancient china and cut glasses, Mrs. Joel Smith, Leighton.

Knitted counterpane and toilet cover Mrs. Roberts, Linslade.

Shell painted by Princess Royal; Hebrew roll, "Esther;" Majolica cup, antique Irish brooches, models in silver, model of Huntertone brooch, in silver gilt; cast of terra-cotta tablet, found at Nineveh, now in the British Museum, and containing the lately deciphered Assyrian account of the Deluge; with other valuable relics of antiquity, A. Peckover, Esq., Wisbech.

Wool-work pictures, Mrs. Sear, Canal Street, Leighton.

Joiner's tool chest, made in apprenticeship, by Mr. H. Parsons, Leighton.

Combined heating, ventilating, and vaporising pipe, applicable to conservatories, churches, &c., by Messrs. H. L. and G. Taylor, Leighton.

Ancient enamel pictures, Mr. John Tindall, Leighton.

Wood turnery, Mr. J. Marlton, Leighton.

Illustrations of brush-making, Mr. Nash, Leighton.

Gas stove and general gas fittings, by Mr. H. Sharp, Leighton.

Specimens of curriery, Mr. Walter Harris, Leighton.

Wool and crochet work, Mrs. H. Thorp, Leighton.

Collection of ancient coins, found during excavations on the site of the Corinium of Ptolemy, at Cirencester, during the Roman domination. Mr. R. Watts, Leighton.

Vegetables preserved in brine and in vinegar, Messrs. Batty, London.

Case of hair-work, Chinese fan, and ancient clock, Mr. Haskins.

Glass-fronted cabinet, Indian box, set of Wedgewood ware, &c., M. G. Aveline, Leighton.

Models of church, water-mill, village, and French cathedral, by Mr. H. Turner, Hemel Hempstead.

Paintings, jugs, 300 years old, engravings, needlework picture, Chinese curiosities, &c., Mr. J. Adkins, Osier-beds, Leighton.

Boots and shoes (case), by Mr. R. Harris, Leighton.

Stocking-weaving frame, by Mr. Morley, Linslade.

Italian plait, ancient prints, ornamental vase, and collection of coins, Mr. S. Tavener, Linslade.

Painting of a cricket match played 150 years ago, at No Man's Land, between the Duke of Bedford's and the St. Alban's sides, for £1,000; and print of the last sheep-shearing, at the Duke of Bedford's, Mr. Thomas Price, Linslade.

Wool-work, Mrs. Manning, Wing.

Indian curiosities, Mr. Kellet, Linslade.

Ornamental needle-work, Miss Ferris, Linslade.

Magnificent mediaeval sideboard, 10 ft. 6 in. long by 3 ft. 8 in. deep, in Ampthill oak, elaborately finished with brass scroll work and other ornamentations, [? fold in paper makes last word partially covered] the brass studded with glass to represent diamonds. This sideboard is a specimen of the furniture manufactured by Wells & Co., of Bedford, from the celebrated Bedfordshire oak grown in Ampthill Park and the neighbourhood, on the property of His Grace the Duke of Bedford. The timber is of very great age, so much so, that in the time of Oliver Cromwell it was pronounced unfit for ship-building. Lysons' "Magna Britannia," 1806, says - "A survey of Ampthill Park by order of Parliament in 1653, describes 287 trees as being hollow and too much decayed for the use of the Navy. These oaks thus saved from the axe, by the Commissioners report, remain to the present day, and by their picturesque appearance contribute much to the ornament of the place." The sideboard is valued by the exhibitors, Messrs. Wells and Co., at 200 guineas. There are also exhibited, by the same manufacturers, a dining room chair covered in morocco and gilt, and a large oval carved frame, upon stag's head and antlers, of the same oak, to match, both beautiful specimens of material and mechanism.

Four very handsome and valuable Italian vases, and marble font, J. D. Bassett, Esq.

Splendid model locomotive, in glass case, made by A. L. Mumford, of Wolverton, and exhibited by Mr. E. Street, Linslade.

Model of patent continuous railway carriage break (Clarke's Patent), exhibited by R. Bore, Esq., for London and North-Western Railway Company.

Model of continuous railway carriages and railway post offices, also by the London and North-Western Railway Company.

Model of stationary engine, Mr. J. Kingham, Aylesbury.

Model of railway saloon carriage, Mr. J. Rogers, Stantonbury.

Model of bridge of 240ft. span, the girders having no bolts, Mr. R. W. Stratfold, Woburn.

Model schooner in glass case, Dr. Hillier, Ridgmount.

Beautiful collection of model carriages in glass case, Mr. Alfred Sibthorpe, Bedford.

Model of ship, boat, admiral, and cannon, Mr. W. Horn, Leighton.

Handsome and valuable China punch bowl, and two China scent barrels. The bowl said to be the largest ever seen. It was made to special order in China, for Edward Pettit, Esq., and is now exhibited by Mrs. Pettit, of Leighton.

Chinese bedstead, purchased by exhibitor at Vienna Exhibition, Chinese embroidered silk, and large Japanese picture, Mr. Cyril Flower, Burcott, Wing.

Model of Leighton Church, in cardboard, Mrs. Dorman, Linslade.

Ornamental screen, Mr. Tattam Linslade; and a Bible of time of Queen Elizabeth, the property of Mr. T. Hinton, of Roade.

Ancient bead-bag and needle-work pen wiper, Mr. Lloyd, Linslade.

Coat of arms in water colours, by Mr. Maythorn, Biggleswade.

Set of water-colours by Mr. H. Butcher, Stony Stratford.

Wool-work picture, "Joseph presenting his father to Pharoah," by Amy Williams (eleven years of age), Stantonbury.

Fern-work antimaccassar and glass of skeleton leaves and seed vessels, Mary Brown, Ampthill.

Ornamental cake, by Mr. Church, confectioner, Linslade.
Horse-shoes, in case, Mr. Meager, farrier, Linslade.

Pony-chaise, "Battlesden car," Mr. King, Linslade.

Paintings and models, Mr. John Griffiths, Linslade.

Water-colours, Miss L. M. Price, Linslade.

Edition of Shakespeare, 1632, sundry samples of grain, &c., W. S. Burton, Esq., Bletchley.

Model cottage, Arthur Mead, Leighton.

Honiton lace work, Elizabeth White, Linslade.

Oil-paintings and photographs, Mr. Sebright, Linslade.

Model ships, shark's jaw-bone, sword-fish and model locomotive, Mr. Street, Linslade.

Drawings of Mr. Macnamara's new house at Eaton Bray, and the new Linslade Schools, by Mr. J. T. Lawrence, of Linslade.

Mexican hammock and tea-pot 160 years old, Mr. Ingram, Linslade.

Model brougham, Mr. Fathers, Linslade.

Wedgwood tea service, and two Roman medallions - one Francis, Duke of Bedford, the other an allegorical representation of Francis, Duke of Bedford, as the "Father of Agriculture," Miss Mary Doggett, Linslade.

Model force-pump, Mr. Bodsworth, Linslade.

Needle-work fire screen, Mrs. Fraser, Linslade.

Work-table in water-colours, model of fog-signal apparatus, specimen of secret dove-tailing, and pencil drawing of Leighton Church, Mr. J. Sloan, Linslade.

Singularity tattooed walking-stick, Mr. B. Flemons, Standbridge.

Plaster of Paris models, Mr. J. Tutt, Leighton.

Casket in tortoise shell and bronze, time of Louis XV., French manufacture; steel shield, inlaid with silver, Italian work of the 19th century; priests' vestments, Italian brocade, 18th century; Beavais tapestry in frame, from Stowe collection, &c., J. Samuel, Esq., Park Lane, London.

Birds caught and stuffed in Soulbury, George Reynolds, Soulbury.

Map of journeying of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan, Mr. Thomas Huckle, Luton.

Pillow-lace goods, Mr. A. D. Field, Buckingham.

Water-colours and oil paintings, Mr. J. Reynolds, Leighton.

Valuable tapestries, J. Samuel, Esq., Park Lane, London.

Sheep's head and woodpecker, Mr. Uff, Leighton.

Models of boats in glass case, Mr. H. Biffen, jun., Bedford.

Bullion safe - wedge, drill, lever, and hammer proof - Mr. J. Tansley, Bedford. The object is attained by the interlocking of the door. The bolts, fastening into large staples, instead of the side of the safe, prevent the door from being forced.

Model in quarter scale of Howard's champion plough, fitted with friction wheel to reduce the draught when ploughing, Mr. Geo. Croft, Bedford.

Architectural drawings, shaded - one a copy of stone carving of 15th century; the other a capital which has gained a prize and first-class certificate at South Kensington.

Inlaid stone table, workbox, and specimens of concrete (own patent), Mr. Osborne, Berkhampstead.

Cases of squirrels and birds, Mr. G. Webster, Linslade.

Models of schooner and ship, Mr. Geo. Powell, Linslade.

Painting, "Elizabeth Fry in Newgate," valued at 1000 guineas, J. Robinson, Esq., Berkhampstead.

Family bible, 200 years old, Mrs. Faulkner, Linslade.

Hottentot's bead wristlet and coronet, Mr. Lees, Hockliffe Rd., Leighton.

Inlaid Cabinet, petrified star fish, Chinese imitation of turtle, print of "Bolton Abbey in Olden Times," Dresden china, painting of Bunyan, &c., Mr. Rumball, Leighton.

Paintings, Breeches Bible, Queen Anne's Prayer Book, engravings, portion of a Prussian shell which struck the Arc de Triomphe, Paris, during the late siege; portion of a tree which overhung the famous Cawnpore Well, coins, specimens of siege bread, &c., Mr. Sherman, Linslade.

Water colours, oil paintings (many of Woburn and neighbourhood), cone ornaments, models of bridge, &c., a numerous collection, Mr. R. W. Stratfold, Woburn.

Illustration of West England cloth manufacture, from raw material to finished goods, Mr. Dowding, Linslade.

Lathe and model steam engine, Mr. Edwd. Abbott, Linslade.

Very small black-and-tan dogs (in glass cases), Mr. Thos. Cooling, Linslade, and Mr. H. Hopkins, Leighton.

Burmese opera cloaks, Odaman shell, Chinese goddesses, drinking horn from King Theodore's palace at Magdala, porcupine skin, black monkeys' skins, saw and star fishes, Delhi shawl, Indian photographs, &c., Mr. Rafferty, Leighton.

Mosaic table cover, samples of yarn, chromography, prints, &c., Mr. Bradshaw, Leighton.

Oil painting, case of electric telegraph cable, elephant's teeth, clubs, tomahawks, &c., Mr. Branthwaite, Willesden.

South American weapons, bottles of reptiles, &c., Mr. J. Greening, Leighton.

Curiosities from Fiji, made by natives, Mrs. John Flemons, Leighton.

Maps, paintings, old coins, and brass money, Mr. W. Brown, Leighton.

Model of the "Bedfordshire Corn Drill," Mr. W. Hensman, Linslade.

Water colour drawings and illuminations, Mr. W. C. Maull, Linslade.

Indian curiosities, Mr. C. Reeve, Linslade.

Copy of "London Courant," No. 1, Dec. 12, 1668, Miss Theobald, Linslade.

Crayons by Miss Marian Whichello, Linslade.

Italian and English straw goods, Messrs. Welch, Luton.

Silk patchwork cushion cover, worked by Mary Cox, (aged 12), Mentmore.

Straw work, Messrs. Kershaw, Messrs. Vyse, & Co., and Mr. Higgins, Luton.

Wool work and knitting, Miss Riddiford, Fenny Stratford.

Foreign curiosities, Miss Fountaine, Wingbury.

Bible of 1671, and case of South Australian eggs, Mr. Barringer, Leighton.

Model of Monks Risborough National School, Mr. Fredk. Hayter.

Freehand drawings, maps, and handwritings, Boy's of British School, Leighton.

Portrait oil-paintings and pen and ink sketch, Mr. C. Claridge, Leighton.

Busts, statuettes, paintings, and needlework, Mrs. Walker. Lake Street, Leighton.

Old stag's horns, stuffed birds, and needlework, Mrs. Samuel Hopkins, Grove Road, Leighton.

Silver ladle, and written portrait of Wesley, Mr. H. Hopkins, Leighton.

Specimens of the foliage of every tree in the arboretum of J. D. Bassett, Esq., by Mr. T. E. Barnes.

Woolwork, old china, and a guinea of 1791, Mr. Battams, Leighton.

Horse's leg, with singular deformity, paintings, &c., Mr. Meager, Leighton.

Clay and meerschaum pipes and fuel-economising composition, E. J. Bishop & Sons, Leighton.

Samples of coprolite, and illustrations of process of manufacture of super-phosphate, Mr. Wilkerson, Leighton.

Large variety of paintings, chalks, water colours, needlework, costume dolls, engravings, tortoise-shell and ivory inlaid cabinet, &c., Miss Harris, Church Bank, Leighton.

Paintings, shells, old china, and tear-bottle, the Misses Lawford, Linslade.

Bricks and tiles, Mr. Gregory Harris, Leighton.

Inlaid work-table and stand, the former containing 8,000 pieces, Mr. George Abraham, Stony Stratford.

Fret-work cabinet and other articles, turnery, &c., Mr. Northwood, Maulden.

Case of birds, coursing cups, &c., Mr. M. Mead, Linslade.

Engraving "Midnight modern conversation," skeleton cucumber, and photograph of vinery, Mr. Benmore, Battlesden.

Plait mills, Mr. James Underwood, Leighton.

Embossed needlework in tortoise-shell frame, with mirror in centre, Mr. G. Sanders, Leighton.
Ornamental painting specimens, Mr. Inns, Leighton.

Asphalting and inlaid work, Mr. Payne, Ivinghoe.

Handsome set of models of churn, water-pots, culinary articles, dairy vessels, &c., Mr. John Sharp, Aylesbury.

Cabinet work by Mr. Harbert, Woburn.

Pottery, made from clay in Stanbridge Road, Leighton, Mr. H. Pettit, Leighton.

Chinese and Japanese curiosities, Mrs. Pettit, Leighton.

Rock-cut temple, Mr. John Greenway, Linslade.

Model lever scuffle, stocks, dies, and caps, Mr. Gomm, Weston Turville.

"Wheat Protector," sheep dipping composition, "Woburn Sauce," &c., Mr. G. B. Clarke, Woburn.

Maps by Cheddington National Schoolboys.

Relics of Crimean War, and medal for service in great battles, Mr. W. Barker, Leighton.

Bible, date 1613, and Dutch fish woman's hat, Mr. J. White, Leighton.

Brick specimens, Mr. Devenish, Leighton.

Coins of Caesar Augustus, found during restoration of Eddlesborough Church, old newspapers, foreign curiosities, books on heraldry, various antiquities, &c., Mr. Parsons, North Street, Leighton.

Gas-cooking apparatus, Mrs. Sharp, Leighton.

Marble obelisks, and specimens of letter cutting on slate, Mr. Greenway, Linslade.

Bas-relief of the "Last Supper," in needlework on white silk; cases of butterflies, moths, and hand finished chromo, "The Woman at the Sepulchre," vases, idols, silver ornaments, weapons, pictures, portraits, carved cedar chest, taken from "Spanish Corsair," wrecked off Beachy Head 1747, various curiosities, &c., E. W. Wilmot, Esq., Eggington.

Shade of silk flowers, small gold wheelbarrow, &c., from Paris, Mr. Emery, Leighton.

Ladies work-table, cases of birds, &c., Mr. Edwards, Hockliffe.

Flower beds, and flowers for suspended baskets, Mr. John Woods, Hockliffe.
Inlaid box, Mr. H. Edwards, Eggington.

Specimens of engraved glass, with personal illustrations of the art, Mr. F. Eisert, South Andley [should be "Audley"] Street, London.

Specimens of rope, cordage, &c., Mr. Featherstonhaugh, Woburn Sands.

Stained glass window, Mr. Constable, Cambridge.

Water-colour painting, jug and flowers, Miss E. Woodman, Linslade.

Prussian phaeton, with registered seat, reversible, forming a Victoria phaeton, Mr. B. Mead, Aylesbury.

Self-discharging effluvia trap, Mr. F. Gotto, Leighton.

Pianoforte, in ebony and gold, "People's 4-guinea harmonium," American organ, by Mason & Hamler, oil-painting, &c., Mr. R. Purrett, Leighton.

Gilt jewellery, specimens showing process of electro gilding and plating, medal stamping, novelties in clocks, &c., Mr. Searle, Berkhampstead.

Lemonades, seltzers, and other drinks made from the Chiltern Hills Water, Mr. North, Aylesbury.

Pheasant and small bird traps, by M. Odell, Potsgrove.

Cases of stuffed wild birds, Mr. Wright, Clifton, Biggleswade.

Work table and box, Mr. Fleet, Aylesbury.

Specimen bee-hives, Mr. King, Stoke Goldington.

Turnery goods, Mr. Reynolds, Chesham.

Painted panels, Messrs. Wilford & Son, Olney.

Specimens of grained work, with painted mouldings, marbling with stencial ornaments, and original designs of drawing-room decorations, Messrs. J. and R. Purser, Leighton.

Model plough, Mr. Franklin, Bedford.

Anglican Missal (painted on parchment), Mr. Chas. Herbert, Woburn.

Cabinet work, Mr. W. Kempster, Leighton.

Sphynx, copied from ancient remains of Nineveh, from a plaster cast, Mr. J. Cox, Birmingham.

Bicycle, with improved foot rest and new spring handle, Mr. Dightam, Leighton.

Bicycle, Mr. D. Kempster, Leighton.

Portion of Old and New Testaments, in two vols., with the Apocrypha, date 1576, Mr. Robt. Smith, Leighton.

Model crane, Mr. Hight, Leighton.

Specimens of raw and manufactured cocoa and chocolate, Messrs Fry, Bristol.

Dolls, miniature needlework, &c., Mrs. Grubb, Mentmore.

Cabinet, by Mr. D. Cook, Leighton.

Collection of gold, silver, and copper coins, Mr. W. Summerley, Leighton.

Paintings, Hebrew, French, and other mottoes, &c., in ornamental capitals, &c., Mr. T. T. Barnes, Leighton.

Stand for photographs and small chest of drawers, made during apprenticeship, by Mr. Geo. Davies, Leighton.

Paintings, engravings, cases of birds, specimens of Atlantic cable, foreign and other curiosities, &c., Mrs. G. Slark, Heath Mount, Leighton.

Ancient bonnets, water from Niagara Falls, and Indian bag, Mrs. Manning, Heath.

Mahogany pleasure boat, with white ash timbers, Mr. Chetham, jun., Bedford.

Ornamental bird cage, Mr. A. Chapman, Woburn.

Book-case, china cupboard, and two small stools, Mr. W. Whiting, Heath.

Breech-loading gun, Mr. Mowday, Berkhampstead.

Box of models, ship, life-boat, case of wild animals, &c., Mr. W. Horn, Leighton.

Carvings in wood and engravings, C. Ridgway, Esq., Heath.

Chinese fan and ancient coins, Rev. J. O. Stallard, Heath.

Japanese, Chinese and Indian curiosities, books, embroidery, &c., and case of straw plait, handsome design in frame, showing different kinds of plait; Rev. C. L. Alexander, Stewkley.

Geological specimens and articles from Madagascar, Mr. J. Heley, Burcott.

Water colour drawings, Mr. T. Heley, Wing.

Birds of Paradise (stuffed), and ancient pictures illustrating "Pilgrim's Progress," Mr. Howe, Wing.

West African specimens and curiosities, Mr. Woodin, Aspley.

Harmonium and carved brackets, made by Mr. H. Caves, Wing.

Bas-reliefs in cement and oil-painting, Mr. Biggs, Wing.

Parisian phaeton and harvest cart, Mr. Coles, Stewkley.

Old French Testament, and old pottery, Mr. Poynter, Soulbury.

Paintings, print, curious lamp, sluffed [should be "stuffed"] pheasants, cameo ornaments, King Koffee's umbrella, and engraving, Mrs. Palmer, Stewkley.

Carved arm chair, date 1564; busts, Indian and Chinese curiosities, and collection of medical autographs, Mr. Windsor, Stewkley.

Microscope, telescope, Wing churchwarden's account book, 1527; oil painting on copper, &c., Rev. P. T. Ouvry, Wing.

Ancient vases, set of coursing cups, chromo-lithographs, oil painting, &c., Mr. P. Hart, Ascott.

Washing machine, wringer, mangle, and lawn mower, Mr. Farr, Leighton.

Carved shoe, model grate, &c., Mr. Owen, Leighton.

Old blue plates, Leighton Church and Cross, Mary Janes, Leighton.

Model drills, horse-hoe, chaff-cutter, harrows, &c., Messrs. Brown and Son, Leighton.

Educational specimens, Mr. Poynter, Soulbury.

Old china, old sword fought with at battle of Edgehill, &c., Mr. Killbey, Leighton.

Specimens of drawing on wood in different stages, water-colour, paintings, academy pictures, &c., Mr. Barnes, Tring.

Samples of condensed cocoa and coffee milk, by the Aylesbury Swiss Condensed Milk Company.

Flower vases made from the eggs of the emu, old Bible, table cover, &c., Mr. Wield, Leighton.

Wool antimacassar and writing desk, Miss E. J. Read. Leighton.

Washing basin from Exhibition of 1851, and small fire-arms from Tower of London, Mr. Henry White, Gig Hill, Leighton.

Saddle of entirely new design, Mr. Barwick, Rushmere, Leighton.

Piece of glass from Chicago, Mr. Brantom, Leighton.

Model cottage, Mr. Pearson, Mentmore.

Marble bust of Antonius; engraving proof "Approach to Venice," carved antique chair, crucifix, &c., Rev. A. F. Birch, Eddlesborough.

Collection of twenty valuable paintings, Mr. Phillimore, Ridgmount.

Modern point lace, Mrs. Lamb, Leighton.

Wool and needle-work cushion and screen, Miss Agnes Brown, Woburn.

Group of model carriages, Mr. Sibthorpe, Bedford.

Oliver, for bolt and nut marking, Mr. Bowers, Bedford.

Illuminated arms of Duke of Bedford, Mr. J. Jordan, Buckingham.

Set of mounted drawings, Edwd. Sweeting, Two Waters.

Illustrated Prayer Book of 1712, China pipe, curious old china ironstone plates, &c., Mr. T. Harrod, Leighton.

Model of Leighton Church, paintings, birds, &c., Mr. G. Franklin, Leighton.

Specimens of Bedfordshire pillow lace and fancy lace articles, Mr. Lester, Bedford.

Five cases of stuffed birds (own shooting), ancient knives and forks, spoons, candle cups, old china, &c., Mr. G. Watkins, Leighton.

Italian grass of Leghorns, as imported in the Caplins, in a variety of shapes, the latest styles by a process of manufacture developed in Luton.

China plates, candlesticks, Chinese cups and saucers, lace, and woodcuts of Leighton Cross, silver decoration of Imperial Guard, goblet, Dresden china, Rouen card dish and teapot, specimens of local iron stone from pit on Leighton Heath, paintings, in oil and on ivory, embroidered picture, glass case collection of objects of antiquarian local interest, illustrating the early history of the neighbourhood, &c. Dr. Lawford, Leighton.

Italian marble vases, marble font, &c., J. D. Bassett, Esq., Leighton.

Indian tortoise shell and pearl cabinet (very handsome), French and Spanish cabinets, in ormulo, paintings, portraits, hunting pictures, inlaid pearl stools, Chinese garden seats and vases, Russian leather cushion, Japanese vase, Chinese birds, old German jug, old jade vase, and other valuable articles, Baron F. de Rothschild.

Lace and gimp specimens, Mrs. T. Claridge, Leighton.

The "Lord's Prayer," in gold letters, dark blue shield and gilt frame; text in gold, &c., Mr. W. Holley, Wolverton.

Autograph letter of John Wesley, Mr. Twitchell, Missenden.

Knitted bread cloth, the work of Ann Adams, a blind girl of Leighton.

Point lace handkerchief, Miss F. Bushell, Leighton.

Painting on ivory, Indian fans, box, basket, &c., Mr. G. W. Davie, Leighton.

Crayon and pencil drawings, Mr. Baldwin, Luton.

Case of family jewels, oil painting of Liscombe House, model brig, silver watch presented by Chas. I. to an ancestor of Mr. Lovett, painting of Chas. I., &c., P. C. Lovett, Esq., Liscombe.

Carving and engraving machine, paint grinding mills, tyre bending machinery, boot and shoe cleaning machine, cottage mangle, and portable iron grindstones, Mr. Cranston, Hemel Hempstead.

Straw hat made without sewing, Louisa Hawkins, Luton.

Hawking party, in wool work (very valuable) Mr. G. Freeman, Woburn.

Case of miniature paintings, on ivory, Mr. John Green, Toddington.

Graphoscopes, frames in ormolu; photographs, &c., Mr. J. Barnard, Bedford.

Carving in wood, used in the manufacture of gum-paste and plaster of Paris ornaments for decorating bride and Twelfth cakes, Mr. Roff, jun., Bedford.

Carved oak table, with turned legs and rounds, Mr. Tyler, Markyate Street.

Samples of English straw plait, Mr. Francis Howe, Dunstable.

Iron-work verandah, arches, baskets, flower stands, &c., Messrs. Wood, Berkhampstead.

Model of public pump and clock at Heath, Alfred Abraham, Leighton.
Map of England and Wales in wool-work, Miss M. A. Abraham, Leighton.

Morgan's patent tuyeres, for smith's forges, Mr. John Eglin, Swindon.

Designs for exterior decoration, lithographs of ancient alphabets, glass ventilators, &c., Mr. T. Cooper, Hemel Hempstead.

Indian, Chinese and Egyptian curiosities, carvings, &c., Mrs. Eustace, Wingrave.

Bean cutter, model Archimedial screw, for mowing grain, &c., Mr. Harrison, Fenny Stratford.

Beautiful water colours, "Lake Como," by Birket Foster; "Market Place at Varona," C. Goodman; "Old House at Antwerp," S. Read; portraits, miniature figures, Dresden China articles, marble and silver ornaments, ivory Indian idols and grotesque figures, Queen Anne's mother-of-pearl workbox, Chinese and French ornaments, miniature painting on enamel and ivory, Sevres flower vases, cup, cover, and tray; oil portrait of Miss Hannah de Rothschild, by Watts; Sevres dog, formerly the property of Maria Antoinette; green and white jade, rich point lace, china plates and tiles, painted by exhibitor; &c., &c., Miss Hannah de Rothschild.

Cases of preserved birds and animals, Mr. Weston, Aylesbury.

Valuable large group painting of Lord H. Stanhope and family, supposed to be by Godfrey Kneller, Mr. Payne, Aylesbury.

Sevres dishes, Majolica vases, China figures, Wedgwood vases, very handsome old English chimney clock, tapestry and gilt chair and lounge, by Louis Seize; Queen Elizabeth's mirrors, French paintings, oil painting by Moreland; enamel Marguerite, &c., Mr. Leopold de Rothschild, Ascott.

Chelsea china gilt figures, French vases and flowers, Japanese cup, cover and tray, and various elegant and valuable curiosities, Mr. Bartlett, Great Marlborough Street, London.

Oil paintings, Mr. Turner, Aylesbury.

Japanese cabinet, case of hawfinches, piece of elephant's tusk, and ivory buttons, F. Veasey, Esq., Great Brickhill.

Water-colour and pencil drawings, and marble figure, Mr. W. Parker, Pitchcott.

Raised Berlin work, Honiton point lace, velvet and Spanish point lace, &c., Mrs A. C. Sanders, Woburn.

Singular specimen of conglomerated paint, also chess board (same material), Mr. Boiling, Stewkley.

John Wesley's seal and autograph letter, Messrs. Avery, Birmingham.

Specimen of hornet's nest, Miss Gadsden, Watford.

Muzzle-loading Belgian gun and singularly-carved walking-stick, Mr. Miles, Stoke.

What-nots, hearth-rugs, counterpanes, wool picture, &c., Mr. W. Hedges, Stewkley.

Twenty-two specimens of ladies' straw hats and bonnets, Mr. Collings, Dunstable.

Self-acting gas regulator for stations, factories, &c., as also in similar size for dwelling-houses, &c., Mr. King, Wolverton.

Old bronze figures of our Saviour, St. Paul, St. Peter, and case of coins, Mr. Edwd. Morris, Great Brickhill.

Four preserved heads of Indian animals, Capt. Mansell, Great Brickhill.

Heads of foreign animals, bronzes, gold and silver chepergne (formerly the property of Napoleon I.), Mosaic table, inlaid cross of pearl and cedar, a dash in centre of which is said to be a piece of the real cross; paintings, &c., Sir Philip Duncombe, Bart.

Collection of coins, ear-ring basket, tooth of petrified snake, &c., Mr. Ezra Welch, Fenny Stratford.

Old English Bible and Prayer Book, maps of England in ink, lace, wool, beads, &c., the Misses King, Millbrook.

Maps of Great Britain and Ireland, Mr. W. R. Peppiatt, Great Brickhill.

Engraved glass tankard, valued at £200, Mr. Eisert, London.

Selection of forty Turner's "Liber Studorium," valued a [should be "at"] about £250, lent by Lewis Jarvis, Esq., Bedford; and etching by Rembrandt, by the same gentleman.

Racing cups and trophies of late Baron Meyer de Rothschild, solid silver figure of dwarf "Jeff," silver casket in glass case, handsome silver frame, 24 pieces of Italian embroidered silk, in large glass frames; repoussé silver gilt toilet caskets, &c. (31 pieces); dressing case, China and other fans, in pearl and ivory; paintings of late Baron Rothschild's most valuable horses, large and valuable painting of Scotch deerhounds, by Gainsborough, Genoa velvets, date 1,600 [should be just "1600"]; &c., Baroness de Rothschild, Mentmore.

Screen design in imitation woods for library, hall or ceiling; model of Berkhampstead Church, and model of North Transept of Westminster Abbey, Mr. James Elliott, Berkhampstead.

English eight-day quarter clock. Strikes quarters on six bells, strikes hours, shows name of month, day of the month, and day of the week, Mr. H. Osborn, Bedford.

A dozen horse shoes, Mr. Meehan, Buckingham.

Ivory and wood carvings, bronzes, guitar inlaid with mother-of-pearl, gold and platina necklace, &c., and musical box, R. Foster, Esq., Great Brickhill.

Sheet of ornamental writing - [missing " here?] Institution of the Lord's Supper, " in maple and glazed frame, Mr. W. Cotton, Luton.

Maps, freehand drawings, and needlework, Girls' British Schools, Leighton.

Model portable engine, constructed on the field system by Mr. H. Penn, of Aston, Stevenage. Occupied two years of spare time.

Embroidered dress, embroidered counterpane, pattern of ancient point lace, curious specimens of writings and etching, Canadian curiosities, pictures of birds made with their own feathers, pair of Chinese boots, picture in vellum, "Betrayal of our Lord," &c., R. W. Selby Lowndes, Bletchley.

Doll in evening dress, very handsome, illustrating professional skill in dress-making, Miss Fookes, Woburn.

Handsome silk patchwork table cover, in three different patterns. The centre pattern contains 3,345 pieces, the two borders 7,330 pieces, in all 10,675.
Union Jack, used in Crimean war; bamboo carving, mirror frame in leather work, &c., Miss Atkins, Toddington.

Specimens of confectionery, as supplied to refreshment departments of Great Exhibitions of 1851 and 1862; also specimens of decorative cookery, Mr. Town, Dunstable.

Oil paintings, "Windsor Castle in time of Charles II." "Scene in Rome," and "Fytte, pupil of Snyder," with oils on copper, Colonel Gilpin, M.P., Hockliffe.

"Relume" signal lamp for railways, will re-light itself; and Miner's "Rowe" safety lamp, locked by heat without a key, Mr. J. G. Rowe, Aylesbury.

Model mangle, washing machine, turning lathe, patterns and rollers for graining, model of railway from Dover to France, &c. Mr. Edmund Barber, Akeman Street, Tring.

Geological specimens, pottery, terra-cotta, rock, &c., Mr. Watts, Buckingham.

Drawings of Billington and Eddlesborough Churches, bonnets of 1838, and fossil found at Billington, Mr. Ashwell, Billington.

Needlework map of England; bronzes, "Arc de Triomphe," "Vendome Column," and "Column of Liberty," wool needlework, and specimens of fossil and ferns, found in Clay-cross coal pit by exhibitor, Mr. E. Sanders, Woburn.

Inlaid work table, Fredk. West, Woburn.

Cases of British birds representing the four seasons, Mr. Bowers, Hemel Hempstead.

Model dry gas meter, Mr. T. Gregory, Stantonbury.

Specimens of Japanese silk in raw state, Mr. Branthwaite, Willesden.

Original paintings by Birket Foster, chromo-lithographs, and Carbon drawings, Messrs. Rowney and Co., London.

Needle-work and writing by scholars of Girl's British School, Leighton.

Painting, "Sheep-shearing at the Duke of Bedford's," Mrs. Jones, Woburn.

Dorsetshire fossils, Bible and Prayer Book (1634), lady's shoes of 16th century, seaweed, and Honiton lace, Mr. Seaward, Milton Bryant.

Old china, ancient knives and forks, needlework of last century, embroidery, &c., Mr. Sheldon, Leighton.

Ornamental needlework, Miss E. H. Garside, Leighton.

Coat of Arms, in frame, from Heraldic Office, Sir R. B. Harvey, M.P., Slough.

Majolica and turquoise vases, bronzes, real old Venetian goblets, Australian paraquets, bred in Battlesden Gardens, engravings, illuminated "Sermon on the Mount," carvings, bas-reliefs, statuettes, paintings in oil, portraits, lace shawl of 15th century, Oriental bowl and pig, Venetian glasses, photographs, engravings, &c. - a most handsome and valuable collection of articles; D. Bromilow, Esq., Battlesden.

Handsome oil and water-colour paintings, Mrs. M. Thompson, Hitchin.

Chinese bauble of 9 ivory carved balls, one within another, and Chinese fan, with carved tortoise-shell handle, Mr. R. Tindall, Kirby Misperton, Yorks.

Collection of armour-suits of 15th century, with tilting shield; demi-suit of embossed steel armour, date 1550, the entire surface covered with arabesque animals, and strap-work scrolls; embossed steel breastplate of 1553, the work of the famous Milanese armourer, Paul de Negroli, considered one of the most beautiful specimens of steel work of the best period of Italian art; the raised work executed in repoussé - that is, by hammering out from the back, and chased. This breast-plate was worn by Maurice, Elector of Saxony, at the battle of Lièverhausen, 1553, and on the lower part of the left side is the hole made by the musket ball by which he was killed in that battle. Trophy composed of chanfron or horse armour and swords, all fine steel work and of the 15th and 16th centuries; three steel halberds, inlaid with gold and chased, 1580; pair of pistols, unique specimens of the work of the Lombard gunsmith, Lazarino Canniazzo, the ornamentation chiselled on solid steel, and formed of figures, masks, and foliage; also breastplate engraved and inlaid with gold, 1550; C. Magniac, Esq., Colworth, Bedford.

Equatorial garden or parlour stand for telescopes, constructed of cast iron, gun-metal, and wood, with tripod legs, Mr. E. Wild (inventor and manufacturer), Clarendon Square, London.

Oil-painting portrait, by Landseer of John Duke of Bedford, exhibited by Lord Chas. Russell.

Large oil portrait of the present Duke of Bedford, in uniform of Beds. Volunteers, by Wells; portrait of his Grace, by Richmond, engraving of the Duchess of Bedford, from a painting by Buckner, bust of Lord Herbrand Russell. Portraits illustrating uniforms of Militia and Volunteers in 1762 and 1872; head and tusks of walrus; his Grace the Duke of Bedford.

Books containing twelve designs illustrating nursery rhymes - title, "The Sculptor caught napping" - cameos cut from white paper, mounted on a dark ground, and engraved to imitate sculpture in low relief, and reproduced by the autotype process, Mrs. Jane E. Cook, King Alfred's Grammar School, Wantage.

Old horse pistols, believed to be Spanish, Mr. J. Woodman, Linslade.

Lithograph copies of death warrant to Mary Queen of Scots and Charles I., Mr. Smith, Aspley Guise.

Miniature model of complete set of human teeth, carved from bone, showing cusps, Mr. F. W. Wardill, Luton.

Octagon toy table, composed of 100 pieces of wood, Mr. F. East, Leighton.

Print of "Leighton in Olden Times" and old china teapot, Mrs. Flint, Leighton.

Wool and lace work, by James and Ruth Hoy, Mentmore.

Framed patterns of stained glass worked in fret lead, William Horwood, Gt. Berkhampstead.

China basin, wine glasses, and cup and saucer, known to be more than 100 years old, Rev. W. Roberts, Northall.

Portable range, requiring no fixing, Messrs. Brown and Green, Luton.

Paintings, water-colours, &c., a valuable collection (one painting by the Princess Royal - "The Good Night Bayard" [presumably "Knight" as opposed to "Night"]) ivory miniatures, &c., Miss Juliet M. Tylor, Carshalton.

Specimens of marking, drawing, writing, and knitting, Mentmore School Children.

Large picture representing "The Emperor Theodosius being refused admittance into the Church by the Bishop of Milan [missing " here?]; portrait (large photograph) of F. Bassett, Esq., doll in cradle, 98 years old; small knitted quilt on cradle, made by Mrs. Matthew Ridgway; large knitted quilt, made by Mrs. F. Bassett; water colour sketches, point lace above 100 years old; baby's robe, made by Miss Bassett; modern doll, dressed by Mr. M. A. Bassett; Wedgwood specimens, carvings, &c., F. Bassett, Esq., The Heath, Leighton.

Ivory paintings, pearl earrings, and other jewellery, Mrs. Hamilton, Leighton.

Crown, sheet, plate, and miscellaneous glass articles, manufactured from Heath sand, Messrs. Chance, Bros., Birmingham.

Cases of birds and insects, Mrs. Chapman, Leighton.

Specimens of marking on cardboard, and freehand drawing, Florence Atkinson and Ellen Williams, Mentmore.

Specimens illustrating the histories and processes of wood engraving, type founding, stereotype founding, electrotyping; technical manuals for working men (presented after the Exhibition to library of Working Mens' Institute), set of technical drawing models, &c., Mr. E. A. Davidson, Maida Hill, London.

Candelabra fittings, silver cups, silver gilt spoons, silver flagon, &c., C. S. Benning, Esq., Dunstable.

Model greenhouse, Mr. F. Buckmaster, Leighton.

Box of fifty four coins, Mr. J. Seabrook, Maulden.

In addition to these are almost numberless exhibits of different kinds of male and female handiwork, artistic and industrial, ornaments, curiosities, antiquities, &c., &c.

In the educational section the Science and Art Department, South Kensington, contribute the following handsome and valuable collection of electrotypes.

Book cover, copper gilt, embossed with representations of "The Virgin" and of "Our Saviour's Descent into Hell." The original, of silver gilt, was made in Roumania in the 16th century, and forms the cover of a M.S. book of the Gospels written in Servia in the Sclavonic character, dated 1519. It is now the property of the Roumanian Government.

Book covers, repoussé, or beaten work, with cross and with angel and holy women at the Sepulchre and legend in Greek capitals; 6th century. Originals in Musée de Louvre, Paris.

Book cover, copper gilt, embossed with representation of the Crucifixion and busts of four Evangelists; original made in Roumania in 17th century, and forms the cover of a book of the Gospels printed in Wallachia in the Sclavonic character in 1512, now the property of the Roumanian Government.

Plaque in high relief - "The entombment of Our Saviour." Spanish; 17th century. The original, of bronze gilt, in the South Kensington Museum.

Frame for a picture, elliptic, with foliage and flowers in beaten work. French, 17th century.

Salver, with central gadroon ornament, in beaten work. English, 1719-20; the original, of silver, in South Kensington Museum.

Border of salver, octagonal, with scroll foliage, beaten and chased work. Irish, 1784-5; original in South Kensington Museum.

Panel (electro-reproduction), in low relief "The Entombment," by Donatello. Italian, 13th century.

Dish, engraved and embossed, with equestrian figures of Roman heroes and classical subjects. German, 1567; original of pewter, in South Kensington Museum.

Medallion (bronze-electro deposit), in commenoration [should be  "commemoration"] of the Duke of Wellington. In the centre a bust of the Duke, surrounded by allegorical figures. English, modern.

Plateau, embossed with acanthus and anthemion ornament and border of Chimaera arabesques on the rim. Italian, 1820.

Plate; in centre representation of Apollo with the chariot of the Sun; around the border six medallions containing classical figures of deities symbolical of the days of the week. The original, of silver gilt, was designed by the Duke de Luynes.

Dish, oval, repoussé, or beaten, with undulating beaten rim, and large flower ornaments. Portuguese, the 17th century. The original, of silver gilt, in possession of G. Moffatt, Esq., M.P.

Dish; oblong, embossed with shells and foliage. Spanish, 17th century. The original, of silver gilt, also in the possession of G. Moffatt, Esq., M.P.

Dish, repoussé or beaten work, with allegorical figure subjects. French, 17th century. The original in the Musée de Louvre, Paris.

Salver, repoussé, or beaten work, with raised centre and shaped edges, the rim divided by bands into panels. Portuguese, 17th century. Original in possession of G. Moffatt, Esq., M.P.

Salver, embossed with medallions containing allegorical personages representing the four elements and the sciences; "Temperantia," a seated figure on a raised medallion, in the centre; French, 16th century; the original of pewter, in South Kensington Museum.

Bowl, or pleateau ["plateau"?], chased with Moresque knots and Arabic letters. Moorish. Original, of brass, in South Kensington Museum.

Salver, chased with medallions of classical battle-pieces and modern sieges. Venetian, 16th century. Original, of bronze gilt, in South Kensington Museum.

Plate, embossed with subjects from history of Adam and Eve. German, 16th century. Original in pewter, South Kensington Museum.

Plate, embossed with medallions of German Emperors. German, 16th century. Original, in pewter, in South Kensington Museum.

Salver, embossed with wide scroll foliage border. French, 1698. Original,  of silver gilt, in South Kensington Museum.

Bowl, or cup, chased with birds and animals; and eagle on the raised centre. Byzantine, 11th and 12th centuries. Original, in silver, in South Kensington Museum.

Box-cover (circular); interlaced arabesque pattern. Arab; the original, of brass, dramascened, in South Kensington Museum.

Plateau; the surface covered with arabesque designs in relief; in the centre a figure of a Neapolitan fruit merchant. Italian, 19th century.

Salver plateau, embossed with strap-work and various figure objects. A figure of "Temperance" in the centre. Date 1,600 [should be just "1600"]; by Caspar Enderlein, after Bryot. The original, of pewter, in South Kensington Museum.

Plateau, elliptic, repoussé or beaten work, containing emblematical figures; a group in centre. Dutch, 1690. Original, of silver, in Kensington Museum.

Lock-plate, architectural front, with arms of France and monograms of Diana de Poictiers. Two keyholes. French; 17th century. Original in the Musél de Artillerie, Paris.

Lock-plate, with architectural front, and combats of nude warriors in relief. Two keyholes. German, 17th century. Original in the Musée de Cluny, Paris.

Lock-plate, with six nude figures in relief, and a massive raised rim, on a central scutcheon ["escutcheon"?], with monogram, interlaced, German, 17th century. The original in Musee de Chuny, Paris.

Plate, embossed with the arms of the Swiss Cantons, and inscriptions German, 16th century; the original, of pewter, in the South Kensington Museum.

Tazza, bowl; repoussé or beaten work. "The Triumph of Neptune;" Italian, 16th century; the original in the Musee de Louvre, Paris.

Gun furniture; frame containing sixteen pieces, richly embossed and chased. Italian, French, and German, original in the Musee d' Artillerie, Paris.

Gun furniture; frame containing fourteen pieces, richly embossed and chased, Italian, French, and German; and a badge bearing the arms of Castille and Arragon, 16th and 17th century. Originals in the Mussee d' Artillerie, Paris.

Set of anatomical studies and drawings, in various stages; thirty-seven frames; also from South Kensington.

Maps, geological diagrams, and drawings, &c., illustrative of the animal, floral, and vegetable kingdoms, with many specimens, from London, Edinburgh, and other publishers, many of the diagrams drawn by Mr. E. W. Lewis, of Leighton.

Electrical paraphernalia, exhibited by Mr. Jackson, of 65, Barbican, London.

A commemoration medal is struck and sold in the building, and several industrial operations carried on, including amongs [should be "amongst"] others, electro gilding, glass engraving, pipe making, &c. Ellis A. Davidson, Esq., of London, will deliver a special course of three lectures in the exhibition during the time it is open. Professor Hugo Proskauer, of the Royal Polytechnic, London, also attends with his mechanical toys and conjuring tricks, and gives conjuring performances.


On Wednesday morning the inhabitants generally of Leighton were early astir, and preparations were everywhere apparent for the reception of the distinguished personages who were to take part in the proceedings in connection with the opening of the Exhibition. By about eight o'clock  a large number of lines of flags had been thrown across all the main streets by the agent of the Exhibition committee, Mr. Evans, of Bedford, with his assistants, and at the fronts of nearly all the business establishments and principal private residences flags might also be seen fluttering in the breeze. The morning was very fine and warm - all that could be desired as regarded weather - and the town assumed such an appearance of gaiety as was never before witnessed in its streets. The inhabitants thronged the High Street, and the neighbourhood of the Corn Exchange, which building was also tastefully decorated, outside with flags and in the vestibule with dracenas, firs, and evergreens from the nurseries of Mr. Fraser, of Linslade. Carriages were being driven backwards and forwards to the railway station, while others brought in from different directions the many notable visitors. Everywhere a scene of busy excitement prevailed, and great interest was evinced in the procession announced to start from The Cedars - the residence of J. D. Bassett, Esq. Some disappointment was, however, experienced when it was found that the Band of the Scots Fusilier Guards (who had been engaged in consequence of the First Life Guards' Band being unable to keep their appointment) would not head the procession in its passage through the High Street. At about mid-day the Earl and Lady Cowper, and other distinguished visitors who were to take part in the opening ceremony, with numerous patrons and influential residents of Bedfordshire and adjoining counties, had assembled at The Cedars, where they were awaited by working men members of the Institute. The procession started, as merry peals were rung out from the bells of All Saints Church, headed by the working men, succeeded in the following order:- the churchwardens of the parish (Messrs. Page, Gotto, and Pledger); Theodore Harris, Esq., president of the Institute; E. Lawford, Esq., M.D., and Mr. C. B. Sell, vice-presidents; Mr. Alderman Hurst, Mayor of Bedford, preceded by his mace-bearer; Aldermen Dr. Coombs, Carter, and Sergeant, of Bedford; Mr. Alderman Limbrey, Mayor of Dunstable; Aldermen Chesire and Brown, and Councillor Gutteridge, of Dunstable (the corporate bodies appearing in official robes); T. W. Pearce, Esq., and C. S. Benning, Esq., town clerks of Bedford and Dunstable; and the visitors and patrons in carriages and on foot. The Band of the Scots Fusilier Guards had assembled in the vestibule of the Corn Exchange, and, as the working men here divided, and took their places on either side to receive with the Exhibition committee, the Earl and Lady Cowper, the band fell in and led the way, playing a lively selection of music, through the interior of the building to the platform. Arriving here, Earl Cowper, the Mayor of Bedford, The Mayor of Dunstable, Sir Harry Verney, Lord Charles J. F. Russell, S. Whitbread, Esq., M.P., C. Magniac, Esq., Sir Philip Duncombe, Bart., the Marquis of Tavistock, M.P., the Archdeacon of Bedford, Theodore Harris, Esq., and others at once took their seats, while F. Bassett, Esq., W. S. Burton, Esq., the Rev. H. B. Smyth, Philip Duncombe, Esq., and other prominent local gentlemen remained among a whole host of the leading gentry of the neighbourhood. The large circular-fronted platform was draped with crimson carpet, trimmed with gilt moulding, and at the rear stood the magnificent side-board belonging to Messrs. Wells and Co., above which hung Watt's splendid portrait of Miss Hannah de Rothschild. Higher still upon the wall were the words, "The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof," in white letters upon a scarlet ground, the whole being surmounted by the arms of the Duke of Bedford, specially painted for the occasion. Upon the handsome sideboard stood two or three of the late Baron Rothschild's valuable racing trophies and other valuable ornaments. After an overture had been played by the band, the Archdeacon of Bedford, by request of Earl Cowper, opened the proceedings with the prayers commencing "Prevent us, O Lord," and "Oh, God, who hast taught us that all our doings without charity are nothing worth," followed by a special prayer for Divine favour upon the Exhibition, and the Lord's Prayer. The 150th Psalm was then said by the Archdeacon, accompanied by the whole audience, after which the hymn, "O, worship the King all glorious above," was sung to the well-known tune, "Hanover," the choir of working men in the balcony and company being led by Mr. T. J. Price, M.C.O., on the organ.

Theodore Harris, Esq., next, as President of the Working Men's Mutual Improvement Society, presented an address to Earl Cowper, which he read as follows:-

The Address of the Working Men's Mutual Improvement Society, Leighton Buzzard.

My Lord -

The Society which has the honour to address you on the present occasion was formed in the year 1866 by a few working men, who secured the co-operation of three or four honorary members to fill the offices of president, treasurer, and vice-presidents. The committee consisted, and still consists, of ten working men members, and a secretary, also a working man.

We have good reason to believe that the vitality, stability, and progress of our society has been mainly due to the happy alliance and continued combination of the honorary and working men members. The rates of subscription are very low, viz:- 2s. a year for working men, and double that amount for others.

At the end of the first year the society consisted of fifty-six working men and twelve honorary members. It now numbers 170 of the former and ninety-three of the latter. Connected with the society is a valuable library of more than 1,500 volumes of useful and entertaining works in history, biography, travels, philosophy, science, and general literature. The books are well read, and are doubtless making their mark upon the minds of those who peruse them, especially the junior members of the society.

In the autumn of 1867 it was determined to hold an Industrial Exhibition, for the purpose of obtaining funds to enlarge the library, and on New Year's Day 1868, it was opened by Lord Charles Russell, and upwards of 5,000 persons visited the Exhibition during the week it was open, the result being such as to leave a balance in hand of £50, the greater part of which was laid out in the purchase of books.

The main object the society has in view (as its title clearly indicates) is the improvement and elevation of those who are employed in manual labour. This it seeks to accomplish - by its well-chosen library; by elementary classes for reading, writing, and arithmetic; by science classes in connection with South Kensington; by readings, recitations, essays, and discussions, and by a regular course of fortnightly lectures of a good order of merit, though at a very moderate cost.

But it has been foreseen by us for some time past that the very low rates of subscription to which we have referred would be inadequate to provide funds for the extension of our library, lectures, and other resources to meet the growing wants of our members and of those in the town who are disposed to join our society; and it was thought by our committee that if an endowment could be provided whereby an income of from £30 to £50 a year could be permanently secured, we might provide, each season, a course of high class lectures which would benefit the working men at the same time that they would stimulate the disposition on the part of others to join our society. To attain this end (encouraged by the past), the committee, after very careful consideration, determined to undertake another Industrial Exhibition, and in April last year they began to move in the matter, and three months afterwards the first public announcements were made, and a large special committee was formed to carry out the undertaking. The kind consideration with which on every hand their applications were received, and the ready support which was afforded by noblemen, members of Parliament, the resident gentry and others within the district, far exceeded our expectations, and when the time came to launch our venture, there were not wanting willing contributors. Prominent among these must be named our leading patron, His Grace the Duke of Bedford, your Lordship, and the Baroness M. de Rothschild, and her daughter, with many more.

Some have entrusted us with money, some with costly objects for exhibition, some with both. The money has been for the most part placed to the credit of the lecture and library fund, but some contributors have preferred that their donations should be applied towards the expenses of the Exhibition. Your Lordship has come this day to put finishing touch to our long and anxious preparations, and at the same time to lift up the curtain from the preparation and to disclose the performance.

The result of the undertaking is still future, but with thankfulness for the past we look forward to that with hope, and whatever the pecuniary result may be, we shall, we trust, be ever grateful for the cordial help we have received from so many upon whom we had no claim, and beyond all for the tokens which have not been wanting of a kind Providence that has ordered our steps.

We will not occupy more of your Lordship's time, and the time of this distinguished company, except to tender to your Lordship and to Lady Cowper our best thanks for your presence here this day, and we pray that your Lordship and your Lady may be spared to lend the countenance of your distinguished position to many beneficent and useful works.

            THEODORE HARRIS, President.
            EDWD. LAWFORD, Vice President.
            C. B. SELL, Vice President.
            E. W. LEWIS, Treasurer.
            W. ABRAHAM, Secretary.

Earl Cowper, in replying to the address, said that, in his position as Lord Lieutenant of the county it fell to his lot to attend many meetings, but he had never experienced greater pleasure than in coming to Leighton Buzzard. If, however, any might be disposed to think that his present post might have been occupied by a more suitable person, they must blame those who invited him, for it could hardly be expected that he would refuse to come. They all knew the many sterling qualities of the people of Bedfordshire, but he must confess that, notwithstanding this, he had not been quite prepared for the enterprise which had recently be evidenced by the Royal Agricultural Show held at Bedford and now by what he saw at this Exhibition. He thought they should gain credit from combining sterling qualities with enterprise in this conuty [should be "county"]. He was just now reminded of a saying of Lord Melbourness - that a great thing for one man to do was to learn to do one thing well. That was a good maxim, but one other remark of the same noble lord's had also struck him - namely, that he had the greatest respect for one man, because he made the best boots in England. (Laughter). He (Earl Cowper) did not wish to occupy too much time, but, when he looked around the building, he must say that it did the managers of this exhibition great credit to keep their time and be prepared with the great display of objects collected together. He remembered going to the Vienna Exhibition, at the opening of which the Emperor of Austria made a fine speech, at which the Empress (one of the finest of women on the continent) was present, and where they had music such as could not be excelled, but, when he subsequently went around the building, he was disappointed to find literally nothing but boxes and packing cases, the Exhibition in reality not being opened for some six weeks after. They evidently knew how to manage things better in Bedfordshire, and he wished this Exhibition every success (Cheers).

The Band having played another selection, the following ode, for which a prize had been offered by the Exhibition committee, and the composition of Mr. Winter, of the National Schools at Hockliffe, was recited by Mr. E. W. Lewis, honorary secretary to the Exhibition, and treasurer of the Working Men's Institute:-

Awakened by the sun's returning beam
And Nature's vernal charms (too long withheld
In winter's cheerless grasp), rise, muse, and sing!
And, as the cuckoo's voice aloud upbraids
Each lingering wood, for summer that disdains
To don its gay attire, so let thy strain
Rebuke each laggard spirit that assumes
No garb of joy to welcome in this day -
Day in Leightonia's annals ever bright.

These are thy trophies, Industry! around
Are strewn thy well-won spoils! For none of these
Was fell destruction wrought, or ravage made,
To waken keen remorse or gall the soul;
But patient toilers, by the noontide beam,
Or ray of midnight oil, by pleasure led,
Or urged by duty, gave to each its birth;
Save what of plant or flower, of beast or bird
(Whether with man coeval, or enwrapt
Since earth was young in dark oblivion's shade),

Judicious hands have culled from scenes around.
Diverse in form and fabric and bedight
With ever varying colours see displayed
The patient labours of the pleasing fair!
With twining finger or the merry dance,
Of bead-bedizened bobbin, or perchance
With deft machine or homely needle wrought;
Here, marvels view of imitative skill,
In modelling, or sculpture, or by pen,
Or facile pencil cunningly devised;
There, mark with gratitude the bounties due
To persevering patience - and the skill
Of such as till the soil, nor pass those by
Insensate or disdainful where out-spread
Fair childhood's efforts lie! the tender bud
Of youthful promise seeking for the ray
Of warm approval far too oft is nipt
And blighted by the chilling glance of scorn;
Nor let thy soul unduteous grudge the meed
Of justly-earned applause to all whose stores
And valued treasuries of art and taste
Have been despoiled these favoured halls to deck.

Honour to Labour, Intellect, and Wealth,
When each alike shall sedulous enquire
Its duties, not its rights; when each alike
Shall unaggressive seek the general good;
And such I deem the glorious aim of all
Who in this noble venture have embarked,
Or by their presence grace this happy scene.
'Tis theirs with toils of mutual trust to bind
The rich and poor, the learned and unschooled,
The wealth that owns, the wisdom that contrives
The toil that perfects wonders such as these.

Long may Leightonia flourish, rich in sons
Of sterling sense no less than sturdy strength,
In daughters fair and prudent, matrons wise,
And hoary sages.-

And in years to come
When age to infancy shall bidden tell
Its tales of yore, may this suspicious day
Be oft recalled, rekindling youthful fire
In Age's deep-sunk eye, and urging forth
The grave resolve in childhood's wayward breast,
To do and dare what may be dared and done
For Britain's welfare and the world's advance.

The recitation was received with warm applause.

The Mayor of Bedford, on rising, said it would not be for him, in the presence of the distinguished gentlemen who were to follow him, to address the audience at great length upon the subject of this glorious exhibition. It was now twenty-four years since the late Prince Consort inaugurated the first of these exhibitions, the example of which had stimulated industry, and which had been followed by many similar undertakings of varying excellence in America, on the Continent, and in England. It was gratifying to find that the example had been followed by the people of Bedfordshire, and he congratulated the people of Leighton that they too had pursued the same course. These exhibitions were calculated to expand the mind and to stimulate ingenuity and to promote industry. Men who lived before their introduction too often lost the sweetness of their ingenuity in the desert air, for very few could bring it before the world to be known to the world. Here, however, a man of merit had an opportunity of displaying that merit, and not he alone, but the public generally were benefitted by it, and especially the working man. By competition and examination the artisan was enabled to improve, while the public generally had also the benefit of that improvement. The various products and exhibits were set forth for admiration and to cultivate and improve taste. He remembered when art was supposed to consist of such productions as illustrating David and Goliath in gaudy colours or a picture of some one feeding swine in a scarlet jacket. As an instance of artistic merit lost to sight in times gone by the speaker referred to the ancient scroll work upon the doors of Leighton Church, and with reference to unsightly workmanship he mentioned Lidlington Church, where some ill-designed work had recently been removed. He would encourage the education of taste that such monstrosities as in the latter case should not occur again, and congratulating the Leightonians upon this Exhibition, felt certain that it would be a great success.

Sir Harry Verney looked upon this as a charming meeting, but hoped it would be made more than a social gathering. He believed such exhibitions to be calculated to elevate the working classes, and to be of great use in teaching the artisan in beautiful form and colour. He was most valued who could show excellence of work and do the greatest amount in the shortest space of time. Mr. Brassey, the great railway engineer, had once said that an English navvy could do twice and a half as much work as a Frenchman; but he thought it was now no longer the case that we were so far above the rest of the world as we once stood, through [should be "though"] that was no reason why we should be discouraged or stand still. He admitted that in manufactures English quality had to some extent gone down, both in reference to themselves and relatively to those of other countries. Some years ago he remembered that in Chili the goods from Manchester and Liverpool were held in such preference that they were bought before they were despatched from this country, but he feared that we no longer held such a character for superiority as some fifty years ago. We had sunk more to the level of other countries - or other countries, at least, had run us hard. This rivalry should not, however, cause discouragement but stimulation. Although the productions of other countries were perhaps not so good in mechanism, they were superior in form, colour, and arrangement, and Indian and other manufactures were quite marvellous to us. Even savage nations often produced very beautiful articles, and artisans could not do better than study the products of Eastern countries with a view to improvement in the matters alluded to. He hoped he should offend none, but felt that this meeting should not be merely enjoyable but beneficial. They could not be too thankful that the Prince Consort had established these Exhibitions, for he knew of no institution more beneficial to the industrial classes than that at South Kensington. The present exhibition reflected great credit upon all concerned, and he trusted it might be brought to a successful issue.

The Marquis of Tavistock, M.P., expressed the pleasure with which he had accepted the invitation to be present on the occasion, and his belief in the good results of such exhibitions. He was sure that, with such men as Mr. Harris in the undertaking, it was sure to be well managed. He could not add to what the previous speakers had said, but wished the Exhibition every success.

Mr. S. Whitbread, M.P., observed that those who had preceded him had, unfortunately for him, already said what he himself might have done, and he would not repeat it for fear of spoiling effect. He congratulated the promoters of this Exhibition - one of which Bedfordshire might be proud. Such undertakings were of value to all classes in this age of fierce competition and eager struggling for a livelihood. It was too often the case that the most beautiful productions were disregarded for those which at the least cost brought in the greatest returns. He hoped the Exhibition would be so appreciated that it might be loved as a creature of the hand and brain, and that if working men could be encouraged, and that love instilled into their hearts, such love would not be in vain.

Lord Charles Russell thought there could be no way of expressing approval of such an Exhibition as this more suitable than that which had been selected - namely, by praise and prayer. The undertaking rested on a religious basis, and on the Divine commandment to love one another. In speaking of colour, Sir Harry Verney, he thought, looked somewhat animated when he glanced towards a certain avenue. (Laughter.) Talk of colour - what could beat an English complexion? With regard to the address, he thought the right nail had been hit on the head when it was presented to the chairman. That was a simple transaction, advantageous to both sides; but coming to the bulk of the exhibitors, all honour was due to those who taught the mind and cultivated taste. An old adage said that "a thing of beauty was a joy for ever," but that depended upon the use to which it was put. He considered - in the absence of Romish clergy - that one joy of life was a wife. (Laughter). If any object of beauty, however, became associated with those who did not appreciate it, no good resulted, but if it were intended for mutual benefit, then it became doubly beautiful, and returned with double treasure to the rightful owner.

The Archdeacon of Bedford, in the course of a few closing remarks, said that if one deep thought lay at the bottom of exhibitions such as this, it should be that they were calculated to lead to eternal beauty above. If they came there to look upon the various works of art simply as their own brain productions, they would go wrong; they should rather praise God that He had given the brain to produce such works of beauty. They had heard the objects of the Exhibition, and, in accepting the principles upon which it had been founded, they must also appreciate the co-operation of the noble lord who occupied the chair and all those who had manifested such interest in the welfare and advancement of those whom it was specially intended to benefit. After paying a tribute to the interest of Lord Chas. Russell, the Archdeacon proposed a vote of thanks to Earl Cowper for presiding at the opening ceremony of this Exhibition.

F. Bassett, Esq., having seconded the motion, and Earl Cowper having briefly responded, the Doxology was sung, and his Lordship formally declared the Exhibition open. The Band again struck up, and the company proceeded to view the Exhibition.


At two o'clock a public luncheon took place at the Assembly Room of the Swan Hotel, at which Lord Chas. Russell presided; Mr. Geo. Franklin, of Leighton, occupying the vice-chair. There were 100 guests, including the following ladies and gentlemen:- Earl and Countess Cowper, the Mayor of Bedford, Lord Tavistock, M.P., the Mayor of Dunstable, the Ven. Archdeacon of Bedford, S. Whitbread, Esq., M.P., and Mrs. Whitbread, Sir Philip and Lady Duncombe, F. Bassett, Esq., Capt. Polhill Turner, M.P., Theodore Harris, Esq., Miss Harris, Frederick Bassett, Esq., the Misses Bassett, Dr. Coombes, Alderman Carter, Dr. and Mrs. Lawford, the Misses Lawford, J. Tindal, Esq., Mrs. and Miss Tindal, C. Magniac, Esq., and Mrs. Magniac, Aldermen Brown, Cheshire and Gutteridge, C. S. Benning, Esq., Theed W. Pearce, Esq., Alderman Sergeant, the Rev. T. W. and Mrs. Richards, W. S. Burton, Esq., Miss Burton, the Rev. H. B. Smyth, Mayor Warner, A. P. Welch, Esq., and Miss Welch, Mr. C. Claridge, Mrs. Claridge (Eggington), Major and Mrs. Jary, Mr. and Mrs. G. Taylor, the Rev. P. T. Ouvry and Miss
Ouvry, Miss Taylor, the Rev. E. Bradshaw, Mr. H. Pettit, Mr. F. Pledger, Miss Young, Mr. and Mrs. Hadley, Mr. Gotto, Mr. Matthew Mead, R. Foster, Esq., Mr. and Mrs. John White, Mr. Richmond, Miss Flint, Miss E. Flint, Mr. Sell, Mr. Burrell, Mr. Bartlett, Miss Hardy, the Rev. W. D. Elliston, Mr. Taverner, Mr. Vallentine, Mr. R. G. Ashdown, Mr. Gillions, Mr. L. Ashdown, Mr. Markham, Geo. Wells, Esq., F. Butler, Esq., &c., &c.

The Band of the Scots Fusilier Guards were stationed in the balcony, and played a selection of music during the luncheon.

The Rev. T. W. Richards, M.A., having said grace, the company sat down. The menu was as follows:-

Salmon and Béchamel Sauce.
Fillets of Sole à la Royale.
Petits Pàtés à la Reine.
Mayonaise de Homard.
Roast Chickens. Hams.
Ducklings. Roast Beef.
Gelantine of Veal.
Roast Lamb. Pressed Beef.
Boiled Chickens. Tongues.
Pigeon Pies. Veal and Ham Pies.
Calf's-feet Jelly. Punch Jelly.
Coffee Creams. Babas.
Charlotte Bohémien.

The luncheon was served up in the usual able and elegant style for which the Swan hostelry is remarkable, and the wines were, of course, of the very finest quality.

Lord Chas Russell at the conclusion of the luncheon, proposed the toast of "The Queen," which was loyally and warmly responded to, and the Band played the National Anthem.

The Chairman next gave "The Prince and Princess of Wales and rest of the Royal Family," and the toast having been duly honoured, "God Bless the Prince of Wales" was played by the band.

The next toast was "Earl Cowper, Mr. Whitbread, and others," to which Earl Cowper briefly responded.

The Chairman then gave the "Health of Mr. Harris," which was received with cheering. His Lordship, in referring briefly to Mr. Harris's connection with the Exhibition and with the recently established Biblical Library, humorously spoke of him as "a great power within a little compass."

Mr. Harris, in responding, returned thanks for the honour unexpectedly conferred upon him, expressed his delight at seeing such a distinguished company present on this occasion, and after observing that a slight variation had been made in the programme of these proceedings, inasmuch as a promised financial statement which was to have been prepared, and a certain mysterious card which was to have been handed round had been entirely forgotten, recapitulated the assistance which the Exhibition had received from the Baroness Rothschild and other members of that noble family, Earl Cowper, and others, the substance of which we have already given in our introductory columns. In concluding, he said he should be glad to see the lecture endowment fund raised in such a way as to interest the whole town, because he did not think it right that any one section should put forth such an effort individually. There should be a unity of action and purpose among all.

The health of Lady Cowper was responded to by the Marquis of Tavistock.

The Vice-chairman proposed the health of Lord Charles Russell, and spoke of his ever readiness to come to Leighton to assist in any good local work.

His Lordship, in replying, said he had no doubt the Leighton people had thought that a great kindness had been done to him by offering him the chair on the present occasion, but they had perhaps forgotten that for twenty-seven years, as Serjeant-at-Arms, he had done little else but sit chair in the House of Commons (laughter), but no amount of practice there would make perfect, as his mouth had been as it were hermetically sealed during the whole of that time. He might now compare himself to a tailor resting himself. (Renewed laughter.)

The Chairman, in conclusion proposed "The Health of Mr. Lewis," and believed Mr. Harris would say that, had it not been for his assistance and zeal, he would never have been able to bring the Exhibition to what it now was.

Mr. Gillions, of Bedford (in absence of Mr. Lewis), responded to the toast. He said he had, in a humble way, been connected with the Exhibition, so far as the neighbourhood of Bedford was concerned, and knew that Mr. Lewis had worked more like a horse than a man in promoting the object and attending to its affairs generally. It was really hard work in the Exhibition at the present moment which kept him from this room. He was quite sure that when Mr. Lewis heard of the kind manner in which his Lordship had spoken of him he would feel very grateful.

The company then dispersed.

At five o'clock the Exhibition, which had been temporarily closed after the opening ceremony, was re-opened and during the evening it was visited by a large number of persons, especially during the time of the promenade concert given by the Scots Fusilier Guards' Band.

(For remainder of Exhibition News, see Page 4).
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